To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 231

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 231

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 231

Chapter 231 I’m Sorry I Was Nervous

The moment the words left her mouth, everyone was stunned. They looked at Jenny, all wanting to know

her answer.

Jenny didn’t think much about the identities except for the one about her being Alec’s ex-wife. Did that really matter? Why did everyone want to know about that? novelbin

Feeling their gazes, Jenny nodded. “Yes. It’s me.”

“Oh my God!” the girl exclaimed. But then she apologized at once. “I’m sorry. I was just nervous.”

What was there to be nervous about? Jenny didn’t understand it.

The employees didn’t expect such a young woman to bear so many identities. Each of them was difficult to accomplish.

“I’m going to stay,” the girl said. She believed that someone this capable wouldn’t make the company bankrupt; it might even get better. She was not going to let this opportunity go.

With someone taking the lead, everyone else would follow naturally. At once, the majority of them chose to stay, but a few still chose to leave. Part of it was because they didn’t think Jenny would know how to run a business. Plus, she had just fired the designers. There was no one left in the company to create the designs, and it would be a wonder if they could continue running. Taking the money and leaving the ship before it sank would make better sense.

Very quickly, a third of the employees had gone. Jenny nodded approvingly at the remaining people. It was better than she had expected. “Thank you for choosing to stay. Please believe in me. I will not

disappoint you,” she promised.

Just when the employees were feeling elated, beginning to dream about a brighter future alongside Jenny, people stormed through the door. A few of them marched in angrily. When they saw how young the new boss was, they grew angrier.

“Are you the new boss?” one of them shot the question at Jenny. There was no respect in their tone.

Jenny smirked. “Yes. Do you have any objections?”

“We’re the pillars of this company. Have you ever thought of the consequences of firing us?” another


“Consequences? I don’t know what consequences there will be if I fire just a few employees.” Jenny smiled, not taking their words seriously.

They were incensed by her attitude and gnashed their teeth. “We’re the only designers in the company. Not only that, but without us, you’ll never win the approval of the Board of Fashion Design. It looks like you don’t even know what they are. Without their support, your designs would never be recognized.”

Jenny frowned. Indeed, she hadn’t known about this. As a consumer, she had never heard of brands needing approval from the Board of Fashion Design before going on the racks. “Why should I need their approval? My clothes only need to be recognized by the consumers.” She looked at them, not taking the Board of Fashion Design seriously.

Her words made them so angry that they laughed. “What a big talker. The consumers’ recognition? Why

would they recognize you?”

“You won’t have to worry about that.” Jenny didn’t want to waste her time on them anymore and turned to the clerk. “Escort them out, please.”

“Yes, Miss Jenny.” The clerk nodded. She was referring to Jenny as ‘Miss Jenny’ now, and it made Jenny spare her another glance. She was a quick thinker.

The security guards were called in quickly. “Please leave,” the clerk said. “Or I’ll have the security guards drag you out.”

“You…” Someone pointed at Jenny. “Just you wait!”

They stormed off, cursing Jenny in their heads.

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