To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037 Worry About Yourself

Once they finished with the spinach, Zack and Janet went out to the garden with Jenny.

The place was piled with snow at this point, forming quite the snowy wonderland.


Alec murmured longingly when he spotted the trio playing in the snow next door.He stood right beside the fence in his own garden.

Jenny went up to him.

"You guys finished preparing lunch yet?"

"Mhm.The butler's making it."

A two-person meal didn't need much lavishness or grandeur.

Alec only wished Jenny could join them for lunch.

Recalling it would only be Alec and Old Mr.Faust eating together, Jenny suddenly pitied them.

"You didn't invite Mortimer and Alfred for lunch?"

She knew Alec would loathe seeing them right now, but it was New Year's, the time for family to reunite and spend time together.

"Them?" Alec scowled.

"Why should I? We're not family."

"Alright then."

"What about you? I'm guessing Gilbert's cooking in the kitchen?"

Jenny nodded, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah.Zack and I don't know how to cook, so we leave it to Gilbert."

"I see.I'll cook for you too, next time."

His words made Jenny blush.

When she recovered herself, she rolled his eyes at him.

"It's not like I need another servant in the house."

Alec laughed but said nothing about it.

"Why don't you guys join us for dinner then?"

Though he hoped only Jenny would come, it was nigh impossible.

So might as well invite all of them on a whim; that way, Jenny would still be around.

Alec wouldn't stop Evan from joining too.

"I'll have to ask them first."

Jenny wasn't worried about Gilbert or Zack in this case, but Evan.

There was a high chance the man wouldn't agree at all.


Just then, Gilbert called out from the kitchen window, "I need your help, Jenny!"


Jenny replied, then said to Alec, "I need to go back.Tell Grandpa! said hi."

"I will."

Alec nodded, then went back to the living room.

Zack meanwhile went up to Jenny when she walked past, asking quietly, "Alec lives right next door?"


Jenny nodded.

"He didn't move here on purpose, did he?"

It was too thought out to be coincidental, especially with what Alec was like.

Jenny didn't disprove the suggestion.

Seeing this, Zack affirmed his guesses.He scoffed, "The heck does he want? To spy on you and Evan Clarke?"

"When did you become a busybody, Zack?"

It's not like Jenny was oblivious to Alec's intentions.

"I just want to know if you still have feelings for Alec Faust."

"You should worry about yourself first, or every single time you meet up with Gilbert again, the air turns into solid ice,"

Jenny sighed, then went into the kitcher..

Zack chewed on his lip, sighing to himself, "Do you think I like it? He's doing this on purpose."

Well, not really.

Gilbert just didn't like Zack dating Janet Hale.

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