To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 254

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 254

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Coincidence

In the lobby of Perry Residence, Zack glared at Gilbert, who refused to budge an inch. “You really won’t go upstairs?” Zack asked. “We’re already here. Let’s just go up to see Jenny, okay?” novelbin

“She doesn’t want to see me.” Gilbert didn’t tell Zack that he had visited Jenny earlier and how differently she behaved around him.

*And you won’t go to her just because of that?” Exasperated, Zack dragged him into the building. As he tugged on Gilbert’s arm, he continued to say, “Hey, you were wrong. How can Jenny forgive you if you don’t make the first move? Let me give you some advice. Tell Jenny sincerely that you don’t like her anymore, and promise to see her as your younger sister. If you do that, everything will be fine, won’t it?”

Since the three of them grew up together, Zack hated to see how strained their relationship was. Hence, he tried his best to persuade Gilbert to give up his feelings for Jenny. He also brought him to find Jenny, hoping they could resolve their misgivings.

Gilbert remained silent. He didn’t want to, nor could he give up his feelings for Jenny. Could a person really stop liking someone at will? He had had feelings for her for decades. Asking him to get rid of his feelings was impossible for him.

Despite Gilbert’s reluctance, Zack dragged him to Jenny’s door. “Hey, did you hear what I just said?”

Gilbert nodded perfunctorily. However, he didn’t intend to say anything to Jenny.

After ringing the doorbell, the door was soon opened. At the sight of Zack, Jenny asked delightedly. Zack? Why did you come here unannounced?”

“Must I make an appointment to visit you? Are you afraid I’ll find out you’re hiding a man at home?”

Laughing, Zack pulled Gilbert to the door into Jenny’s line of sight. Instantly, Jenny’s grin disappeared.

“Gilbert,” she greeted him.

Gilbert nodded at her, pretending he couldn’t sense the change in her behavior toward him. Alas, there was nothing he could do about it.

“Let’s talk about it inside,” Zack announced. With that, he dragged Gilbert into Jenny’s house. Since they were already there, they had to set matters straight before they left.

The moment they stepped into the living room, Alec exited the kitchen with food in his hands. The three men stared at each other awkwardly.

Zack was the first to react. He asked in mock anger, “So, you were hiding a man in your house?”

“It’s just a coincidence,” Jenny answered with a helpless smile.

“Hmph, I’d be a fool if I believed that.” Zack, however, didn’t harbor any resentment toward Alec. After all, he had received Alec’s help before, and Alec had rescued Jenny several times later. Hence, his impression of him had changed.

He turned to observe his brother, only to find him simmering with hostility. Suddenly, Zack thought it would be good if Jenny and Alec ended up together. At least, it might encourage Gilbert to give up.

During the two years of Jenny’s marriage, the siblings had dwelled peacefully with each other. If Jenny and Alec hadn’t divorced, they wouldn’t be in their current predicament.

“Zack, what do you want to eat? I’ll prepare more food, and we can have a drink together later,” Alec suggested. He was supposed to be Jenny’s acquaintance, yet he behaved like he was the man of the house.

Although Zack had already accepted Alec, he was still not used to him calling him by his first name. “I’m fine with anything. Don’t put yourself through too much trouble.”

“Alright, why don’t you guys take a seat first? The food will be ready soon.” With that, Alec returned to the kitchen, resuming his cooking.

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