To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088 More Evidence

Jenny didn’t return to Evan’s house when she left the hospital. Instead, she went to Walker Inc to look for Stephanie.

Now, Stephanie was the general manager of Walker Inc, and although the Walkers were not yet well- known in Bardoff City, they were moving up in ranks each day.

Looking at Stephanie, all dressed up and proper in her blazer, she exuded the air of a successful woman.

“Stephanie, you are really amazing.” Never had Jenny expected that there would be a day that Stephanie would become like this.

Fate was unpredictable in many ways.

For instance, Jenny became a daughter of the Walter family, and after finally handing the reins of the company to a reliable management team, she thought she could be free from then on. However, at that moment, she felt that she had lost her freedom completely.

She couldn’t just ignore everything. Evan was her savior, so she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.

“Jenny, you don’t seem to be in a good mood.” Stephanie poured her a cup of coffee and sat down beside her.

Jenny sighed. She came to find Stephanie just to voice her frustration. She told Stephanie everything that had happened recently and asked, “Should I go?”

“Well, I don’t think you should. I wouldn’t support that,” Stephanie said.” Although Evan saved you, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your life for him. If you like him, then it’s different. You have been

taking care of him, but if you still follow him abroad, your relationship with Alec will be over.” Jenny was aware of that.

Stephanie held Jenny’s hand and said, “Jenny, I know you feel guilty, but there’s a limit to things we can promise others. You should think about yourself. Don’t only think about others.”

Stephanie’s words made sense to Jenny, but she couldn’t bring herself to not do anything about Evan.

“But if I don’t go, Evan won’t go, and he will be ruined for life.” Although there was no guarantee that Dr. Gaarder could cure Evan, at least there was a chance. But if she didn’t go, there would be no chance at all.

“That’s his choice. If he chooses to do that, the consequences are his responsibility, not yours.” Stephanie didn’t like the way Evan pressured Jenny to go.

Jenny still couldn’t decide, and upon realizing that, Stephanie suggested,” C’mon, let’s go somewhere else. I’ll treat you to dinner.’

“Okay.” Jenny nodded in agreement, realizing that thinking like that would not lead to a solution.

With that, the two of them walked out of Walker Inc.

Meanwhile, Alec was drinking in a private room at a bar, with Paul sitting opposite him. Both of them were not in a good mood. novelbin

“The doctor you asked me to investigate, this is what I found about him,’ Paul said, throwing a stack of information at Alec.

Alec was surprised to hear that. When he asked Paul to try and find some clues, he hadn’t been expecting any results.

As he paged through the information, Paul added, “The transaction was performed very cautiously through the black market; that’s why you

couldn’t find it.” Only people involved in the black market like him could find it.

“Thank you.” After reading the information, Alec thanked him sincerely.

Paul nonchalantly nodded at him and downed a glass of wine. “Even if you have this, Jenny may not believe you.”

“I know, of course, there has to be more evidence than this.”

Something was about to happen that night, and the confession of Evan’s man was the evidence he needed the most. However, that man needed to be hit by a dose of reality before he would open his mouth.

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