To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Chapter 548 We’re Sisters

Finally, Jenny let go of Jolene, but it wasn’t because she trusted her words. She had heard the noise of a car from the door and guessed that Graham was home.

When he stepped foot in the living room, he instantly noticed something was wrong. He scanned the three faces, his gaze settling on Jenny’s. ’What happened?”

She shook her head at him with a smile. “Nothing.”

The fight just now was nothing to Jenny, but Jolene felt differently about it. She stood up and ran over to Graham as she planned to reveal everything that Jenny had done to her. She needed to show Graham Jenny’s merciless nature.

However, Rowena held her daughter back and shook her head. “Nothing happened. We were chatting with Jenny, and she mentioned that you’d go to Parrington with her tomorrow.”

Graham frowned as he knew something must have happened among the three women. Since Jenny assured him everything was fine and Rowena was tightlipped about it, he didn’t press further. Jolene didn’t look like she was picked on anyway.

“Yeah. That’s Jenny’s hometown, after all. It’s time I pay a visit.” He nodded. Rowena forced a smile. “Sounds right. I’ll have the maids pack your luggage. You should take a rest.”

“Okay.” He was exhausted after a long day and went up to the study after a brief chat with Jenny.

Once he left, Jolene immediately broke down. “Mom, why did you stop me from telling him?” As there was a surveillance camera in the living room, once she told on Jenny and showed the footage as evidence, she could prove Jenny’s unbecoming behavior from earlier.

Rowena felt sorry for her daughter. “Your dad clearly favors her now. There’s no use telling him the truth. He might even think you’re sowing discord.” novelbin

Judging from Graham’s concern for Jenny, he might get to the bottom of the planned attack if he launched an investigation. Rowena wouldn’t want to see that.

“But…” Jolene was aggrieved, feeling that life had been difficult ever since

Jenny joined the family. A lot of her possessions were taken away, from her father to the title of the Walter family’s only daughter. Not only that, she had to live under threat every day. She wondered how long this would last.

“My dear sister, your mom’s right. We’re sisters. You shouldn’t sow discord in front of Dad.” Jenny flashed an annoying smile at her. Jolene wanted to beat

Jenny up but knew she was no match for her. Hence, she could only grit her teeth resentfully.

Jenny couldn’t be bothered about Jolene’s resentment-the hateful glares would not affect her in any way. Seeing that Jolene wasn’t going to try anything, Jenny finally retired to her room.

Meanwhile, Alec woke up refreshed at the psychologist’s clinic. He enjoyed excellent sleep, an incredibly rare occurrence in his life.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw an alluring woman standing in front of him. She asked, “How do you feel today?”

“Pretty peachy,” he answered truthfully. The woman was Blake Watkins, the psychologist Jenny introduced to him. Alec had no idea the psychologist was a woman when he first called. He attended the first session without any expectations, but the outcome surprised him.

He felt enveloped by peace, a far cry from his impatient mind from before.Even though he wasn’t fully cured, he acknowledged the psychologist’s expertise, which prompted him to attend a second session.

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