To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Chapter 480 One Last Question

The woman pouted and said helplessly, "I don't want to do things for others.I feel uncomfortable at being ordered around.But there is no other way since I owe it to them.Fortunately, after killing you, all of my debts with that person will be written off."

A debt of gratitude was the most difficult to repay, and she could finally pay it off after many years.

Owing to that, she wouldn't let Jenny off this time.

Jenny was speechless.

"Well, good for you.You can pay back your debt.But you're paying for it with my life!" Jenny cursed internally.

The woman wasn't interested in chatting with Jenny anymore.She sighed, "Don't waste my time.Let's just go somewhere deserted and fight.You can go if you win, but if you lose...your life is mine."


Jenny didn't refuse.She didn't want to fight the woman in the lobby of Perry Residence anyway.

The two left the area and headed to the river behind it.

Fewer people were there at night, so they wouldn't be discovered if they fought there.

"May I know who you're working for?"

Jenny still couldn't resist asking, even if it wasn't likely the woman would tell her.

Jenny thought she could try her luck because the woman didn't seem like someone who played by the rules.

Hearing her question, the woman answered right away without thinking.

"Do you know the Walters of Bardoff City?"

Jenny was stunned, as she couldn't believe it.

"The Walters? Did they send you to kill me?"


She nodded, not understanding why Jenny was so surprised.

After a while, Jenny returned to her senses.She gritted her teeth and asked, "So, the last time you came after me was also because of the Walters?"

The woman nodded in confirmation.

Jenny was basically dead to her, so it didn't matter if she told her that information.She was going to say nothing about it if Jenny didn't ask.

However, since she did, then she didn't mind telling her.

"But why didn't you kill me the last time?"

That was something that Jenny hadn't been able to figure out.

The woman was silent for a moment and seemed hesitant to answer that question.

Noticing this, Jenny deliberately provoked her by saying, You've already told me who's after me anyway.Is there anything else that you can't tell me? Could it be that you're still afraid of the Walters?

"You think I'm afraid of her?" The woman questioned in disdain.

"That person just asked me to take some of your blood.Why? I didn't ask, and I don't give a fuck."

Indeed, she couldn't care less about that.She just wanted to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

"Take my blood?"

Jenny wondered in bewilderment.She was stunned for a moment, and then she made a guess.

"Do they want to do a paternity test?" she contemplated.

But shouldn't her father be pretty sure that she was his daughter? Otherwise, he wouldn't have arranged for so many people to nurture her as she grew up.

"That person..."

"You've asked too much," the woman interrupted Jenny, tired of her endless questions.

She was here to kill her, not answer her questions.

Jenny smiled dryly but still went ahead and said, "One last question."

"Is that person the Walters’ current matriarch?"

Jenny was just guessing, as she thought it wasn't likely that her father had sent the assassin.

If he really wanted to kill her, there was no need to raise her.

He had ample chances to get rid of her back then.

The woman stopped and looked at Jenny.

"It seems you know very well why you were targeted."

Jenny smiled and nodded.

If it was that person, then it all made sense.It seemed that woman didn't want her to return to the Walters.

That was understandable, as she had her own daughter.

If Jenny were to go back, she would be threatening her daughter's status and the share no.velebook of the inheritance she would get.

Unfortunately, she wasn't going to let her have her wish.

Not only would Jenny return to the Walters, but she would also take back what was rightfully hers.She was someone who would pay others back in kind.

"Can we start now?"

The woman was a little impatient.She was in a hurry to finish her business and grab some dinner.

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