To Be Yours Again By Taylor

Chapter 898

Chapter 898

Chapter 898

Chapter 898 Why Are You Regretful?

"Now that I think about it, I regret a lot of things."

Alec looked at Jenny with mixed feelings.

Jenny was confused.


"If it weren't for my arrogance, we might not have broken up," he said.

He sighed.

With Mortimer's sudden appearance, he worried that the man would attack Jenny, which was why he distanced himself from her.He didn't even object to breaking up.He thought he was protecting her, but he was really just hurting her.

Jenny didn't argue.

"Maybe we didn't trust each other enough back then."

"It's not that.I didn't understand you.I didn't know what would be best for you."

If he knew what her decision was, and knew that she was not afraid of danger, he might not have chosen to distance himself from her.The misunderstandings would not have happened, and they would not have broken up.

"Do you think you know me enough now?" Jenny asked.

Alec wanted to nod, but he didn't have the courage to.

Jenny smiled lightly.

"What would you do if we encountered something like that again and we both ran into danger?"

"Isn't that what's happening now?" Alec smiled.

He already had an answer.

Jenny was stunned.

After some consideration, she figured that it was true.

Alec was faced with Zeke and all the danger that came with the old man.

Not only did he not distance himself from her, but he also grew closer to her.

Didn't this mean that he had already made his decision? Jenny looked at him and couldn't help sighing.

"If you were as determined as this before, this would be a different scenario altogether." Alec said nothing.

They lapsed into momentary silence.

At that moment, a voice sounded under the balcony.

Jenny immediately knew that it was Janet's.She was on a phone call.

Jenny peered over the edge, wanting a clearer look, but Alec held her back with his arms around her waist.

"Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of falling down?"

"It's fine.I'll be careful."

It was only the second floor.She wouldn't let herself fall; even if she did, nothing much would happen.

Quickly, Jenny heard Janet saying, "Money, money! That's all you want from me every time you call! Am I an ATM? I'm a person!"

Janet sounded agitated, which surprised Jenny.She was different from the Janet she had met earlier.

"So what if I've found a rich boyfriend? What does that have to do with you? If you dare to mess with us, I'll cut you off! novelebook You can forget about receiving a dime from me if that happens!"

Janet hung up angrily.She stood in her spot for a while before finally calming down.She looked around, only relaxing when she was sure no one was around.

At the same time, melancholy rose in her heart.

Could it be that she would never escape from her family no matter what she did? She sighed, but she buried her emotions quickly.

When she turned and walked into the living room, her face was wiped clean of any other emotion.

When Jenny and Alec went downstairs, Janet was alone in the living room.

Gilbert and the others had not yet finished talking business.

"Hello, Jenny.Mr.Faust," Janet greeted when she saw them.She was still gentle and demure.

Jenny was at a loss.

Janet had bottled up her emotions very quickly.She wasn't all that she seemed on the surface.thuy Jenny wondered if her eyes needed checking.

This Janet was not what she envisioned.

Jenny felt that she had to investigate her.

It wasn't because she wanted to pry but because she wanted to know why Janet was so close to Zack.

Zack was Jenny's brother.She would not let anyone with bad intentions go near him.

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