To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 172

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 172

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Away for a Few Months

The dinner was uncomfortable for Jenny. She had to watch as Yvonne fed Alec across from her and whispered sweet nothings. At one point, she regretted accepting Old Mr. Faust’s invitation.

She also noted Alec’s ambivalence toward Yvonne-he did not respond to her, but neither did he turn down her advances. That was typical jerk behavior.

When she was silently badmouthing Alec, the two suddenly locked eyes. Feeling caught, she hurriedly looked away and pretended that nothing had happened.

Old Mr. Faust was unconcerned by the odd atmosphere surrounding the dinner table and turned to Jenny. “Jenny, are you free tomorrow? Want to go hiking with me?”

“Grandpa, tomorrow won’t do.” She put down her cutlery. “The hospital has arranged for me to work at one of its free clinics in the countryside. I’ll only be back after a few months.”

“How many months will you be posted?” Old Mr. Faust appeared shocked and glanced at Alec.

Alec froze upon learning that she’d be away, but he soon collected himself and remarked, “That’s very kind of you, Dr. Walter! But do the free clinics need a famous doctor like you?”

In his opinion, only average doctors would be stationed at the free clinics. Posting an excellent resource like Jenny would be a huge loss to the hospital and the patients of Parrington.

“It’s for charity, after all. It has nothing to do with the popularity of doctors. If we’re measuring profit and loss while performing charity, that’s no different from putting on a show.” She stared at him coolly in her usual hostile attitude.

As they were at Old Mr. Faust’s place, Alec could do nothing about it. He understood the sarcasm in her words-she implied he was greedy and materialistic. He gritted his teeth and glared at her. “As the main shareholder of the hospital, it looks like I have neglected to ask for updates. No one bothered to inform me about this program.”

“Mr. Faust, I know you’re the main shareholder of Parrington Hospital, but you’d better not interfere in the operations because you’re not familjar with the medical field.”

Jenny’s remark sent him into a rage, and his grip on his cutleries tightened. He shot her a cold look with an air of animosity. Jenny remained unbothered because she knew that he was powerless in front of Old Mr. Faust.

Finally, Old Mr. Faust coughed and inserted himself into the conversation. “Jenny is right. Working at the free clinic is a great service. She could help those who needed medical attention. Alec, you should learn from her.”

“Got it, Grandpa.” Alec nodded. “Fll increase the amount of donations this year. I believe many will benefit from it.”

The Faust Group made charitable donations every year but never made them public. Alec thought it was time to market their efforts to change the perception that he was an evil capitalist.

At dinner, Old Mr. Faust chatted away with Alec and Jenny while Yvonne was sidelined. She felt that she was watching a family of three. Alec and Jenny were especially comfortable together. They took jabs at each other, but it all sounded like a lover’s quarrel.

“I’ll have to call it a day. I’m a tired old man. Time to rest.” Old Mr. Faust stood up to leave. Before that, he turned around and reminded Alec, “You should give Jenny a house tour.”

With that, he went up to his bedroom. Throughout the night, he did not as much as spare Yvonne a glance.

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