To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 298

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 298

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 298

Chapter 298 I’ve Troubled You

Jenny, who was reaching for more food, froze and looked at Hannah in surprise. “You’re joking, right?”

“Joking? I’m being serious right now,” Hannah replied with a smile, tugging at Felicity’s arm. “Felicity is your cousin, after all, and we’re family. You can’t just sit back and watch her do nothing, can you?”

Felicity turned to Jenny, smiling. “Jenny, I’ll have to rely on you from now on.”

Jenny was dumbfounded as Felicity certainly never wanted to have anything to do with her before. Nonetheless, for David’s sake, she couldn’t respond too harshly. She didn’t know how to reject their


“It’s difficult enough for Jenny to live alone in Parrington, so don’t add to her troubles,” David scolded Felicity. He knew his daughter well and didn’t believe she really wanted to go to Parrington to find a job. Perhaps she had some wicked ideas up her sleeve.

“Dad!” Felicity was upset. “You always sided with Jenny. You’ve been so kind to her, so what’s wrong with asking her to help me find a job? Do you want me to live like this for the rest of my life?”

Felicity genuinely felt wronged. Since she was a child, everyone in the family liked Jenny more, except her mother, who was always on her side. Even Gilbert and Zack, who were adopted by their grandfather, had always protected Jenny and ignored her completely.

She was David’s daughter, yet Jenny had it better than her. The more she thought about it, the more upset she was, and she burst into tears, making the dinner awkward.

David was about to scold her. However, he felt bad when she started to cry. Hence, he could do nothing but sigh helplessly as he took a swig of beer.

Not wanting David to be put in a difficult situation, Jenny said, “If you really want to go, Felicity, pack your things tonight, and we’ll leave for Parrington tomorrow morning.”

Felicity was overjoyed to hear that. “Promise?”

“Yeah.” Jenny nodded before hurriedly adding, “But I may not be able to find you a good job, so keep that

in mind.”

Felicity only had a high school diploma, which would make it difficult for her to find a job in Parrington. The most Jenny could do for her was to get her a job at her own company.

“It’s okay.” The job was not important to Felicity. All she had in mind was to marry Alec. She shoved more food into her mouth before she hurried back to pack her things. Hannah followed Felicity claiming she had to give her some instructions, but no one knew exactly what the instructions were about.

After the two left, David looked at Jenny, clearly embarrassed. “Jenny, I’ve troubled you”

“Don’t say that. I’ll always remember how kind you’ve been to me. I’m overjoyed now that I have the opportunity to repay it.” Although she disliked Hannah and Felicity, Jenny was genuinely grateful to David.

Meanwhile, Alec silently ate his food, keeping his opinions to himself.

That night, Jenny tossed and turned on the bed. Despite being in a familiar room, she couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, she got up, deciding to go outside for a walk. As soon as she stepped out of the room, she saw a tall figure standing in the courtyard.

“Alec?” she called out hesitantly.

He turned to look at her. “You’re still awake?” novelbin

“I couldn’t sleep.” She walked over and stood beside him. “Why are you still up?”

“There’s something on my mind,” Alec replied, his gaze falling on Jenny’s face.

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