To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 284

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 284

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 284

Chapter 284 I Don’t Want to Be Indebted to You

Marigold’s case was finally closed, and Jenny reaped huge rewards from the incident that gave her a good scare.

When she looked into the operations of the garment factory, she was surprised to find that Paul had been raking in a few hundred million annually through this asset. Even if she sat back and did nothing, she would earn a considerable amount yearly.

She felt rather uncomfortable at the discovery as she finally realized that Paul had given up the cash cow purely for the sake of his friendship with Alec. Had it not been for Alec, he would have gotten into a huge fight with her and refused to cave in, given his personality.

She hesitantly knocked on the door to Alec’s hospital room. When she entered the room, she found him. working instead of resting.

“What’s wrong?” Alec thought something had happened when he saw her.

She walked up and handed him the agreement she had signed with Paul. “I looked into this factory and found out that it makes a huge profit annually. Paul wouldn’t have agreed to give it up if it were not for you.”

“Don’t worry about that. Marigold is the daughter of the Wagner Family-she’s worth more than you thought,” he comforted her.

“You own 40% of the shares in this factory,” she mumbled. Alec’s share ownership was higher than she had anticipated-she initially thought he owned only 5%.

He shut his laptop and said with a smile, “No worries. Paul will compensate me for the loss.”

“Stop hiding the truth from me. You’d be lucky if he doesn’t ask you for compensation.” Jenny was not naive; she knew full well that she had taken advantage of Paul in the transaction. There was no way Paul would compensate Alec, his shareholder.

He was surprised by her meticulous consideration but added, “Paul doesn’t need that money.”

“That’s his problem, and I don’t care about him anyway.” She had planned to have Paul suffer losses, and things went her way. However, she was greatly indebted to Alec in the process. After some deliberation, she announced, “How about this? I’ll let you keep your 40% shares in the factory.”

“It’s fine.” He shook his head. “I never put in any effort to run the factory anyway. Paul was the one managing it.”

“That’s your business with him. We’re now talking about this business between us. It’s different.” Jenny refused to be indebted to Alec. Whether or not she liked him, she would rather keep their relationship free of such entanglements.

Alec held a different opinion. The more Jenny wanted to set boundaries, the more upset he became.” Jenny, do you really need to draw clear boundaries with me?”

“No, I didn’t…”

“You make me feel like my efforts are useless.” He leaned against the headboard and flashed a bitter smile, looking miserable. Somehow, his actions seemed meaningless to Jenny, and she never displayed any hint of enthusiasm at his efforts.

Jenny felt bad and quickly explained, “I didn’t mean that. I just don’t want to be too indebted to you.”

“Why? Is it because you don’t have feelings for me?” He was perplexed.

“Yeah.” She nodded but shook her head again. “I need to set clear boundaries if I’m not interested in you. But I need to do it more when I’m interested in you.”

He frowned, forming a guess in his heart, but he couldn’t be sure of the meaning behind her words. “What does that mean?”

“Alec Faust, everyone in Parrington knows you’re remarkable. People might think I’m not good enough for you if I date you, and I don’t want to be perceived as such. Even if I’m with you, I want to stand by your side as an equal rather than behind you. Got it?”

She acknowledged that Alec was a great man, but she wanted everyone to know she was also an exceptional woman.

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