To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 597

Chapter 597

Chapter 597

Chapter 597 Wait and See!

Jenny tried her best to ignore Jolene throughout the meal, but her half- sister kept throwing insults across the room now and then. If only she could switch off her hearing.

“You should have greeted me politely when you saw me earlier. After all, I’m a manager, and you’re just a lowly saleswoman. Anyway, I’ll let this go just once since you’re my big sister. But keep that in mind next time,” Jolene shot out again after Jenny ignored her the nth time.

Jenny’s colleagues all shot each other helpless, annoyed looks. “Now she’s done it,” Jenny thought. She sighed and turned to Jolene. “Did you forget to take your psych meds, or are you just plain dumb?”

Her response had everyone tense up in shock. None of them had expected Jenny to be so blatant.

“What did you say to me?” Jolene stood up angrily, not expecting Jenny to speak to her like that in public. “How dare you?!’ she screeched, pointing her finger at Jenny.

Jenny left her table and went up to her. “I just do. What are you going to do about it?”

“Jenny Walter!”

“What are you yelling for? I’m standing right in front of you. Are you blind? Yoohoo~’ Jenny mocked her, waving a hand in front of Jolene’s face. This woman wouldn’t dare do anything physical to her, at least not in public. Plus, Jolene was no match for Jenny when it came to fighting, either. “You really think I’m scared of you, Jolene? You should be thanking me, really, for letting you whine on like a broken alarm,” Jenny continued, watching Jolene’s face redden further. Jolene was shaking with fury. “Mock me again, and I’ll show Dad how you really are!”

To Jolene, Jenny was a scheming, greedy woman who had Graham wrapped around her finger. It was infuriating just how caring and doting he was with her.

“Sure. We’ll see who he believes then.” Jenny shrugged. “You really must be bored, trying to pick a losing fight with me. I don’t know if I should praise you for being brave or call you an idiot.”

If they weren’t in public, Jenny would’ve had Jolene eating her dust by now.

“You…just you wait and see!” As if recalling the chokehold around her neck from before, Jolene frightfully stumbled backward.

“Hah. I see you’re more of a broken toy than an alarm. Always repeating the same few sentences.” Jenny laughed. “Do your best, Jolene. Your marriage depends on it.” Before Jolene scurried away, Jenny added, “Brandon Britt would make a good match for you. You two have so much in common.”

Jolene nearly stopped in the doorway upon hearing that. Her father had just asked her what she thought about Brandon yesterday. So it was Jenny who shoved that idea in his head.

“Fuck you, Jenny!” Jolene thought. No way in hell was she going to marry that man. Especially when the Britt family was lesser than the Walter family. Jolene would end up ranking lower than Jenny for the rest of her life! novelbin

After Jolene scurried off, Jenny returned to her seat, now having everyone’s attention on her. They had thought she was working in the same positions they were because she wasn’t of much importance to Graham Walter, but seeing her rise up to Jolene had changed that impression permanently.

Jenny smiled as she met their eyes. “What are you looking at me for? Eat, eat.”

One of her colleagues asked daringly, “Jenny, is it true that you’re Mr. Walter’s favorite?”

Jenny would most likely be their next CEO if that were the case.

Jenny gave it some thought. “Eh. I don't really care about that.”

She really didn’t. Maybe that was the reason for Graham’s guilt and why he always wanted to give her the best

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