Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

After visiting the Flower Honor Manor to get information about the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulins movements, Baek Mu-Gun returned to the Baek Sword Sect with Baek Mu-Ok. They then immediately met up with Baek Cheon-Sang and informed him that the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin were gathering at the Fury Tiger Stronghold.

Cheon-Sang couldnt help but be surprised by the combat forces that the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin had mobilized.

So many martial arts masters are making a move?

Theyre probably trying to make their strength clear to everyone to make sure nobody messes with them again.

Afterward, Mu-Gun explained that the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin could target the other members of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, then expressed that they should consider joining hands and fighting alongside the entire Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

As you said, its not a bad idea to take this opportunity to show the great cause and unity that the Zhejiang Martial Alliance is striving for. That assumes the other clans will cooperate with us, though.

Theres certainly a chance that they would refuse to make a move if they find out about the forces that the enemies have deployed. However, disclosing that the Four Peerless Wanderers have joined us should change their mind.

Shouldnt we get permission from them first?

You dont have to worry about that. The Four Peerless Wanderers will be the first to step up if the Baek Sword Sect is under threat.

Drinking all night with and befriending the venerable elders seems to have allowed you to get to know them quite well.

You should spare some time to have a drink with the venerable elders too, Father.

I definitely should.

But didnt you say we should keep the venerable elders existence in our sect a secret for as long as possible? Mu-Ok asked.

I did, but this situation doesnt leave us with much of a choice.

Mu-Ok nodded in agreement. Mu-Gun was right. Fending off their enemies right now was of the utmost importance.

In that case, please explain the situation to the venerable elders and request their assistance, Mu-Gun. I will inform the Zhejiang Martial Alliance about the current situation and request their help in fighting Lulins forces.

Understood. We should order the Baek Sword Corps to prepare for battle as well so they can be mobilized at a moments notice.

I already plan to summon the White Dragon Squad Leader and give him my orders.

Noted. Ill meet the venerable elders now, then.


Mu-Gun left Cheon-Sangs office and immediately headed to the Four Peerless Wanderers residence, finding all four of them engrossed in their martial arts training, which they had neglected while living in seclusion. Although that didnt mean they hadnt done any martial arts training at all since then, they werent as enthusiastic as they used to be when they were still playing an active role in murim. Hence, they couldnt help but lose their touch to a certain extent.

In fact, Thunderous Wind Palm Han Baek had already shown the effects of that. He could have easily stopped the Heavenly Killer Sects first surprise attack. However, having lost his touch from his prime while living in seclusion, he faced a dangerous situation instead. The other three werent much different.

Having returned to the world of murim as venerable elders of the Baek Sword Sect, they now had to keep themselves in peak condition. To do that, the Four Peerless Wanderers put passion into their martial arts training again.

Mu-Gun, who was feeling pleased by their enthusiasm for training their martial arts, gathered them.

Why did you make us stop training and gather us here? Did something happen? Han Baek grumbled.

I apologize for doing this as soon as you joined the Baek Sword Sect, but I think we need your help.

Whats going on? Jin Yoo-Sung asked.

Mu-Gun talked about the situation with the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin. He also informed them that the Nine Celestial Demons Sect could be the mastermind behind them.

And here I thought it was a big problem. If thats the case, its only natural for us to join the battle. Thats the whole reason we decided to stand with you in the first place, Yang Cheol-Gon said, implying that Mu-Gun didnt have to feel apologetic for something like that.

The other three also nodded, almost as if they felt the same way.

I just think were already making you do too much right after you joined us. We even said that we would treat you as venerable elders.

We joined the Baek Sword Sect so we can fight by your side in all of your battles. That wont ever change, so theres nothing for you to be sorry about at all, Yoo-Sung replied, sounding serious.

They all felt the same way. Mu-Gun realized how much the Four Peerless Wanderers thought of him. For some reason, it really touched his heart.

Thank you.

Stop acting like were strangers. When are we leaving?

Tomorrow at the latest.

At the very least, they had to get to Hangzhou before the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin could gather all their mobilized forces at the Fury Tiger Stronghold. They would have to depart tomorrow to make that happen.

Alright. We will prepare accordingly, so dont worry about us and just do what you have to do.

The thought of going to Hangzhou is making my mouth water already. Cheol-Gon smacked his lips as he recalled Hangzhous delicacies.

Hangzhou was one of the places in the Central Plains that were famous for their delicious food. Cheol-Gon, a self-proclaimed gourmet, was thrilled to go to Hangzhou, which was renowned as a food heaven.

