To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Do You Know Who He Is?

His reaction made Jenny curious. “Yeah. Something wrong?”

“Um…” Christopher suddenly didn’t know if she was being serious or not.

Tywin Munster was a master of masters in the martial arts world. How could Jenny mention his name as if he was just some average Joe?

Christopher calmed himself down, “Do you know who he is?” novelbin

“Not really. My grandfather said he was very skilled in martial arts, so he had him teach me. I never really questioned him.” Jenny shrugged.

She had learned from a handful of teachers but had never had time to sit down and talk to them due to her packed schedule. They all left once they finished teaching her, and Jenny never saw any of them afterward.

Though there were exceptions where they visited Orchid Village again, but only before her

grandfather passed away. Jenny had been shocked when she met Tywin again at the village back then, too.

“He’s not just very skilled; he’s nearly the titan of the martial arts world, Jenny. Even I know his name, and I’m not formally trained.” No wonder Jenny was so good at combat!

Jenny bit her lip. “Mr. Munster was pretty good.”

Was that the point, though?

“Don’t you find it strange that someone like Tywin Munster would agree to teach you all because your grandfather asked?” Christopher asked carefully.

Jenny frowned and met his gaze. She knew what he was hinting at. “Grandpa said that Mr. Munster had just visited the village to spend his holidays. He never really emphasized how powerful he was.”

She wondered if Christopher had gotten the wrong guy. Her teacher couldn’t be this master of the arts that he was talking about, right.

Christopher sighed. “It’s because of what happened…”

“What? What happened?” Jenny asked, now curious.

After a pause, Christopher said, “Go look it up yourself. It made global headlines back then, so you should still be able to find a trace of it now.”

Jenny grew still. She had never actually thought of investigating the people she grew up around until now. She never felt like she had any reason to. But Christopher’s words had incited her curiosity. Maybe her teachers really weren’t as simple as she thought.

“Even though that happened to Tywin, not just anyone could’ve gotten him to agree to teach them. “Christopher’s grandfather hadn’t even hoped he could hire Tywin back then, so he never tried.

Jenny stayed silent, suddenly realizing something.

“You’ve been asking me what exactly my motives are while you continue telling me you’re nobody special. But have you wondered how a nobody could’ve possibly gotten a master like Tywin Munster to be her teacher? Based on what you’ve told me, all your other teachers must’ve been. masters in their respective fields too. Why do you think this is possible, Jenny?” Christopher asked.

Jenny began to question herself too

How could her grandfather have managed to have all those masters teach her?

Wasn’t she just an ordinary person from a small village? Why the need to go to such lengths?

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