To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Chapter 448 There Won’t be a Next Time

In Claymond City, an ambulance, a fire truck, and a police car were on standby in a row on the runway. They were waiting for the plane to land.

Jenny looked ahead, a strange calm taking over.

“Are you sure about this?” On the other hand, Alec was worried, not for himself, but for Jenny.

Jenny smiled and said sarcastically, “It’s a little too late to ask, isn’t it?”

What could Alec do if she was feeling unsure?

“True.” Alec smiled lightly and said nothing else.

“Are you afraid?” Jenny looked at him, smiling. “Of dying like this?”

“Not really. As long as I’m with you, death doesn’t seem as scary.” These words came straight from Alec’s heart, but Jenny didn’t feel that way.

She didn’t mock him, however. In a situation like this, they really had no choice when it came to fear.

“Prepare to land,” she said calmly. Alec got himself ready.

The plane began to dip. Claymond City and Parrington were not far from each other. The fuel was almost used up, or they would have flown a little longer.

The city entered Jenny’s field of sight. She could see the lights from the airport runway, and she couldn’t help feeling stirred, there were hundreds of lives in her hands right now.

“Brace yourselves!”

The plane hit the ground. Because Jenny wasn’t a professional, the plane was moving too quickly. She couldn’t quite stop it.

“It’s going to crash!” The passengers saw the control tower a distance away. They would crash into it very soon at the rate that they were going.

Even the people in the control tower were running for their lives. They all thought it was very likely that the plane would crash into them.

“Just fucking stop already.” Jenny said, gritting her teeth. She pulled at the controls, sweat running down her forehead as she stared at the control tower.

They were in luck. The plane stopped in front of the control tower with only twelve inches to spare. One second later, and they would have crashed.

Once the plane stopped, Jenny heard the exclamations of joy from the cabins. The passengers were obviously shaken but happy.

Jenny leaned back in her seat. She’d used up all of her strength moments before.

Alec unlatched his seatbelt and went toward her. “You’re amazing, Jenny.”

She smiled. “Thanks. I think so, too.”

She wasn’t going to be humble about it: For an inexperienced pilot, this was great. But there was always room for improvement. She had to learn how to fly a plane now, in case something like this happened again.

“No, no! This won’t happen again,” she told herself.

The doors slid open. The flight attendants ushered everyone down the evacuation slide, and the two terrorists were immediately handed over to the police. Jenny would find out soon enough on the news about what would happen to them next.

Jenny only walked out when everyone was gone.

“Thank you.” Some of the flight attendants were still there. They thanked her when they saw her coming out.

She waved her hands. “No need to thank me. I wasn’t too sure about anything.” She was merely left with no choice but to fly. However, the flight attendants were still grateful. They knew that this flight could have been their last if it weren’t for her.

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