If anyone could hear you, they would probably think were going to Hangzhou to have fun, Hwang Rei told him off.

The likes of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin arent that big of a deal. Everything will work out just fine if we deal with them quickly, Cheol-Gon responded as if it was a trivial matter.

You have a point. Im also really looking forward to it, to be honest. Hangzhou probably has Central Plains famous liquors all over it.

Hangzhou was a city known for having the aroma of wine lingering in its air and the many fine liquors of Central Plains filling its streets. It was the best city for Han Baek, who was crazy about alcohol. Mu-Gun shook his head, unable to stop Cheol-Gon and Han Baek from drooling about food and alcohol while paying no heed to their incoming battle against Lulins forces. He did not worry about it too much, though. He knew very well that they would definitely work their worth even if they spoke like that.

The Baek Sword Sect sent a carrier pigeon to the Ten Clans of Zhejiang, then selected the members who would be participating in the battle against the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin. Three of the five great squad leaders, namely Baek Cheon-Gi, Baek Soo-Kwang, and Baek Jin-Won would act as commanders. They selected one hundred of the Baek Sword Corps strongest members. The six men who followed Mu-Gun were not among them, however, since they were tasked to act as Mu-Guns guards in this battle.

In addition, Jeong Ho-Gun and Jo Won-Yee, who were both staying at the Baek Sword Sect, decided to move with them. The next morning, the Baek Sword Sects warriors took a ship to Hangzhou from Wenzhou Harbour. At the same time, the Baek Sword Sects carrier pigeons reached the Ten Clans of Zhejiang. Learning about the forces mobilized by the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin flustered them.

What was even more surprising, however, was that the letter stated the Baek Sword Sect had managed to recruit the Four Peerless Wanderers into their ranks and that they would join the fight against the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin. The Four Peerless Wanderers were a group of heroes who participated in the war against the Hell-Blood Demon Sect. Back then, they were already at the Upper Peak Realm. Considering thirty years had passed, it was highly likely that their martial arts had reached greater heights.

If they had reached the Absolute Realm, then it would mean that the Baek Sword Sect now had five Absolute Realm masters within their ranks, including Baek Cheon-Sang. That alone made the Baek Sword Sect comparable to the Seven Great Families.

The leaders of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang could not help but admit that the Baek Sword Sect had reached a different level compared to them and felt they had no choice but to recognize the Baek Sword Sect as the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader. For that reason, they decided to accept the Baek Sword Sects request to fight against the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin in the name of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Of course, they only managed to reach that decision because they were confident that they would not lose against the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin. After all, the Four Peerless Wanderers were also participating in the battle. The rest of the Zhejiang Martial Alliances clans had also dispatched their forces to Hangzhou to support the Baek Sword Sects cause.

Although they arrived at different times due to their locations, all of the Ten Clans of Zhejiangs forces reached Hangzhou in no more than ten days. The news that the Zhejiang Martial Alliances forces had gathered in Hangzhou also reached the ears of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Lulin, which gathered in the Fury Tiger Stronghold of Mount Tianmu.

The Zhejiang Martial Alliance gathered their forces in Hangzhou? Lee Ja-Gyung, the Lulin Battle King, asked.

Thats right. the Zhejiang Martial Alliances intelligence network is surprisingly good, considering they responded so quickly, the Fury Tiger Stronghold Chief, Fury Tiger Fist Jeon Ho-Ik replied.

If they really did have a good intelligence network, would they have even dared challenge us? They never wouldve even thought of retaliating against us if they had found out that four of us and the Battle King are joining this battle, The Black Bear Claw Kang Mu said with a snort.

There are rumors stating that the Baek Sword Sect patriarch and even their young patriarch are Absolute-realm masters. Perhaps they decided to partake in this battle because they have faith in those two, no? Flying Dragon Fighter Ho Cheol-San responded.

I doubt it. Baek Sword Sects patriarch probably didnt come to Hangzhou. Ho-Ik shook his head.

Do they really not know that the Lulin Battle King is moving with us, then?

Even so, I think theyre confronting us too confidently. They probably have something else up their sleeves.

Im not so sure about that. I doubt the Zhejiang Martial Alliance is hiding anything like that. Kang Mu, the Black Bear Claw, belittled the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

I dont think we should make light of this matter, Ma Yong-Seong, the middle-aged man sitting in one corner, intervened.

Although he wasnt from Lulin, the Lulin Battle King personally brought him over. After all, he was one of the Seven Blood-Crazed Tyrantsthe Blood-Crazed Clans martial arts masters who were on the level of Demonic Monarchs. The Twelve Commanders of Lulin did not know his true identity.

