To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Extortion

Faced with Jenny’s accusations, Miller leaned back in his chair and looked at her disdainfully. How I treat Joey is my business. He’s my son. There’s no need for you to worry. But you…” Miller glanced at Jenny, then turned his gaze to the reporter who was filming beside him. “Hey, you. She kidnapped my son. You must stand up for me on this matter.”

The reporter looked embarrassed. They were just there to get a good news story. When they heard that Miller had some dirt on Jenny, they naturally came to get the scoop. After all, Jenny was a figure that everyone had been paying attention to in Parrington lately. However, seeing Jenny’s calm demeanor, they felt they shouldn’t have gotten involved in this mess.

“Miss Walter, regarding the allegations made by this gentleman about you kidnapping his son, do you have anything to say? Did you really kidnap his son?” the reporter asked nervously.

Jenny didn’t bother to be polite to the reporter. She coldly glanced at him and asked, “Who are you? Are you a police officer? Even if I did kidnap his son, what can you do about it?”

The reporter was taken aback by her response and didn’t know what to say. Unfortunately, Jenny had hit the nail on the head. It was true they had no legal authority and were only looking for a sensational news story.

“I brought them here to expose you and let everyone know what kind of doctor you are!” Miller spoke up at this point, coming to the reporter’s aid. It wasn’t that he was being kind-he didn’t want to see his carefully planned scheme fail.

When Jenny heard his words, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “You accuse me of kidnapping your son, but instead of going to the police, you brought reporters here. What kind of thinking is that? Do you really want to find your son, or do you just want to extort money?”

Sometimes, people were unfortunately bound to toxic family members by birth. Miller was just like Joey’s stepmother. Jenny felt sorry that he was brought up in such a family. Thinking of that, she felt that she should do something, or Miller would keep creating trouble. Joey wouldn’t be able to live a peaceful life in the future at this rate.

“Since you keep accusing me of kidnapping your son, I’ll call him over and let him tell everyone, whether I’d kidnapped him.”

After Jenny said that, she immediately started to make a phone call. Miller opened his mouth to stop her, but seeing the crowd around them, he ultimately remained silent.

“Well, at least I can find Joey this way,” he thought.

While waiting for Joey to arrive, Jenny looked at the reporters and asked, “I believe you’re a reporter with integrity. I want you to report the truth about this matter. Can you do that?”

“Of course. Sure.” The reporters nodded repeatedly, thinking that although Jenny was Alec’s ex- wife, they could still be connected to each other in some way. They couldn’t afford to offend her. Observing their body language, Jenny was certain they didn’t have the courage to report this incident recklessly. Jenny thought that would be great, as this matter could likely be resolved in one go. That way, Miller wouldn’t repeatedly come looking for trouble.

Listening to what Jenny said to the reporters, Miller sensed something was wrong and became inexplicably anxious. He quietly approached Jenny and whispered, “Actually, I didn’t want to make such a big deal out of this. It’s just that you took Joey away. As his father, I need to make sure that he’s safe.”

Jenny glanced at him but remained silent.

“You see, I’m not young anymore, and I can’t do physical labor. So, making a living has become a problem for me now. Can you at least give me some money for food? You’re not short of money,”

he said.

He’d asked around and knew that Jenny was quite famous in Parrington Hospital. She must have quite a sizable income. Giving him a few hundred thousand would not be a problem for her. It was only fair that she paid him; after all, he would be giving up his son. If worse came to worst, he would never go looking for Joey again.

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