To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Chapter 539 She Can’t Lay a Finger on Me Alec understood her concerns but remained calm. “Don’t worry. I can handle it.” “Okay. Call me if anything happens. At this point, she can’t lay a finger on me, at least not in public.’ As long as Graham was on Jenny’s side, Jolene could onlymake her moves in secret. Feeling touched by her concern, he smiled at her. “Okay.” He sent her to the front door and watched until her car was out of sight. Then, he went back inside.

The two were too busy to meet up in the following days. Jenny was occupied with Jeneration Group’s headquarters move. Meanwhile, Alec was busy with moving the headquarters of Faust Group to Bardoff City and dealing with the Glasses’ harassment. Unlike what Jenny had feared, the Glasses didn’t send anyone to harm Alec. Instead, they made their move in the field of business in an attempt to bankrupt

him. Despite their efforts, it would take much more to bankrupt Alec. Even so, life wasn’t smooth sailing for him, who had to dedicate most of his time to work and didn’t have time to meet with Jenny. Once Jenny and Jade confirmed the place for the headquarters office, they started assembling talents for the company. The other office at Parrington would be designated as a branch after this. Jenny was slightly relieved after she was done with all the work. She could finally have some breathing space with Jade and Alfred taking care of the company. Alfred’s capability was much appreciated and acknowledged, for things might not have gone smoothly without his assistance. novelbin

Jenny left her office and decided to hail a cab to Walter Inc. Once she wrapped up her work in Bardoff City, she planned to take a trip to Parrington to take care of the branch office and rescue Stephanie from Paul. Before that, she needed to check with Graham’s schedule because she had promised to bring him to Parrington. Before she could get a cab, she received a call from someone that came as a surprise. “James?” “Jenny, are you busy now?” His gentle voice was music to her ears. “I’m just done with work. Did something happen?” she asked with a hint of worry. He smiled and said, “Nothing! I want to treat you to dinner tonight if you’re free.” She was caught off guard by his invitation. They were on good terms in the past, but they rarely had the chance to meet up in person. Now that she was settling down in Bardoff City, she might come across him more often. “Sure, but I should be the one who buys you dinner.” She had completely forgotten to treat him to dinner in the frantic days before. As she was on a call with him, she seized the chance to meet up with him. She had decided to head over to Walter Inc after dinner because there were no urgent matters on hand. James didn’t object to her suggestion. It mattered more that Jenny agreed to have dinner with him than who was paying. After they decided on a restaurant, he offered to pick her up, but she refused as she had called a cab. “James, let’s meet there.” “Great.” Learning that, he didn’t insist on fetching her-there would be ample opportunities to do so down the road. After she ended the call, Jenny checked the news online and instantly saw the latest update on the Glass family

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