Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 332 332

Chapter 332 332: Extraction V

[You Have Reached Level 80! Racial Upgrade Available!]

[All Further Notifications Withheld Until Upgrade Is Complete]

[You Have Lost 1 Life]

This was new, never had his racial upgrade ever been a necessity before he could see the rest of his notifications. Never the less it wasn't that bad, if it was time for an Upgrade then he might as well get it done. He dint know how long it would take, but perhaps this was just as good a chance to stretch his legs.

He thought back briefly to his battle with Garudon, honestly Cole was outmatched. He wasn't even sure if he had used the diamond rank skill he would have been able to defeat Garudon. The damn dragon had underestimated him, his arrogance that had been born from multiple decades of being unrivaled in the sapphire seas, or at least that's what he had thought anyways.

The system had given him a warning when he had arrived on the fifth floor, it had told him to beware the Kraken, not the dragon. So definitely there was something within the depths of the crystal seas with unmatched power. But be that as it may even Cole had been arrogant and it almost cost him his life. But in the end being careful was not the way, Cole was in a race and he had a body that was built to take punishment in massive spades.

His body could afford him a little recklessness when it came to battles. This was why he has been able to grow the way he has. And every punishment he has put his body through has made him so much more stronger than he had any right to be, and due to that he became even more reckless. But Garudon presented a problem, never has he ever let an enemy escape, and Garudon was a dragon…..those damn things have long memories and never forget a grudge, at least according to legends.

Cole was not so sure what he would do, because he knew it deep within his bones that Garudon will come for him and everything he has built. But before that Cole was also sure he would be able to find the fire breathing winged lizard. He had an understanding of Garudon's character, and whether this defeat will change him or not he has seen a pattern to the mannerisms of dragon.

He would not be able to help himself and will try to build a monument to himself again, perhaps he would be more careful now. But wherever Garudon goes he would leave a mark, and once this damn even ends Cole was going to go look for him and tie up loose ends. He sighed as he made his way out of the pod, Eze was still there waiting for him.

"How long was I out?" Cole asked as he stretched a bit.

"2 hours, and it has been really eventful. Your ship has plundered the volcano, everything that belongs to the dragon is piled to the brim on her back, and she has chained six other ships and proclaimed herself the queen of ships. The entire island is loosing his mind, you sent their boss packing with his tail between his legs. Which is definitely something you would do, do I need to be worried?" Eze asked with a raised eyebrow.

However Cole could see the amusement on his face, it seems Ravena has bee giving the entirety of Irgis island a show. Cole shook his head and said.

"Not really, however since you are on this island how many of our people are here?" Cole asked.

"84 of us are here with 49 of us being full circle gold rankers. The rest are spread in the emerald sea for silver rankers, the Garnet sea for iron rankers and the ruby sea for bronze rankers." Cole nodded his head.

"You must be keeping in touch with them then. How many of them need help with their quests? This floor only has about two days left before it collapses. What do you think about using those ships to gather every member of the Raen territory and power leveling them in a dungeon that belongs to us here in the sapphire sea."

"There will be not enough time to gather everyone for any sort of tangible growth. I take it you would be going to seek the temple right? The path to the sixth floor?" Eze asked as Cole shook his head and started walking outside, Eze following and soon enough others that Cole hadn't even noticed were Raens.

"I have to deliver someone somewhere, and I also have to log off for a bit." 

"Racial refinement?" Eze asked.

"No, an upgrade, it doesn't seem to be a major one though, but never the less it is still an upgrade. So things would be a bit different for a while for me. However I can cut that short and offer a proposal, are you done with all your quests?" Cole asked.josei

"I don't usually focus on the side quests, I find the path to the next floor as quickly as I can whilst trying to level up and delve dungeons in the process. This time I didn't even get side quests, just a quest to head to the temple." Cole paused for a few seconds before shrugging he would deal with that tid bit of information later. 

"Then that means if my proposal is accepted you and I and perhaps some of the others would be heading to the next floor together." Cole said phrasing it as a question even though both he and Eze knew it was an order.

"I don't see why not, honestly the 5th floor has been boring. All this water is annoying and I saw more growth on the third and fourth floor than I saw on the fifth. And not in terms of level or stats, the gold ranks here are laughable weak. Even those stronger rely on their aura as a gold rank to battle without a single shred of combat acumen...though that dragon seemed to be cut from a different cloth." Cole nodded his head, he couldn't help but agree, the 5th floor was just a fucking exp farm not a challenge.

Garudon had been decent, but he was a dragon and relied on his treasures and skills. His combat acumen was also poor, but he was still formidable. A dragon. Cole was not even sure what level Garudon was, but it ought to have been really high given his abilities.

Cole came out of the  Facility, ignoring the hundreds of guards and soldiers, along with a few sentinels pointing weapons at him, Cole dragged out Peronico and all his family out of his shadow. Shocking everyone as he knelt down and looked at the Gnome.

"Now Peronico let's talk...how would you like to come work for me and run my academy and division of the arcane?" the gnome looked at him for a second, blinking rapidly to get used to the bright lights around him then shrugged as he sighed.

"Sure why not, what do I have left to lose."

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