To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 257

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 257

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 257

Chapter 257 Return Everything to Its Place

Gilbert was stunned as he never thought his feelings had hurt Jenny. “Jenny, I-”

“Gilbert, I know you never intended to hurt me. But your feelings hurt me. It hurts that they ruined the siblinghood we shared for so many years. Do you understand?” That was the reason why she had avoided Gilbert. She was afraid of the situation she was currently in, afraid that she couldn’t even call him her brother. They had spent so many years together, was it all going to end just like that?

Gilbert was silent for a while, wearing a pained smile. “That’s why you will never like me, right? Even if I don’t want this brother-sister relationship?”

“Yes.” Jenny nodded without hesitation, looking him in the eye. “If you give up on our siblinghood, it will only make me hate you.” She didn’t want things to evolve to that state.

Gilbert sighed as if he had resigned to his fate. “I know.”

“So, what is your choice?” Jenny asked warily, afraid that Gilbert would still insist on pursuing her. If he did, what should she do?

Gilbert looked at her with a tender gaze that Jenny was familiar with. “Of course I won’t give up our siblinghood.” Although upset about it, he knew he would get nothing out of giving up on it. He was afraid that he would end up with nothing if he actually did that, afraid that he couldn’t even be around Jenny. So, he decided to return everything to its place. Perhaps it was for the best, but one thing didn’t sit well with him…

Gilbert looked at Alec lying on the table and frowned. “Let me ask you a question as your brother. Do you really want to remarry him?”

Surprised by the sudden change of topic, Jenny struggled to respond. “Gilbert, I-”

“Jenny, can’t you tell your brother the truth?” Gilbert asked.

Jenny had no choice but to answer him. “To be honest, I don’t know for now, but I won’t push him away. About remarrying him, I have never considered that.” She was a person who let bygones be bygones.

Gilbert’s heart sank at her answer. The fact that she didn’t reject Alec meant that she was willing to give him a chance. Given Alec’s stubborn determination, he could potentially impress Jenny. “I have nothing to say about you not returning my feelings, but I hope you won’t end up liking him.” In the end, Gilbert couldn’t stop himself from speaking what was on his mind.

“Gilbert, you never interfered with my affairs before,” Jenny said, smiling wryly. She knew that Gilbert hadn’t given up completely, or he wouldn’t have said that. If he had given up, he would be like Zack, supporting Jenny as long as she was happy.

Gilbert fell silent. Jenny was right. If he didn’t like her, he wouldn’t have interfered. After a moment of silence, he said, “If you like anyone else, I won’t interfere, but Alec…you just can’t.”

Neither of them noticed Alec’s fist clenching under the table.

“Gilbert, I don’t know if I will like him, but I hope you will support any of my choices.” In the end, she still didn’t agree to Gilbert’s terms.

As soon as he heard her, Alec loosened his clenched fists, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sighing, Gilbert realized that whatever he said would be futile. “I understand. I’m just afraid you’ll be hurt.”


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