Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 286 286

Chapter 286 286: Part 1: Territory Upgrades III

There was a dull rumble, slight almost imperceptible but still it could be felt by everyone as wave of light seemed to flash across the entirety of the territory. Everywhere it passed, things seemed to change, looking different, brighter, more vibrant, more sturdy and in some cases even changing shapes. The territory had reached the iron rank. Cole noticed that the wooden wall, that just been a set of planks stuck into the ground had turned to interconnected logs of wood with metal supports.

The entrance now had two massive logs serving as pillars while two massive doors with metal supports and fillings. The doors themselves were about seven to ten inches thick, meaning that they would be heavy as hell just being wood, but with the metal supports they would weigh a ton. But it did not matter in the long run, this was not what he was after, in fact there was only one thing that was really important to Cole about getting his territory to the Iron rank, and that was the Territory type and class.

[Glade: Raen Valley Has Ranked Up From Bronze Rank X! To Iron Rank I! Energy +5000! Glade Points +200! Defensive Structures Arrow Tower X50 Has Been Generated Around Territory. Production Skill: Passive Resource Harvesting Unlocked!]

The moment Cole saw this, there was a loud boom as arrow towers rose up out of the ground, each other positioned a good distance from each other. They were built of wood and seemed to be merged with the wall, as they served as pillars for the now 15 food tall walls, while the arrow towers themselves reached a height of at least 20 feet. This was much the same thing that had been gained when they had leveled the Glade to the Iron rank previously. If Cole had to be honest that had also been a lot cheaper than this.

[Basic Wooden Wall >> Reinforced Wooden Wall]

[Manor >> Governor's Manor]

This next set of notifications were for facilities attached to the System itself. Or rather facilities that were gifted by the territory itself rather than being built from a blueprint. The blueprint made buildings would grow and expand by focused attention, of course they will never be able to go past the same rank as the territory, but Cole had to facilitate any changes to them through ranking them up or using a new blueprint. But as for the manor and the wall, along with the tower and the Resource Harvesting skill, all these would experience a qualitative change every time the territory ranks up.

[Civilization Type Available For Choosing! This Is A Comprehensive List Compiled From A Territory's Leader, His Race, Class, Preference, The Inhabitants And The Level Of Technology And Advancements They Have Been Able To Implement During The Bronze Rank Stage!]

This was it, according to rumors once he picks a civilization Type then the territory would undergo another change. Everything would be different, all of the buildings and facilities would change to reflect the civilization Type and anything that would be built on it, whether from blueprints or system generated would follow the same theme of the civilization Type. In a way you could say that the type was most definitely what went as a race for the territory. Cole looked at the List with anticipation.

· Iron Age Neo-Medieval

· High Arcane Steam Age

· Advanced Technology Modern Age

· Space Age Neo-Magical

· Fantasy Demonic Nest Age

· High Devil Technomagical Space Age.

There were no explanations about the civilizations, only a vague feeling of what they represented And some imagery to go along with it. The iron age Neo-Medieval was practically an Arthurian like age. It was medieval so swords and horses, and fancy castles, large farmlands. It gave a significant bonus to martial techniques? And skills, along with massive boosts to farming of any sort. There was no way in hell Cole would take that.

The next being the High Arcane Steam Age was more his style. However magic powered steam tech was not the kind of thing he wanted. The level of magic for this civilization Type was high, in fact it was the highest out of everything that was shown here, with magic being the very basis and foundation of it. The tech level was not bad but still quite low, Cole had some heavy hitters in his territory and this would affect them. Heck he did not have a single spell in his arsenal, the only thing he had going for him was the knowledge he had about some things. He moved on to the next.

By this point Cole already knew what he wanted, especially as it was the only image that had Raens or what seems to look like a Raen like image. But he had to access all of his options properly to make sure he doesn't lose a good opportunity in favor of one that looks better but would stunt them in the long run. The advanced technology modern age was something Cole skipped over, it was pretty much the same as his reality. There was no use living in the same kind of world when it's obvious it has failed. And it only had advanced technology when there were much higher levels of technology than that.josei

The space age Neo-Magical would have been amazing. It would have taken the Glade literally out of the world, turning it into a territory magical space ship that roams the universe for resources. It would have made them nomads, and while a life adventuring the stars would have been amazing, there were people in his territory that would just loved the wonders of earth underneath their feet.

A fantasy Demonic Nest Age civilization was a no. Cole was looking at a hellscape with no technology of any sort. It was more like a hive mind like civilization, like ants. They had facilities and had massive bonuses to armies and wars and harvesting resources. But it did not appeal to Cole in anyway at all …..only a very messed up person would think that a civilization such as that was a good one.

But with all of these out of the way, there was only one left. And that naturally became Cole's choice. And the system recognized it.

[High Devil Technomagical Space Age Has Been Chosen As Territory/Glade Type! Implementing Changes Now!]

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