To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042 Looks Like A Challenge

Gilbert got up from his seat.

"Sure.I haven't had a chance to get a good look at this season's snow yet."

"I'm up for it, too," Evan said.

Howard then came to wheel him out along with Jenny and Gilbert.

They didn't linger in the garden; instead, they strolled around the neighborhood.

It was a high-end location with prime real estate everywhere, so the public facilities and landscaping were masterfully done.

A snowplow had already come to clear a path in the snow for people to walk on.

"You don't get to see a lot of snow, right?" Jenny asked Gilbert.

He often had to travel overseas for work, so he likely missed out on a lot of winter seasons.

Gilbert nodded.

"I did a lot more when I was younger, but never to just stop and admire the scenery like right now."

"What about you, Evan?" Jenny asked the man in the wheelchair.

"I was lucky." Evan grinned.

"It always snowed overseas. We even had snowball fights every year." Jenny laughed.

She couldn't imagine Evan getting into something so playful with Gilbert.

"If only—-"

Jenny said but quickly stopped. She had nearly said if only Evan wasn't injured, they could have a snowball fight too.

But that was too insensitive.

Evan seemed to know what she wanted to say, though.

"If only I weren't in a wheelchair. We'd be able to play together."

It would be a very interesting occasion, indeed.

"We'll have more chances in the future," Jenny said.

Gilbert eyed the both of them but stayed silent.

Meanwhile, Alec had spotted the four of them walking outside.He went up to them without even asking if they wouldn't mind another person joining them.

"Jenny," he greeted warmly, coming to the woman's side.

"Have you and Grandpa had lunch?" Jenny asked.

"Mhm. It was just the three of us, so it didn't take long."

"You can make mistakes during lunch, Faust, but you better make sure everything's just right for dinner tonight, especially with us over," Gilbert said. He didn't hate Alec as much as he used to, but he wasn't going to help the man make dinner.

Plus, cooking was tiring.

Alec grinned.

"Relax, Gilbert. The food will be delicious."


Gilbert nodded, then continued ignoring him.

Evan, on the other hand, had nothing to say to Alec, and vice versa.

They didn't like each other then, and they didn't like each other now.

"Are you cold?" Alec asked Jenny in a soft tone.

"Nah. I have four layers on."

She had put on a down jacket just for walking.

Alec nodded, reassured.

"Take that!"

Someone suddenly cried from behind them.

Jenny turned back to see Zack swinging a snowball at them.

The next second, it was flung right at her.

Jenny scowled, dodging to the side, but not before Alec pulled her behind him to defend her.

"Looks like Zack's challenging you."

"Heh. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine!"

Jenny yelled, then gathered snow with her mittens, making a giant snowball.

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