Do you perhaps know something we dont? Lee Ja-Gyung, the Lulin Battle King, asked.

It didnt spread across murim, but the Baek Sword Sects patriarch and his party had once been ambushed by two Absolute Realm masters and four Upper Peak Realm masters ambushed amid their travels. The attackers got wiped out, which should have been impossible to do with the power of the Baek Sword Sect alone. Taking that into consideration, an unidentified martial arts master likely made a move. Wont that same master join them again this time?

If they do, are our forces strong enough to fend them off? Ja-Gyung expressed his concerns.

Even with Yong-Seong and the other martial arts masters joining him, and despite having more Upper Peak Realm masters than when the Baek Sword Sect wiped them out, their forces still werent that superior.

If the martial arts master who supported the Baek Sword Sect back then joined this battle, it could pose a threat to them even with their current army.

Its certainly hard to feel at ease. We should prioritize getting an accurate grasp on the Zhejiang Martial Alliances combat forces first.

The Zhejiang Martial Alliance could try to attack us before we can do that. What should we do then?

If we spread rumors and exaggerate the number of forces we have here, they will likely find it difficult to take the initiative.

Doing that will make them try to grasp the number of our forces too, which is what you want, right? That would give us the room to gauge them out, after all.

Thats correct.josei

Thats a good idea. How much should we exaggerate our forces?

Saying two of the Three Kings of Lulin and eight of the Twelve Commanders of Lulin had been mobilized should be enough. If the Zhejiang Martial Alliance makes a move even after hearing that, that would mean they definitely have a master they rely on. If that time ever comes, we have to boldly step down.

Completely agreeing with Yong-Seong, Ja-Gyung ordered the four Commanders of Lulin to leak information regarding Lulins forces to the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. However, the four Commanders of Lulin did not like the fact that Yong-Seong, someone whom they did not know, could decide on the matters regarding Lulin.

However, the aura that Yong-Seong was unknowingly exuding was so strong that even Ja-Gyung, the Lulin Battle King, could not thoughtlessly deal with him. The four Commanders of Lulin dared not reveal their inner thoughts when they noticed that. As instructed by Ja-Gyung, the four Commanders of Lulin overstated the forces that Lulin had mobilized and leaked that information to the Zhejiang Martial Alliance. At the same time, they put all their efforts into gauging the exact power of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

* * *

The information leaked from Lulin soon reached the Zhejiang Martial Alliances ears and was soon delivered to Mu-Gun. If not for the Heavenly Secret Halls information, there was a chance he would have believed it. However, Mu-Gun believed in the Heavenly Secret Halls information, so he doubted it instead. The details of the information obtained by the Zhejiang Martial Alliance were too unnatural in the first place.

Mu-Gun judged that Lulin intentionally leaked the information to the Zhejiang Martial Alliance, but that begged the question of why. Did Lulin overstate their power simply in hopes that the Zhejiang Martial Alliance would be afraid of Lulins power and step down?

Lulin couldnt be so simple-minded. Mu-Gun thought that they likely lied about their strength and leaked it to sound out the Zhejiang Martial Alliances power. The fact that the Zhejiang Martial Alliance was willing to fight an all-out war against Lulin instead of backing down probably bothered them. Hence, to gauge the Zhejiang Martial Alliances power, they deliberately inflated the number of their forces. If the Zhejiang Martial Alliance still did not back down or instead even went on the offensive after learning about their opponents exaggerated numbers, that would show that their mobilized forces were at least greater than that.

If Mu-Guns hypothesis proved right, there was a high possibility that Lulin would back down without a fight if the Zhejiang Martial Alliance did not retreat or instead launched an attack. He did not want that to happen. Mu-Gun intended to put a definite end to Lulins forces that were gathered at the Fury Tiger Stronghold now. To do that, the Zhejiang Martial Alliances forces had to avoid intimidating their opponents and make them retreat.

Mu-Gun decided to use the information leaked by Lulin to his advantage. He planned to make it look as if the Zhejiang Martial Alliance was frightened by ordering the Ten Clans of Zhejiangs forces gathered in Hangzhou to return home. Doing that would make Lulin think that the Zhejiang Martial Alliance ran away out of fear of their power.

Mu-Gun called in the patriarchs of the Ten Clans of Zhejiang to discuss this matter. Soon after, it was decided that all the other clans except for the Byeok Sword Manor and the Clear Sun Sect would return to their respective homes.

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