Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 309 309

Chapter 309 309: The Ship

Cole furrowed his eyebrows the ended up in a massive cavern. There was a man mad lake and an island in the middle. There were docks built around the island where 8 massive ships of varying sizes and style were docked, while the island itself was a mountain of gold and treasures.

If Cole had to be honest, it was obvious that Garudon took the protection of his treasure seriously. It was not just the boiling lake, or the hundreds of ledges that both had sentries and siege weapons, and machine guns all primed to slay any unfortunate fool with a death wish, they they would so much as try to steal from the crazy dragon.

"Which one is it?"Cole asked the sentry behind him. It did not say anything, instead started walking down a set of stairs, that Cole had not noticed was carved on top of the ledge they had come out of. He followed, noticing that there was a land bridge that led straight to the Island.

And it was there he noticed the lake was filled with….something. He could make out schools of fishes, but then there were bigger things withing the lake….much bigger things if he could say that. But the biggest shock has to be coming from the fact that all of them were well within the Gold rank.

This was a kill box, even if the dragon was not here to protect his own Hoard, there were still enough defenses here to be considered overkill. Cole followed as they crossed the land bridge, though he could not help but keep paying attention to the lake.

One or two gold rankers he could handle but a lake filled with them was just asking for him to throw his precious lives away. So perhaps he might have crossed a lot faster than most would have been expecting him to. Cole have a sigh of relief once they had crossed the land bridge.josei

He had to stifle the sudden urge to rush forwards and dive into the mountain of treasures he could see. The damn thing was piled up a good forty five feet. And it was almost 70 meters in circumference, perhaps a little bit more or less. Only the dragon would know the exact proportions, but still, this is a lot of treasures.

But the treasures outside, It seems the dragon is an avid fan of collecting ships. There were eight ships docked, and as the Sentinel led Cole towards it, he realized that there was not a single mountain of treasures on the island but three, with those hidden behind the much larger one he had noticed.

They finally came to a stop in front of a rather large but ancient ship. It was tri masted, but on a closer look Cole noticed that it had fins or rather wings stretched out from its sides. There was a massive bust/stature of a dragons head from some sort o blue-green jade. And on a close look, Cole would swear the dragon was alive and it's snarling mouth in fact had  a cannon built into it.

He hoped this was not the ship that was being given to him, for one it was way too bright. The tri mast had blue, red and white sails with a massive picture of snarling dragon them, probably the same dragon that was carved on its front. But they say be careful what you wish for.

The sentinel went up a ladder on the side of the ship, and Cole with extreme reluctance in his eyes had no other choice but to follow and climb up. The ship was built with light golden wood, or it could have been polished that way. The mast and the supports for the ship, seemed to have all been carved from jade. How the fuck they attach that to a wooden ship completely escaped Cole.

As soon as Cole got onto the ship, the sentinel turned and leap over the side, making sure to take the ladder along with him.of Cole didn't need it if he wanted to get off the ship, but from the look of things he was now stuck with this particular one.

He walked over to the wheel and placed his hands upon it. Almost immediately it seemed as if the world turned dark and he was struck with a bolt of lightning. The ship seemed to come alive as within his entire vision Cole felt as if he was being started down by a massive dragon, and Asian dragon for that matter with its whiskers floating this way and that.

The pressure of a dragon bore down on hims, trying and failing to subdue his will. Sure the dragon looked terrifying to Cole, but he had slain a dragon before, and this pressure was not even half as much as the kind he puts on himself just to succeed. So Cole pushed back, he might be a wimp some of the times but he was very will full.

His conviction was one that could not be shaken, not by anything or anyone. He had chosen to abandon comfort for love, he had put himself in harms way, time and time again, enduring great pain just so that he can get stronger.

"If you want to Break Me! THEN YOU HAVE TO KILL MEEEEE!"

Cole's voice reverberated across the entirety of the Cavern as he pulled back on the wheel, as if he was pulling back on the reins of a dragon. His aura blasted out of his body again as he stomped his foot hard on the deck of the ship, cracking it, and eliciting a pained screech from god knows where.

The scream was feminine and its appearance had shocked Cole as  stood there dumbfounded only to realized that it was the ship that had spoken.

"owie! You're so terrible! I submit okay, you don't have to stomp my precious Talemerian Gold Wooden Deck to pieces. Do you know how much it cost fro me to evolve I to that particular strain of wood. I submit okay, so where the fuck do you want to go, hurry it up so you can return me to my fucking miserable life."

And once again, Cole is left confused, a boat with a personality that was not that bad a marvel for him, he had weapons with personalities of their own, so it was not as if this was uncharted waters for him. So Cole ignored the chatter of the ship and paid attention to the system prompt that popped up.

[You Have Subdued The Dragon Ship:The Ravena]

[Name:The Ravena// Type: Multi-Terrain Traversing Dragon Ship// Grade: Gold Rank X]

[Forms: Airship Form//Sub-Marine Form// Sailing Ship Form] [Attacks: <Dragon Head Cannon X1> <Dragon Wing Blast Guns> <Dragon Scales Heart Seeker Missiles> <Dragon Tail Wave> Defenses: <Dragon Scale Shield> <Dragon Heart Regeneration> <Dragon Scale Energy Barrier>]

This was one heck of a ship, it was a triple deck ship, meaning it had at least three floors below it. It was a good hundred feet long, and about 50 to 70 feet long. But Cole got the feeling that it was just the size for now, it had three other forms, but what he was looking forward to the most was the level of speed this ship would be able to bring to bear.

"I'm on a quest to hunt some of the most powerful creatures in the sapphire. And then after that if you're good, ill take you along with me to explore the multiverse. But that's just if you're good, if you can bring anything of value to the table, you look as if you're just for show, and I seriously doubt that greedy dragon would have given me the best of his ships."

There was a rumble as the ship got angry, but that was to be expected. Cole was trying to antagonize the ship on purpose, the best to understand a person is to see them at their worst, plus he just had to know how powerful the ship was, or just how much control he would be able to exert over it.

"You do not know me!, you do not know what I am capable of! And I might not be the best out of all the ships here, but I'm am the fastest! And all of them might mock me and say that a great dragon ship like me is only good for running away, but damn if I will let so weird creature like you insult my prestige and my honor! So I will fucking ask you again...where the fuck are we going!"

Cole smiled to himself as he pointed towards the only other exit he could see, a path out through a rather large tunnel. "First of all let's get to the harbor and dock the ship, get us a crew and a chart if you don't have one, some information and then the open sea…..lets see if you're just as fast as you say you are."

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