To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Chapter 805 Please Get to the Point

Once the three of them exited the stage, Jenny muttered, “Dad, why didn’t you stick to the plan?”

“From now on, Evan will help you manage Walter Inc. Why not let everyone know about your relationship?” Graham laughed as if he couldn’t see the resentment in Jenny’s eyes.

Jenny rolled her eyes, thinking to herself, “Are you serious?”

Feigning ignorance, Graham made an excuse and left, leaving the two of them alone.

Evan smiled at Jenny and said, “Don’t be angry with Mr. Faust. He only wants what’s best for you and hopes you have more people to rely on.’ 1

“In this day and age, it’s every man for himself, and the devil takes the hindmost. Can we truly rely on others?” Jenny had never considered such a thing.

Evan, however, couldn’t help but laugh at her. He even playfully flicked her forehead.

“You’re still so stubborn after all these years. Can’t you give in a little?”

If Jenny yielded a little, he would be willing to give her anything, even his life. Standing so close together, anyone who saw them would have misunderstood their relationship.

Alec happened to be nearby. His expression wasn’t good, to begin with. Upon seeing them, his face fell.

When Jenny spotted him, she trembled. However, she quickly composed herself and asked, “Mr. Faust, is there anything we can help you with?”

“I need to talk to you,” he said, emphasizing, “Alone.”

Jenny was about to refuse, but Evan spoke first, “Why do you need to talk to Jenny alone? Why don’t you tell me first? If it’s about Walter Inc, you don’t need to look for Jenny. She’s not in charge of business matters.”

Evan knew what Alec was up to and refused to allow him to get what he wanted.

“Why must you be involved in my conversation with Jenny?” Alec merely glanced at him.

“Evan, why don’t you go and do something else? Didn’t Dad want to introduce some people to you? Go meet them,” Jenny suggested, not wanting to see them argue.

Evan frowned, but he didn’t object. “Alright, take care. Let me know if anything Happens.”

“Sure, don’t worry.” Jenny gave him a reassuring look, telling him not to overthink. After Evan left, Jenny looked at Alec, and her smile disappeared instantly.” Mr. Faust, please get to the point.”


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