To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 776

Chapter 776

Chapter 776

Chapter 776 My Conscience Is Clear

Jenny was unable to refute Blake’s seemingly reasonable and confident accusation.

In reality, such situations were plausible. If a patient was a loved one of the surgeon, the surgeon might fail to rein in his or her emotions if there was a minor slip-up during the surgery, which might affect the outcome. However, this wouldn’t apply across the board to all doctors, and Jenny believed that she was better than that.

Still, she couldn’t fault Blake for voicing out a legitimate concern. After a pause, she suggested to Blake, “That is a valid concern, but you are not his legal wife yet. From a legal perspective, you cannot make decisions on his behalf. However, you can tell him about your thoughts when you get home. If he shares your concern, I can contact other doctors to step in for me.”

She offered sincere advice from her heart, but it sounded like mockery to Blake. ’Are you mocking me for not getting married to him?”

“No, that’s not what I meant.” The misinterpretation dumbfounded Jenny.

“Dr. Walter, your divorce was ages ago. Why are you still unable to let go of it?” Blake was slightly enraged and was losing her mind.

Looking at the unreasonable woman, Jenny was uninterested in engaging with her anymore. Talking to someone who was not in the right mind would be a waste of time. She pointed to the door. “Miss Watkins, let’s end the conversation here.”

“Jenny Walter!” Blake was irritated for not getting the answer she wanted.

Jenny had had enough of it. “Miss Watkins, if you want to make a decision on Alec Faust’s behalf, please come to me with your certificate of marriage. ” Before Blake and Alec were married, Blake

would not enjoy the right to make any medical decision on his behalf.

Blake knew the underlying meaning of Jenny’s words, and her face fell.” Jenny Walter, are you sure you want to do this? Aren’t you afraid of getting on bad terms with the Watkins?”

“My conscience is clear as his doctor. What should I be afraid of?” Jenny stared into her eyes fearlessly.

Taken aback, Blake laughed and scoffed, “Wow! A clear conscience, huh?” Then, she stormed out of Jenny’s office.

When Blake was gone, Jenny packed her stuff to leave work, unconcerned by Blake’s threats. Even if the Watkins, in an unlikely event, went against the Walters because of

Alec Faust’s surgery, she would not give up on performing the surgery.

When she got home, Graham was already back with an extra guest who shouldn’t have shown up. “Jenny! You’re home. I made you your favorite dishes. Come over and dig in.” Rowena was busy cooking in the kitchen like a perfect wife.

Jenny ignored her words and looked at Graham. Graham shook his head, indicating he couldn’t do anything about the situation. Since his divorce wasn’t yet finalized, he didn’t want to cause a scene by kicking Rowena out when she wanted to come home.

However, Rowena acted very differently from her past self. She was fussing over

Graham when he stepped foot in the house, and she busied herself in the kitchen for dinner. She seemed to be a different person.

Jenny immediately saw through her tricks and exposed her. “Rowena Glass, stop wasting your time. My dad will still divorce you no matter what you do.”

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