Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 334 334

Chapter 334 334: A Broken Family II

"Raise your head up!" Cole's father said to Kaito, but the man still had his head down.

"If you have the courage to take a son away from his parents, a husband away from his wife! A FATHER! Away from his kids! A brother…..two brothers, away from a brother! Then you should have the balls to look them all in the face….LOOK AT ME!"

Cole's father yelled out so loudly that if they had not drawn the attention of others before, then they have now. Camera's were out and flashing as bystander gathered around to observe the family drama. His father shook, a man that seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulder, a man with a broken heart. Cole looked at his Nephew and Niece as they hid behind their mother, and his heart couldn't help but break too.

"Look at your mother boy! And tell her why you took her firstborn son away, tried to kill her last, and turned her second and the apple of her eye into a monster she can no longer recognize."  these questions were asked but there was no answer forthcoming. Kaito remained as silent as he could possibly be, he shook, but there was nothing to be said, just as much. Cole did not think the coward had anything to say.

In the end  there was no reaction that would take off the sting of disappointment from a parent. There was nothing that could be said. Cole watched as his mother went up and pulled back her husband, he looked at her, eyes red and watery filled with pain at depths Cole could not even begin to understand…..loosing an child…..no pain can compare.

Once? You could bounce back, twice it will break you, three times, it will destroy you. This family was broken, and Cole honestly though it was beyond repair. His mother pulled his father away, not even saying a single word to Kaito. A wave of hurt and shame filled the area, Kaito's emotions were thick in the air, and so was the rage simmering within.

"You wouldn't look at me! All that mattered was your stupid heir and how adorable his kids looked and what a good wife he's married. And your younger boy, the prodigy, the genius, the one who would take Night family to heights unprecedented. A born enforcer and leader! What ABOUT ME!

I am just as good, just as talented as the both of them, I'm your son too! Everything I did, was for you, any one of you to consider me important! as part of the fucking family, not as the invincible second son. The only thing I was good for is to be a political bargaining chip, a brood mare for you use to tie alliances and cement the legacy of your precious next generation!josei

You did not see me as a son, all I was to you is a tool! So don't stand in front of me and act as if you're better than me. They had all your attention, the business savvy first son and the physical specimen of a second son with a mind as bright as light itself. And then me, the nerd, the mechanic, the second son, good for nothing else but his pretty face. You say I'm a monster…..but you made me! So you! Look at me! I am the monster you made! So fuck you! Fuck you! I hate you so damn much FUCK!"

"and you think a temper tantrum in public would make him see you in a batter light. My son is a product of his own father, they are so similar its no surprise why they get along. But it is just like his father to neglect once child in favor of others, and breed bad blood and hatred that can spread to the next generation, a family cursed with strife.

Just as your uncle has done to your father and your aunt to your brother, you too have done to your parents, your brother, and most of all your brother's children. They will not forget this too, and they too will bid their time, and they will come for you or your children and this cycle will continue on and on, from one generation to the next until we destroy ourselves!

Unless we come together, unless we stand as a family we wont survive, no matter what has happened we are still family, let us deal with it within ourselves as family and not out here like children in front of the commoners!"

"Jeez narcissist much? I don't care what you have to say, you tired to get me killed. And I'm not so stupid as not to know that she came after in retaliation for what I did to my cousins…..a move that in hindsight, was probably a wrong one seeing as there are three heads I should have taken not two.

The thing wrong with this family is you! It's always been your greed and ambitions that laid that curse on us. You made it fester and did nothing to solve it before it gets too bad. I do not to be a part of any family you are a part of. If that means we are going to be destroyed then so be it!"

Cole said to her as he spat on the ground and turned away, heading to the convoy of S.U.V waiting for them. The rest of the family followed as Cole pondered one very important question. There was nothing that went on in the family that his grandmother was not aware about, even something as convoluted as a second son planning the murder of the first son….she ought to have known.

Cole paused and turned to look at her, incidentally she met his gaze. She was aware, she knew, Of course Cole was not someone who would start slinging accusations in the middle of the road but still, down to his core he was aware. He had no idea what sort of game his grandmother was playing, but one thing he did know is that she was dangerous. And Kaito better know what he's getting himself into, she will screw him over and fuck shit up like she's already done.

They left the spaceport, with Cole being deep in though throughout most of the drive. He didn't even care to look around, he has been away from earth for close to a month if not more, he was loosing track of the days with his constant delve into the event. He did not even know what month it was.

Cole did not think his grandmother will make any other moves, at least not for the moment. But if he was honest, what he wanted to do was to take her down. He didn't want to kill her, Cole had crossed a line killing his cousins and that was a choice he would have to live with for the rest of his life.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he did not think he wanted to add more weight to that burden. But regardless he had to deal with his grandparents or they will always be a shadow looming behind him and everything he builds and achieve. The Night family has to end.

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