To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Iriel’s Recollection (1)

“If we’re caught, there’s nothing we can do.”

The five men, convinced they stood no chance against the Saint before them, crushed the poison capsules hidden inside their molars.


The poison quickly spread through their mouths, descended their throats, and infiltrated their organs.

As their complexions turned pale, the men collapsed on the spot.

Ray frowned as he approached them.

“Did they commit suicide to prevent information from leaking?”

Although he didn’t know their exact affiliations, he surmised they must have undergone rigorous training.

To die without any hesitation… It’s not easy to train soldiers to that level, even with several years of effort.

Ray checked their pulses after a cursory examination.

The pulse was there but extremely weak.

Their bodies began to shrivel up like mummies.

He had never heard of such a poison, even with his knowledge of modern substances.

‘Their blood has evaporated. There’s no saving them now.’

He had intended to keep them alive for questioning, but without blood transfusion packs, there was no hope for those whose blood had turned to vapor.

Disregarding their barely-there pulses, he noticed their abdomens had contracted as if their internal organs had dissipated.

Ray conjured a small sword to open up their stomachs.josei

The sight that met him was appalling.

“What in the world is this?”

Not only had the organs disintegrated, but they had also amalgamated.

The heart and lungs were conjoined, and the descending colon had fused with the kidneys.

Ray let his hand fall at the horror of the scene before him.

There was no hope for them, not even if the finest immortal surgeon rushed to perform surgery.

As he gazed upon their distorted forms, Ray began to search their bodies.

The probability was slim, but he sought any clue that might point to the forces behind them.

All he discovered was a piece of jerky.

Ray shook his head as he regarded it.

There was no further time to waste.

The magic circle could be triggered at any moment.

“If Iriel is performing her duties correctly, she must have called for support by now.”

Of course, she would have encountered two Swordmasters on her way.

Ray began to gather mana again.

“Fire Explosion.”

Boom! Boooom!

With an enormous blast, the surrounding buildings began to explode.

While he cast the spell, he was deep in thought.

The act of committing suicide in an instant was training primarily for assassins.

Who could be using aura users as disposable pawns?

And what about the magic circle?

He didn’t know how it had been laid, nor was the magic circle visible.

However, a definite presence of magical energy was there.

Each time a building was destroyed, the mana fluctuated but not enough to cancel the magic circle.

But destroying buildings was the only thing he could do.

Ray gathered even more mana.

A tremendous flow of mana could make one mistake the sky for trembling.

A ferocious influx of mana, different from fear, swirled around Ray.

The aftermath alone was enough to shatter the buildings.

‘By now, Iriel or Aira must have evacuated all the remaining people.’

Having timed everything, Ray did not hesitate to use his magic.

Even if there were people who had not evacuated, they would have run away after hearing the continuous explosions from earlier.

In other words, there were no longer any people around this area.

The mana he had gathered swirled around him, making a terrifying noise as if it would explode at any moment.

He then concentrated it all in one place and transformed it.

The amount of mana was so excessive that even converting it was a struggle.

Ray uttered the incantation.


Rumble rumble-

The ground began to shake violently, and a loud noise followed.

The earth cracked open, and the land went into a frenzy.


The buildings collapsed like toys.

It wasn’t just the buildings that were destroyed.

It was as if the land itself was turning upside down.

Everything within the range of the spell was being destroyed.

A tremendous earthquake with immense destructive power struck the area where Ray was.

The buildings of this otherworld, not designed for seismic activity, stood no chance.

Even structures with earthquake-resistant designs would have been leveled by the force of this quake.

It left not a single blade of grass.

“…I wonder how much the damage will cost.”

Ray felt a slight guilt for having devastated several towns so thoroughly.

But it was a necessary action.

Was it not better to destroy the towns along with the magic circle than to leave a town that could be endangered by it?

Ray continued to supply mana to sustain the earthquake.

After all, magic ceases when the supplied mana is exhausted.

Despite Ray’s calm demeanor, the surrounding landscape had become hellish.

The ground shook violently, and the surface cracked open.

Buildings exploded like fireworks, their falling debris shattering other structures. Even underground water burst forth, spewing forcefully.

