Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 282 282

Chapter 282 282: Part 1: Territory Defense III

Cole was not so enamored by his improved power, there was more to be dealt with. More mountains to climb and he was still just a weakling in comparison to what humanity would be going up against. But be that as it may, he was a fighter at heart and designed in such a way that he could face off against tougher and impossible odds. Cole was the David to every Goliath the universe has in existence, the tiny virus that can destroy and immune system. He would survive, and he would thrive and he would win.

Cole ignored the literal hundreds of darklings he found hidden and roaming the Glade as he made his way directly for the Glade. He broke through the barrier protecting it with a loud boom as he came to a stop in the air. Where he stood he found Cassandra and Razor fighting with Raven Nightmoon whilst trying to defend the central pillar of the Glade. The other members of the council were dead on the ground, their bodies laid bare for all to see, it was obvious that they were gone from both this world and theirs, Cole growled.

But Raven was not alone in this attack, there were two very powerful darklings with him, and a Denizen dressed in robes that were a deep scarlet. The person, a woman from her shape held on to an orb of blood that floated above her hands. The blood orb seemed to have been harvested from the people that had been killed as from where he was standing, Cole could feel the souls that were within the orb, and he could not just feel them, he could see them and he could hear them…. Wailing , all of them in torment, he could not help getting angry as the black and red lightning from his mastery of Chaos started sparking off his body.

His arrival had put a stop to the attacks, he could see the look of fear on Raven's face as the guy quickly moved a step to hide behind the person in the red robes. The two darklings looking very much like humans, but having darkling characteristics in their eyes. Which was sickly looking dark blue and black with silvery lines or veins, they had quite the freaky look if Cole had to be honest, but these ones could blend in better than any other. Whoever saw them would say these guys were just another race and not think too much about their darkling origin, but Cole could feel that it was much more than that.

"You took more time than I thought to get here, but at the same time I did not think you would have even been able to see through my little ruse. But still you did, you must have a really good nose which shouldn't be a surprise for the dog that you are, or perhaps you just have a perception stat? Well that would be interesting to face, the perception stat is rare and only shows up once every thousand people, you will be a worthy opponent for my Lord." The woman wearing the red robes said as she turned to look at Cole.

Cole almost screamed out in shock, but even then it was still impossible to hide to look of shock and revulsion that had showed up. This woman was half a corpse with one half of her body rotting and the other being a picture of pristine beauty. It freaked him out to see her dentures exposed from a cheek that had been ripped into, and he could even see her rotting throat moving as she looked at him and breathed. She was ripped right out of a scene of the Evil Dead…..or the Walking Dead, a horror movie come to life.

"I'm only going to say this once, get the fuck out of my Glade." Cole could feel the strength of this woman, and in no uncertain terms was he admitting this to himself…. She was a lot stronger than he was. So much so that the force he could feel from that Orb of blood she had hovering over her palm, was actively trying to drag him down from his place in the air and to the ground. But even if she was more powerful that knowledge was having the opposite effect on Cole though, his blood was boiling as he seemed to be itching for a fight, which was why what happened next surprised him.

"Of course Master Cole….. we have not come here to fight….at least not today. We're just here to prove a point and deliver my master's message to you. You recent foray into swallowing up lands he's had his eye on for quite some time has left him feeling very cross, so he sent us here to give you and your people a little….'welcoming gift' as a show of Goodwill we will even leave now and leave this traitor of yours behind so that he can be aptly punished." The woman said to him with garish smile on her hideous face.

"Just so we're clear, I know how powerful you are Master Cole, I know I am fundamentally more powerful than you, but I also know should you choose to take this fight seriously you will kill me. However consider that should we start fighting I will unleash the moles I had planted in your territory days ago and let them cause as much havoc as possible, while the rest of the darklings swallow up and kill the stragglers outside of it. But beyond that is this mother and child, there's a reason why they're still alive, we know they're yours. Stop us from leaving and I promise they'll die before you can even so much as bli-"

[Spectral Rover]

The woman's eyes widened in shock as Cole just appeared in front of her in less the time it took her to blink. She stumbled back in shock as Cole Cocked his head to the side as asked her a question, picking his words one at a time.

"Did. You. Just. Threaten. Me!"josei

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