Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 229 229

Chapter 229 229: The 10th Wave IV


Cole came out of the wall like some avenging angel, [Black Malakai] sinking into the boss's chest all the way to the hilt. The Boss screamed as Cole stood on his body, activating [Sin Eater] and [Sin Reaper] at the same time, just before they both hit the ground with a loud boom. Cole could feel the Baneling Boss's body break under his own weight as he pulled [Black Malakai] out and finally drained the last of his energy, vitality and as an added bonus… soul.

[Sin Eater and Sin Reaper Has Been Used! +2133 To Dexterity, +844 to Perception, +4844 to Energy, +1 soul]

The armor on the body of the Baneling Boss peeled away to show a desiccated and dried up zombie. Cole on the other hand just cracked his neck from side to side then stepped back, evading the whip that sliced at the area where his neck was moments ago. He used [Shadow Dance] to give himself a little bit of distance as the female Boss knelt besides the destroyed and very dead body of the Baneling Boss that had been before Cole just a few moments ago. She sobbed, and undead or not it was a heartbreaking sight, if Cole could be bothered to even give a shit about it.

[Wrath Drive] was still active and working at it's full capacity, it would take much more than his enemy sobbing to make him feel anything. But never the less hatred burned within the red orbs of the second Baneling boss. She wiped her eyes which strangely enough was crying blood as she glared at Cole and held her whip with both hands. Cole took the opportunity to observe more closely.

Just like the first boss she was dressed like some final fantasy last boss. The armor around her was bulky and the helmet she had on was open at the back to let her white hair flow freely. She was taller than the boss though, which meant she had at least two feet on top of Cole's almost 6 foot 7. He has been growing taller from the short child like Raen Spawn he had been, he had even forgotten to track his height Somewhere along the line. But this lady was massive, Cole would probably say she reminded of what an Amazon is supposed to look like, 9 foot tall, lean but still packed with muscle….. oh shit!

"Are you wonder woman? Did I just kill Superman?" her response to his question was to scream in anger and teleport above him, slashing her whip down towards him. Cole fired off a [Black Cut] the grey energy crescent flying off his sword to meet her while halfway as Cole himself used [Shadow Dance] to teleport above her, using the shadows reflected off an abandoned watch tower. He blasted off towards her, using [Gravity] to propel himself towards the Baneling Boss.

But her perception was just as good as he's , as she turned around and flicked her whip in his direction, the entire whip flashed red as danger signs began to go off in his vision. Cole quickly used [Spectral Rover] then used [Gravity] to shoot himself into the air as time resumed. She followed but Cole was ready as he pulled out [Blue Obsidian] and fired off an [Obsidian Shot] charged with a [Chaos Bullet].

She teleported higher into the sky, landing on the back of one of the Baneling birds and calling down a sky of red lightning down on Cole. He absolutely did not expect that, and the red lightning was giving him danger vibes just like the red clad whip had. But Cole utilized his [Gravity] to propel himself through the sky at insane speeds, curving, diving and evading every strike she was throwing his way, as he tried to get close to her. But she was smart, she knew that Cole's advantage and her defeat would come if he was able to get close to her and use the same ability he had used to bring down the first boss of the 10th wave.

She was careful and it was pissing Cole off. Plus now she had all of the birds converging on him to attack, and loathe as he was to admit it, [Black Malakai] was not enough to get the job done. He sheathed the sword and summoned out the Spear of life and Green, with a roar and massive influx of energy into the weapon bye used on of it's skill, to devastating effect. Cole didn't use the skill as he so much roared it out when he saw the battalion of flying Banelings heading his way, with their eerie sound wave attacks.


They were not on the ground, so the moment he had used it, Cole had been worried that perhaps it would not have any effect. But to his great shock a beam of green light shot out of the tip of the spear, landing right in the middle of the approaching battalion before explosion as massive thorn roots spread out , stabbing into the bodies of the birds, drinking their blood, then growing in size to stab into the next and into the next and into the next until one massive root system was made in the air above the barrier, and then soon enough hundreds of aerial Banelings now bound together by roots, and very much dead, began to fall to the ground like an atomic bomb.

But there was more of them where they came from, and they all still came for him. Cole growled as he moved the spear to his left hand and pulled out [Black Malakai ] again. From there he used 3 energy points to summon hundreds of not thousands of [Chaos Blast] that began to revolve around him, like an army of reddish black fireflies, an autonomous defense system that was all his own.

"Arghhhhhh! I'll kill you! Kill him!" the second boss was beyond reasoning by this point as she led everything in her assault against Cole. She was determined that no matter what, she would bring an end to his life right this moment no matter what it would cost her as revenge for her beloved, and the sky was to be their battlefield. Red lightning flashed in the background as Cole created a disk of [Gravity] to stand on, then created about a dozen plate sized [Gravity] disks, reinforcing them with his energy to also serve as his defense, and all of this still was putting a lot of strain on his mental fortitude. Cole knew he was going to win this fight, but he wanted much more than just to win, he wanted the power to do again, against any other opponent should the situation call for it….. unfortunately for the revenge driven Baneling, she was going to be his sparring partner.

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