To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Chapter 353 He’s a Good Man

Jenny giggled. “What if I don’t cook well?”

“Then you’ll wash the dishes after I cook.” Alec played along as he brought their food out from the dining hall.

Jenny gave it some thought. “That can work. I can get a dishwashing machine.”

“Come. Eat ” Alec urged, leaving the topic alone. It didn’t matter to him whether Jenny cooked for them or washed the dishes. They could just hire someone to handle the food anyway. Well, he didn’t mind cooking for her, either. He was just busy with work often.

They ate their meals while sharing a conversation, no different from a normal couple.

“I’ll have someone come over to cook for you for the week. Get some rest,” Alec said while eating. Jenny declined. “Don’t. I can take care of myself.” She didn’t like sharing her home with outsiders. If she couldn’t cook, takeout would suffice.

“Then I’ll send my best chef over.” The one from his family home. He didn’t have a personal chef yet. Jenny was about to refuse again when Alec added, “If you refuse again, I’ll bring you to work with me every day to make sure you’re getting all your square meals.”

With Jenny’s personality, she’d definitely forget to eat. That’s why he’d need to watch her every


“Well..okay.” Jenny finally agreed. She couldn’t be dragging Alec down at work.

After dinner, Alec helped clean up the kitchen before he left. Jenny gazed at him adoringly, thinking how nice it was to have a good man in her life. She thought about how blessed she was to have found a man like him on her first try at dating.

“Wait…how are you going to shower later?” Alec suddenly asked at the door.

“I…don’t worry about that. I can clean myself up for sure. It’s just a small wound,” she explained, flustered. Alec wasn’t going to offer to bathe her, was he?”

“Don’t take it the wrong way. I was just wondering if I could have someone come over to help you,” Alec explained.

“Who would you call over?” Jenny asked.

“Stephanie.” Came the response. It wouldn’t be awkward for Jenny’s best friend to help her out.

As touched as Jenny was, she still shook her head. “It’s really no big deal. I can wash myself.” “Alright then. Call me if you need anything, yeah?” Alec added, gazing steadily into her eyes. Jenny nodded. “I will.”

Alec hummed, then went back home. Jenny closed the front door after him, finally letting her smile fill her face. Alec was so silly earlier. Yet still so sweet to her.

Meanwhile, Alec was all serious back home. “Have you spoken to the guys at the station? Make sure he doesn’t enjoy a single second of his time there.”

While he had promised Jenny that he wouldn’t hurt Miller Little, giving him a hard time didn’t count in his book…as long as the guy was still alive.

“Make sure he never makes it out. Have them increase his charges. Attempted manslaughter or something. Get Morgan to testify.”

Alec then hung up his call and went to the window to brood.

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