To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 229

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 229

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Who Would Care?

She said nothing. Max, however, didn’t intend to stop just there. “Go on, tell me. What happened between you and Alec? Are you really not going to give him a chance?”

She was silent.

“You know, I don’t think you should blame him for this. It’s his best friend, after all. Plus, I believe he must have made sure Stephanie was alright, which is why he was in no hurry to tell you. Even if you hadn’t found Paul, Stephanie would have come back safely.”

Jenny thought his words made sense. She looked at him and laughed. “Did an alien replace you? You’re backing him up?”

Max treated Alec like his enemy, but he was not fanning the flames. Conversely, he was taking Alec’s side. It was very unusual.

Max coughed dryly to ease the awkwardness. “You don’t know my true motives, then.”

“Really? Pray tell.” Jenny looked at him with a smile, waiting to see how he’d explain this.

“If you get back together, Alec will focus all his energy on you. He wouldn’t control Faust Group as much. And I would be able to seize the opportunity. Besides, you’d be his weak spot. If I had no choice in the future, I’d just take you as a hostage. It’s a better situation for me than before, when he had no weak spots.

His words made sense, but Jenny didn’t believe him. Someone like Max wouldn’t think that far. He derived pleasure upfront.

She thought it was weird, but she couldn’t think of the reason. She stared at Max for a few seconds before saying, “I’m not sure how much Alec had to bribe you for you to say this.”

“Bribe?” Max chuckled. “The bad blood between us can’t be washed away with money.”

So it wasn’t a bribe. Jenny couldn’t think of anything else.

Max obviously didn’t want to say, and Jenny could not be bothered to ask. At this moment, the car stopped at Dream Vonne Designs. She got out and walked straight in.

Max didn’t leave; he followed behind her. “I’m going to be your bodyguard. No need to thank me.”

Jenny rolled her eyes. Who would care?

They walked into the company, but someone at the front counter stopped them. Before Jenny could speak, Max said, “Dickman LLC is bankrupt. Your company has been sold. The woman before you is your new boss. Tell everyone in here to have a board meeting.”

“Uh…” The clerk was stunned.

She knew that Dickman LLC was bankrupt, and she was worried about her future. Now that these people said that they were her new boss, she panicked.

“The legal procedures will be carried out shortly. Tell everyone to attend the meeting,” Jenny said, not denying Max’s words.

Jenny’s voice was not loud, even emotionless, but she sounded trustworthy. The clerk nodded in a daze and went to inform everyone.

Max glanced at her, surprised. “I didn’t think that you’d be so calm. You look just like a boss.”

“Thanks. But compared to you, ! have much to learn.” Jenny went inside the building.

Max was pleased. He tagged behind her. “That’s true. But don’t worry. If you run into anything that you can’t solve, you can come to me for help. I promise to help in whichever way I can.”

Jenny ignored him and didn’t tell him that she and her brothers were taught together when they were little. Managing a company was no problem for her at all.

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