To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867

Chapter 867 Sticking to the Plan

Vincent nodded. He had served Alec for many years. He knew of his abilities well. If he dared to go to the launch, there wouldn’t be much to worry about.

After Vincent left the office, Alec investigated the turf club that had just opened. He wanted to observe the geographical layout of the place so that he could figure out what they’d use to finish him off.

He figured it out very quickly, but he was speechless.

It was a cliff, again.

They wanted to make it look like he had lost his footing and fallen into the water.

They would be riding horses, after all, but horses had a rebellious streak. If they ran over the cliff, it would be pronounced an accident.

He could tell that they had done this very secretively. Alec even suspected that this turf club was prepared specially for him. No one would choose a place like that for horses. A fool could tell that it was an accident-prone place.

If he didn’t prepare himself beforehand and figure out that they would hurt him, he might actually lose his life.

But now, it was hard to say who the victim would be.

Evan looked upset when he received Alec’s message. “Does he honestly think that I’m his underling?”

He could be upset all he wanted, but Evan knew he had to do it.

At that thought, he called his henchmen and got them to keep an eye on Xavier so that they would find an opening to strike.

He hung up and left, using the excuse of meeting a client to meet with his henchmen.

It was the first time he launched an attack since returning to the country. He had to make sure that it was perfect. Even if the Fausts could not trace it to him, Evan had decided to send his henchmen abroad and bring in a new group of men once this was over. That way, the Fausts would never be able to trace it back to him.

After all, it was all within the country, and the Fausts were not like regular people. He had to be extra cautious.

Xavier had no idea this would be the day of his death instead of Alec’s as they had planned.

When Alec reached the turf club, there were plenty of rich people coming to support Luke. When they saw Alec, they formed a path for him to walk through. They chose to suck up to Luke, so they did not greet Alec. No one liked people who sucked up to everyone.

“You’re here, Alec. Choose a horse that you like. We’ll race each other.” Luke went forward and patted Alec on the shoulder. Anyone might think that they were close.

Alec looked at him and the doubtful glances around him. Realization dawned on him. Luke was pretending to be on friendly terms with him so that if something happened later on, it would seem like just an accident.

He found it all amusing. Humans were such pretentious creatures.

Luke clearly hated him, yet he refused to show it. What was the point of this?

“Alright.” Alec nodded. Luke was targeting him. Of course he’d have to comply.

Luke sighed in relief when Alec agreed. ’Let’s go take a look.”

Afterward, he got someone to bring Alec to the horses. He went to the restroom to call his father.

“He’s here, Dad,” Luke said.

“Good. Stick to the plan. Do not let him leave that turf club alive,” Xavier said.

Luke agreed. He had long hated Alec. If it weren’t for his father’s inhibitions, Luke would have struck ages ago.

Now the time had finally come. He would not give Alec the chance to escape.

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