Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 277 277

Chapter 277 277: Part 1: Gold Rank I

The change in power was palpable, Cole could feel energy course through in a very different manner than it has ever done before. The milestones of power, Gold rank, level 100 and so on. They were qualitative increases in strength, one that could be considered ridiculous. You did not get twice as strong of three times as strong. From the silver rank to the gold rank, your stats, your skills everything becomes ten times more powerful. And each step in the rank would add an additional 1000% increase in strength making the distinctions In ranks between the Gold ranks very important.


By this point it would be almost impossible for a person with all five stats in gold rank I to beat a person with half or even just two of his stats at Gold Rank II. It was the difference between heaven and earth for the two people. There was now a sort of synergy/connection with his Auxiliaries, Cole's senses were pushed to a whole other level as he could perceive and see things of multiple levels of detail. He could attribute a color to emotions, he could see the single most grain of sand on the ground and even go deeper to see the bonds and strands of energy holding the very fabric of reality together, and peering a little deeper he could see past the seams of reality to grey and white dimension below.

Cole jerked his head back, a sharp lancing through his skull as he was almost brought to the ground. Blood poured from his eyes as his now Gold Rank [Demonic Constitution] worked over time to heal the damage he had just gained and reinforced his body to be stronger and more resilient against that sort of damage. Cole shuddered as he dragged his awareness back and closer into his body, then in a move that completely shocked himself, he jumped out…..straight out of his own body.

Or maybe swaying he jumped out of his body was too massive of a statement. The [Astral Projection] Auxiliary of his soul stat has never been able to see much use now. There was a mental projection of himself that he could see and could look right back at him. Or it would be better to say that he was in two places at the same time, staring back at himself. The double vision was disorienting as Cole stumbled to the side again, not at all used to his new level of power. Cole could effectively be able to attack two people or rather he would he two people at the same time. It was amazing, and he could not wait to test the limits of this new ability.

He took a step forwards and he almost seemed to float in the air, [Gravity] was so much more powerful now, it exuded out of his own body. Basically speaking Cole was generating his own gravitational field unconsciously, it was not exactly large but this was showing the same power the moon, asteroids, other planets and even the sun itself had on reality and earth. Cole could not imagine just how powerful the skill would be at Diamond Rank, or any of the higher ranks that Bob had mentioned. He couldn't wait to grow and become as powerful as possible.

One of the biggest change that came was the way Cole interacted with energy. Every breath he took in, those more sensitive to energy would be able to see a stream of it rushing into his body, and coming out again having dragged out all of the impurities that was within Cole's body. It was like cultivation or something, which was saying something as Cole had played many cultivation games before but this level of feeling was not something that could have been mustered...but then again this was reality.

Cole stepped out of his now ruined room, though he did that by floating up into the sky and out through the hole in the roof that he had blasted during his ascension to gold rank. There was a vibration in the air, a faint symphony of power in reality, Cole could not hear it fully, but he was tuned to it. The sun shone onto his body as the wind blew and he closed his eyes for a second, savoring the power up as all of his denizens looked up at him, then the wind seemed to change its tune, and as it did, so too did Cole.


Cole's body blasted into the sky in the next second, breaking the sound barrier multiple times as Cole pushed the very limits of [Gravity] and from what he could feel, he was nowhere close to figuring out those limits. The wind rushed through his head as he left a literal jet stream behind himself as he moved through the air. He was moving so fast by utilizing the [Gravitational Field] being generated by his body, that the friction from his movement was setting the literal air on fire.

But still this was not his limit, Cole spun, twisting his body as he shot straight up into the air, his body leaving twirling trails of flames in their wake as he came to a sudden stop amongst a bed of clouds, creating a shockwave that blasted them all apart, giving Cole a full view of the valley below. It was in the shape of Hex, but at the same time there were certain landmarks that divided it and made it look like a hex too. And beyond that was another Hex right besides theirs, just as verdant, but Cole furrowed his eyebrows.

To the north, about two major hexes away, which were territories the size of the valley. Cole could see a hex that was blackened, as he watched it by the seconds the blackness seemed to be spread, coming further south in their direction. But it was not just south, it was spreading in other cardinal directions, turning everything into the same blackness. It made no sense to Cole, and he wanted to investigate, because if he had to be honest that looked like a threat, and one that might come knock on his door some time soon in the future, he had to be ready.

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