To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 967

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 967

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 967

Chapter 967 Potato Chunks

Things were far from being as good as they seemed. Jenny rarely cooked, so washing

the vegetables was manageable, but chopping them up…not so much.

“Dr. Walter, are you just as careless when performing surgery on patients?” Alec

picked up the potato strips-or, more accurately, the potato chunks.

Jenny looked a little embarrassed. “I haven’t really chopped vegetables before.”

“Right, just watch from the side.” Alec took the knife from her and didn’t let her

continue with the chopping.

Jenny became even more embarrassed and obediently stood like a child who had

done something wrong. Alec covered up the laughter he was about to let out by

clearing his throat and sending her downstairs to buy marinara sauce.

“Do we not have any at home?” Jenny asked. She really didn’t want to go out.

“No. I didn’t notice we didn’t have any,” Alec replied. It had been a long time since he

cooked at Jenny’s house, so he’d forgotten about it. He didn’t think buying any at the

grocery store would be necessary either.

Upon hearing that, Jenny could only put on her shoes pitifully and go out to buy what

Alec had requested.

When she got to the grocery store downstairs, the female shopkeeper, who had

greeted Jenny a few times and knew she was a doctor, looked like she wanted to

gossip. “Jenny, is that guy your boyfriend? I often see you two coming and going


“It’s not like that! You misunderstood. He lives right across from me, so we often come

and go together,” Jenny explained.

The shopkeeper smiled mysteriously. “Is that so? Why do I feel like he looks at you


After all, she had a lot of experience and could naturally see that Alec had a different

attitude toward Jenny. No one would believe that he was just a neighbor and nothing


Jenny smiled awkwardly. She quickly paid for the sauce and left. However, she

couldn’t help but think about it on the way back.

She’d gotten closer to Alec recently. Not just the shopkeeper but many people at the

hospital had also asked about their relationship, and they probably thought Alec was

her boyfriend. Jenny was a little frustrated, as she hadn’t really figured it all out.

Perhaps she was also waiting, expecting something to happen.

In the blink of an eye, the elevator stopped. She walked out and quickly shook off

those unnecessary thoughts. By the time she reached her apartment, she was back to

her usual, composed self.

“Here’s the sauce you wanted. Is there anything else I can help with?” Jenny asked

while handing Alec the sauce.

“No. Go sit in the living room and wait for a while. We’ll be able to eat soon,” Alec said.

Alec had already started cooking, and his movements were skillful. At that moment, he

didn’t look like a CEO but more like a chef.

Jenny felt like laughing as she watched him. She turned around and walked to the

living room. Sitting on the couch, she texted Stephanie, talking about anything and

everything. Soon, they were texting about Alec cooking at Jenny’s place.

Stephanie’s text read, “Ahhh, I really want to come over and have a meal with you

guys. I’ve never tasted Mr. Faust’s cooking before.”

Jenny glanced at the kitchen and saw that Alec was still busy. She snapped a photo

sneakily and sent it to Stephanie with the message, “You won’t get to try his cooking,

but I can give you a peek.”

Stephanie then replied, “You’re right. I didn’t get any food, but I’ve just been served a

full plate of PDA.”

Jenny rolled her eyes and suggested that Stephanie go find Leonard, who would

surely be happy to cook for her.

Stephanie replied with a laughing emoji.

Jenny put away her phone and smiled with satisfaction. She casually checked the

news for the day and found that most of it was related to the Fausts. It was then she

realized how bad their situation was.

She looked at Alec, who was still in the kitchen but couldn’t see any sign of distress on

his face. Was he not concerned, or was he making light of it so she wouldn’t worry

about him?

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