To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 215

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 215

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 215

Chapter 215 She’s Here for Me

“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t help you.” Jenny shook her head. Although she wanted her brother to find happiness, he had to first fall in love with someone he truly liked.

Upon hearing her refusal, Marigold was upset. “Why? Do you think I’m not worthy of your brother?”

“It’s not a matter of being worthy. It’s a matter of feelings.” Jenny looked at her, then glanced at Gilbert, standing some distance away. “Since you’ve come to me for help, it means he doesn’t like you. I can’t help you if that’s the case.” If Gilbert were just embarrassed, Jenny would be of help. But since Gilbert obviously didn’t like Marigold, she had no reason to help her.

Marigold was a little disappointed, but she couldn’t argue with that logic. What Jenny said was true. Gilbert didn’t like her and had flat out rejected her multiple times before. Now that she was here, he had shied away. If not for an event like this, she wouldn’t have been able to see him.

As if sensing her disappointment, Jenny asked, “Why do you like him?”

“I think he’s handsome and capable. Who wouldn’t like a guy like that?” Her eyes twinkled when she spoke of Gilbert.

Jenny could feel that Marigold truly liked Gilbert. However….

After a moment of silence, she said, “I can try helping you, but it might not work. So it’s best if you don’t get your hopes up.”

“For real? You’re the best!” Marigold was ecstatic. She hugged Jenny in one swift motion.

Jenny wasn’t used to a hug like this, but she didn’t push her away. If Gilbert and Marigold were to be together, Jenny would have to be her sister-in-law. Getting acquainted beforehand was a good idea.

Marigold let go of Jenny and said, “We’re friends from now on. You can count on me for help whenever you need it. Although I have little say in my family, I’m still their daughter. I’d still be of some use.”

Jenny smiled faintly. She didn’t think that Marigold would be so honest. She even spoke about her position in the family. She couldn’t help liking her.

“Alright. I’ll ask for help when I need it,” Jenny said.

They talked merrily. Gilbert seemed to notice Marigold’s presence next to Jenny. He excused himself from a few guests and turned toward them.

Marigold instantly grew anxious. She stood up at once. “He’s coming. I’m going to leave now. You have to help me!”

“Alright.” Jenny wasn’t expecting Marigold to be so afraid of Gilbert. It seems that he had admonished her before.

When Gilbert walked over to Jenny, she noticed how dark his expression was. He swept his gaze over their surroundings, as if he were looking for someone, then retracted his gaze quickly.

“What did she say to you?” He looked at Jenny, his voice cold and frosty.

Jenny at once pulled him down to the seat next to her. “What are you so mad for, Gilbert? She’s just a girl. What is she going to say?”

“I’m afraid that she’ll hurt you,” Gilbert said. His gaze was deep. “She’s one of the Wagners. She looks innocent, but she has a complicated history. You can’t believe a word she says.”

“She’s not here for me. She’s here for you, Gilbert.” Jenny was exasperated. She had no idea why Gilbert

would be so serious. Marigold didn’t look like a thug, no matter which way she looked.

“Me?” Gilbert frowned. It took only a moment for him to figure something out. His face turned even sourer than before.


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