To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 272

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 272

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 272

Chapter 272 I Don’t Have a Home

Joey was unaware of his options, nor had he tried them out. When his teacher asked him the reason behind his decision, he merely answered that he didn’t want to study anymore. Despite his teacher’s attempt to change his mind, he didn’t budge. Therefore, his teacher was left with no choice but to process the paperwork for him.

“But…I already dropped out.” He hung his head in regret.

“I can handle that for you. What you need to do is to show up to school on time. Don’t fret about it,” Alec replied.

Joey looked at the two with teary eyes, even though he was a tough guy. “Thank you.””

“Study hard and score well if you really want to thank us.” Jenny was relieved after Joey agreed to go back to school.

He nodded. “I will.” Joey had always been good at studies, which was why he was placed in 12th grade at sixteen. If all went according to plan, he’d be taking the SAT the following year.

“All the best! If you get into a good college, I’ll buy you a gift.” Jenny finally broke into a smile and appeared more relieved.

After lunch, Jenny accompanied Joey to submit his resignation to the restaurant manager. The manager readily accepted the resignation, paid his wages, and offered him words of encouragement.

Joey followed Jenny and Alec from the shopping mall to their car. At that moment, he had no idea where

he should head to.

“Where do you live now?” Jenny asked.

Joey looked troubled. “I was living at the employee dorm, but now that I’ve resigned, I have no idea where

to stay.”

“Your home…”

“I don’t have a home. He kicked me out.” A look of resentment flashed across Joey’s eyes when he mentioned his father, but he tried not to show his negativity in front of Jenny. He refrained from telling her that not only did his dad chase him out, but his dad would also ask him for money every month. Although Joey’s pay was too little to live on, he had to put aside money for his dad to buy alcohol.

“I wonder if he found out I left my job and went back to school? What if he looks for me at school?” he wondered. He dared not picture the scene where his classmates laughed at him behind his back. Still, he kept his worries to himself instead of confiding in Jenny because he was sure he could handle the matter.

He had decided to continue school even if his dad made life hard for him. That was his only ticket out of his current situation, and he could only repay Jenny’s kindness with success.

Jenny thought about it and suggested, “Why don’t you crash at my place for a few days? When we settle the paperwork at school, we can send you there.”

“No!” Alec quickly responded without giving Joey a chance to speak. Jenny and Joey stared at him, but he was unfazed and said, “How are you going to take care of him with that busy schedule? He might even go hungry at your place. How about this, Joey? I’ll check you into a hotel for a few days. The hotel will serve all three meals, and all you have to do is relax.”

Joey felt burdened by the luxurious arrangement and muttered cautiously, “I can stay at an inn. I’ll cook my own meals.”

“Listen to Alec. Clear your mind and rest well before returning to school.” Jenny agreed with Alec’s suggestion because she was indeed too busy to look after the boy.

Joey nodded and did not argue further. “Okay. Thank you so much. I will repay your kindness one day.” Alec and Jenny chuckled at his serious attitude. Jenny chirped, “Sure. Good luck! I look forward to that.”

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