To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 184

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 184

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 184

Chapter 184 You Must Be Careful

Clutching her first-aid bag, she started the rescue mission with the other villagers. Since they had no technology, they could only shout and wait for responses from beneath the rubble. Once they detected a response, everyone would stop and dig through it.

Even though some victims were rescued successfully, the rescue mission was too slow to be effective. Jenny felt anxious as the clock ticked away. However, there was nothing she could do about it.

“Chief, is the landline connected?” After performing first aid, Jenny went up to the village chief to ask. In their situation, they needed to establish contact with the outside world as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the chief shook his head, looking despondent. No. We only have one landline in the village. But the cables were damaged, and we couldn’t find anyone to repair them right away. I’m afraid we’ll be cut off for a while.”

Jenny frowned and stared at the collapsed houses they had yet to check. She was sorrowful and pleaded, “Let’s send someone to Elmwood District for help. We can’t go on like this.”

“We sent someone there, but we’re quite far from Elmwood District. There won’t be any transport available because of the earthquake. We have no choice but to walk there.” The chief sighed, knowing their messenger might take an entire day to reach Elmwood District on foot. Jenny knew things were not looking up, but they had no other choice.

“There are two kids under here!” someone shouted not far away.

Jenny looked over and said, “I’ll help out now.” She ran in the direction of the call and arrived in front of a collapsed house. “What’s the situation now?” she asked the villagers.

“We heard two kids crying under the rubble. This looks like John Bayer’s house! All four of his family didn’t show up,” someone answered. As the houses were damaged beyond recognition, the villagers relied on their memories to ascertain the families who lived in the houses. It wasn’t accurate, but it was good enough.

“Get everyone over to rescue this family.” Jenny looked grim, and she walked in the direction where the crying was heard. She yelled, “Lilian, Justin, don’t be afraid! I’m here to save you soon.”

Her voice echoed through the structure of the house, but she received no reply. Only faint crying could be heard from the inside.

Worried, she began removing the rocks on the top of the rubble in the hopes of rescuing the kids as soon as possible. The villagers came to her help. They moved fast and kept their mouth shut to focus on the


Soon, the rocks were cleared from the top of the rubble, but everyone faced a new challenge.

“John Bayer and his wife didn’t respond at all. The kids keep crying. We can’t get them out.” They stared helplessly at the only entrance-a hole that could only fit one. If only the kids could calm down, they could be instructed to crawl out through the hole.

“We need someone to get in and bring the kids out,” someone suggested but was met with silence. The villagers were keen to rescue victims, but they understood the risk of getting buried under the rubble if they crawled in. Considering that the aftershocks were ongoing with the possibility of another earthquake, everyone was worried about the risk of putting themselves in danger.

“I’ll go,” Jenny volunteered without any hesitation. She knew the two kids very well because they’d visit her to play every day. She would be devastated if the adorable kids were to lose their lives in the earthquake.

Seeing that, the chief jumped out to stop her. “No, no, Dr. Walter! How could I explain to the higher-ups if something happens to you?”

“I’ll be careful,” she insisted. Soon, she was at the opening and bent down to crawl in. The chief, worried and helpless, could only sigh. “You must be careful!”

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