To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333 Lie Down with Me

Yosef was so scared that he couldn’t speak, and he couldn’t help but tremble slightly. He’d known Alec for many years, but this was the first time he’d seen him behave in such a way. Hence, he was understandably quite taken aback.

“Listen to me-if you say one more thing you shouldn’t say, I’ll make the Jones family disappear from Parrington. Do you understand?” After he was done with his warning, Alec simply threw Yosef aside. He then washed his hands and left.

Yosef lay on the floor for a while before he came to his senses and cursed, “Alec! You bastard!”

Alec returned to the private room first, but it took a while before Yosef came back after him. Everyone noticed that Yosef seemed perturbed, but no one asked him about his condition.

Jenny glanced at Alec and asked quietly, “Did you teach him a lesson?”

“Hmm.” Alec didn’t deny it. “He had it coming. He shouldn’t have been rude to you.”

“It’s okay. I’m not angry. You don’t need to make a fuss about it.” Yosef was his friend, after all. Jenny didn’t want to drive a wedge between them.

Alec smiled and pulled her into his embrace while whispering in her ear, “You’re not mad at him. because you’re nice. But that doesn’t give him the right to bully you.”

“Bully me?” Jenny contemplated. She didn’t feel like she was being bullied, as she wasn’t a pushover. Even if they were one of Alec’s friends, she wouldn’t hesitate to fight back if necessary. Of course, she was happy that Alec stood up for her.

The gathering went on late into the night. Alec and his friends were all quite drunk by the end of it. Jenny had no choice but to hail rides for them before driving Alec home.

With Alec leaning onto her, Jenny found it difficult to even stand straight while supporting him as they reached the door. “Alec, where are your keys?”

He didn’t respond, as he seemed to be quite drunk. Just as Jenny considered taking him back to her place, Alec mumbled, “In my bag.”

Jenny reached into his bag and took out the keys. As she opened the door and turned on the lights, she was stunned.

The living room was pitch black, but upon closer inspection, it could be seen that Alec had painted the walls black. There was only one white sofa in the center and nothing else, making it seem especially barren and empty. At that moment, Jenny thought about a lot of things. She remembered how scared Alec was of the dark, and upon seeing the way he’d set up his living space, she began to worry about his mental state. She silently noted she should find an opportunity to talk to him.

Thinking of that, she supported Alec and went in. It took her a while to find the door to his room, as the door and walls had all been painted black. Considering that this was her first visit, it was quite impressive that she could locate his room.

After placing Alec on the bed, Jenny took a look around the bedroom. Although it was also quite

empty, it was still better than the living room. Looking at Alec, who had already fallen asleep, Jenny sighed helplessly and turned to leave.


Just as she took a step, she felt a hand tugging on her wrist. She lowered her head, only to see that Alec had opened his eyes at some point.

“You’re awake?” Jenny was surprised.

“Well, I wasn’t really sleeping. I was just a little groggy,” he said. He had drunk a bit too much that night, and now, his head was pounding like it was about to explode. Rubbing his temples, he pulled Jenny toward him. “Don’t go. Stay with me for a while.”

“Okay.” Jenny didn’t refuse. After seeing how Alec had furnished his house, she suddenly felt a bit. sorry for him. She thought of how his father had abandoned him and left and how his mother had died in front of him. The shock and pain he felt weren’t something an ordinary person could bear.

“Alec, I need to talk to you about something.” She hesitated but decided to speak up. She had a feeling that things would only get worse if they continued like this.


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