Only Ray, the caster of the spell, could remain composed in such an extreme situation.

Iriel, along with Pross and two other young men, made their way toward Gehel.

The situation was less than ideal.

It was as if she was traveling with three young men who had come to assassinate the Saint.

But one must know how to use what is useful and coldly discard what is not.

Now was the time to utilize these young men.

They were the ones who knew about the organization Proxia, which had been unknown until now.

As Iriel listened to the young men’s stories, memories of her own childhood began to surface.

Sensing her mood, the long-haired young man inquired.

“What was your childhood like, Saint?”

They likely imagined she had grown up in a wealthy, joyful home and had become a Saint.

Such were the assumptions hidden beneath their thoughts.

Iriel let out a self-deprecating laugh.

Her childhood.

She had not tried to recall it, yet it was also unforgettable.

It was a moment that could have marked the greatest shame of her life.

The sound of bells echoed loudly from the village, announcing the arrival of morning.

Dong- Dong-

Unnamed birds sang, clouds drifted by, bringing a refreshing breeze.

A girl watched these scenes from a small chapel on a hill.

A person approached the girl, her brilliant golden hair fluttering in the wind.

“You’re here, Iriel.”

“Ah, Father.”

She looked at the priest with a charming crescent-eyed smile.

Holding a small book in his hand, the priest looked at Iriel with a faint smile on his lips.

Her flowing hair and dignified eyes.

Iriel, mingling among the children, was like a crane in a chicken coop.

Always beautifully striking.

Too precious for such a small chapel.

“Come to see me after dinner tonight. I have something to tell you.”


Iriel responded cheerfully, her voice lifting spirits, and quickly returned to the group of children.

The priest watched her go, his eyes beginning to gleam with a cunning light.

Knock- Knock-

The priest’s voice came from inside in response to the knock.

“Come in.”


Iriel opened the door and cautiously entered the room.

“Excuse me.”

“Iriel, you are always so polite. Come in, don’t hesitate.”

Iriel approached the priest, pulled up a chair, and sat down.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

The priest turned his chair to face Iriel directly.

He spoke to the girl with a pleasant smile.

“Iriel, have you ever thought about going outside?”


She echoed, her eyes wide with surprise, to which the priest nodded.

“Yes, outside. I’ve noticed you’ve spent a lot of time these past few months looking at the village or staring at the sky. The chapel is nice, but perhaps it’s time for you to experience life outside.”

“…Hmm. But if I suddenly go outside, what can I do? I also feel a bit sad about leaving my friends…”

“I’ll help you. Even if you go outside, I’ll be there with you. And I’ll make sure you can meet your friends whenever you miss them.”

Feeling reassured by the priest’s serious offer, Iriel pondered for a moment before nodding.

“Then okay! I want to go outside!”

The priest’s joy over her lighthearted response was unmarred by any resolve or determination.

“Let’s leave right now then. It’s just the right time.”

“What? I haven’t even said goodbye to my friends yet…”

“We can send them a letter.”

Iriel thought to herself, ‘He said I can meet my friends whenever I miss them.’

Without packing any belongings, Iriel, naively due to her young age, set off with the priest.

Excited and happy to be leaving the chapel and descending the hill for the first time, she harbored no suspicions about the priest, even as they bypassed the village and made for the harbor.

As the priest hurriedly paid for the boat and boarded, Iriel inquired.

“Why are we taking a boat?”

The village was nearby; why would they need a boat?

It was a situation curious enough to make even a child wonder.

The priest wrapped his arm around Iriel’s shoulder and replied kindly.

“Have you never been on a boat before, Iriel? We’re just going to play on the boat for a bit.”


She asked, her eyes brimming with curiosity, while the priest gently stroked her hair.

“It’s called a boat ride. We can return soon.”

“Hmm… if Father says so…”

After a moment’s thought, she dismissed her concerns and turned her attention to the sea.

The sea, seen up close for the first time, was truly magnificent.

In the clear water, fish swam in plain sight, and the distant small islands offered a breathtaking panorama.

The priest also smiled, seeing the girl’s bright and excited face.

His hands, gripping Iriel’s tightly, clenched with force.

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