To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Total War With Proxia (4)

The monstrous onslaught continually pushed them back as they exchanged fierce opinions with one another.

“If we keep retreating like this, Selonia will be devoured too!”

“Are you suggesting we go on a suicide mission?! With Gehel Castle lost, we can’t even defend properly now!”

The point was valid.

Even if they had defended, it would have only allowed them to hold out a little longer.

Against tens of thousands of monsters, the walls were nearly meaningless.

Camped in the highland forests, the two commanders were at odds.

Opinions were divided into two main groups: one suggested fighting back using the geographical advantage now, and the other proposed retreating to Selonia to make a stand together.

However, neither option seemed entirely right.

Fighting now would be almost suicidal, and retreating to Selonia would mean they had to defend at the main base.

The battle at the main base would be very different from any they had fought before.

A single mistake could lead to the occupation of the Holy Kingdom, and even if they won, having lost Gehel and other areas would just set the stage for a future counterattack.

Whatever they chose, it was a desperate move.

Iriel intervened as the two commanders glared at each other.

“Stop it, everyone. This is not the time to fight among ourselves.”

“But, Holy Maiden…”

“Griaia, what are your thoughts?”

At her words, Griaia pondered before responding.

“…We have no choice but to retreat here.”

“Why do you think so?”

“If we were to fight, it would have been better to defend at the city gates yesterday. But we had to give up the advantage of the walls and retreat. If we fight now, it will undoubtedly lead to our defeat.”

Iriel nodded at her clear explanation.

“Right. If we were to fight, it should have been when we had the walls.”

Iriel smiled as if praising a student for the right answer.

“Order. We completely abandon Gehel and retreat to Selonia.”

“We obey your command!”

“We obey your command!”

Once the Holy Maiden issued her order, it was indisputable.

To defy the command of God’s representative was to ensure death.

Their steps shifted direction from the outskirts of Gehel toward Selonia.

Ray rose from his bed.

His body still felt awkward and unresponsive, yet the mere ability to move filled him with immense joy.

He opened his mouth to speak.

“Done… it…”

His voice was hoarse and broken, but the relief that his vocal cords still worked was palpable.

Ray slowly attempted to rise completely from the bed.

But the task proved difficult.


He fell to the floor, tumbling spectacularly.

Even standing proved too challenging.

Resigned, Ray abandoned the attempt to stand and began to manipulate mana from his prone position.


The atmospheric mana responded, coalescing around him.

However, the amount was paltry compared to his usual reserves.

With so little, he could not even create a Sword Aura, let alone cast a spell.

‘I need to gather more mana.’

As though heeding his thoughts, the mana inched closer to him.

Sweat streamed down his face, and his limbs trembled as though seized by spasms, but he persevered, concentrating on the mana’s control.

Ray had been prolonging the battle between the magic and the mana of the magic circle for some time.

The magic was being consumed autonomously, depleting the mana steadily.

Consequently, the magic had now vanished from Ray’s body.

Admittedly, about half the mana from the magic circle remained.

But he did not require as much mana as he had for Aira’s healing.

A simple Heal spell should be adequate.

Yet, amassing mana was far from easy.

The fact that he could gather mana at all, given his rebellious body and the unruly mana, testified to his exceptional mana control abilities.

Moreover, Ray, who had been lying in bed focusing solely on mana for a month, figured out how to activate mana in his body.

Creating a new spell was difficult, but he understood the method by focusing solely on mana.

How it differed from the world’s known methods, he couldn’t say, but the method he discovered seemed to him the most efficient way of activation.

Lying in the position where he had fallen trying to stand up, he focused solely on mana for an entire day.

The concentration level was incredible.

Gathering mana was important, but preventing it from scattering was also crucial.

Ray was performing two types of mana control simultaneously, and for a whole day at that.

The task was as intricate and calculative as drawing with the left hand while solving math problems with the right.

Otherwise, gathering mana would have been impossible.

Finally, after a day of having gathered more than enough atmospheric mana, Ray struggled to open his lips.

“He… al…”

A welcome burst of blue mana erupted around him for the first time in a while.

The gathered mana instantly transformed into a spell.

Then, the blue mana absorbed into Ray’s entire body.

Ray’s mana, wrapping around every corner of his body, collided with the mana of the magic circle within him.

The magic circle’s side crumbled with terrifying force.

After all, Ray’s mana density was incredibly thick.

No matter how strong the regional-level magic circle was, it crumbled before the denser mana.

Although lesser in quantity, Ray’s mana continued to break through the magic circle.

With each gnawing away of the mana, he felt noticeably lighter.

His hands moved, his head turned.

His muscles, stiff until now, began to function properly, filling his body with strength.

With the control over mana significantly loosened, he strengthened the manifested magic, soon completely annihilating the magic circle’s mana.

With every restraining mana gone from his body, Ray grinned, showing his teeth.

Just then, the restraints that bound the beast came undone.

Late into the night, Proxia’s army initiated a surprise attack.

As they had already planned to retreat, the surprise attack forced them to withdraw at once.

“Retreat! Don’t look back!”

Losing troops now would only make the defense at Selonia more challenging.

It would pave a direct path to the kingdom’s downfall.

Their only sliver of hope was to somehow evade their pursuers and make for Selonia.

But Proxia’s forces showed no signs of letting them escape.

Having anticipated their retreat, their troops lay in wait along the potential escape routes.

Iriel clenched her teeth as she surveyed the situation.

‘We’re encircled. We have no choice but to fight.’

Escape, under these circumstances, was futile.

Zik observed them with an icy gaze.

“Don’t worry. I will protect the Holy Maiden at any cost. That was the first command the Saint entrusted to me…”

“I’m not so frail that I require your protection, Zik.”

“I am aware. So please, flee.”

“…Your jest is in poor taste. How could I abandon them and run?”

“I do not know.”

“…What are you even suggesting…?”

Zik unsheathed his sword and aimed it toward Proxia’s forces.

“I am uncertain of where to flee. But having fought by your side through numerous battles, I am well aware of your strength. Strategically and tactically, you’re an exceptional warrior. Yet, if someone like you falls in this conflict, the Holy Kingdom will indeed be doomed.”


Iriel acknowledged this truth.

The Holy Kingdom was short on soldiers and lacking skilled leaders.

They had the resources to sustain the war but were devoid of a champion to conclude it swiftly.

Without her, the Holy Kingdom was indeed on a precipice of destruction.

That was the extent of what the kingdom lacked.

Standing alongside Zik were Beris, Celes, and Greyan.

“Please depart. We will endeavor to hold them at bay here.”

“This rare emotion we’ve discovered on the battlefield… allow us the honor of defending it!”

“The thought of the Holy Kingdom’s extinction is unfathomable to me!”

Their cries sounded like a plea, and Iriel bit her lip until it bled.

Iriel raised her left hand high and shouted,

“Holy Protect! Holy Seal! Bless!”

Incredible holy power began to emanate from their allies.

Their hands, holding swords, overflowed with power, and a strong holy force, enough to deflect a blind sword strike, enveloped them.


“It’s the Holy Maiden’s blessing! Fight back! Don’t leave a single one alive!”

Even those without faith felt their morale boosted by the immense holy power.

She fluttered her holy robes noisily and turned around.

“Don’t die, everyone.”

She muttered and threw herself toward Selonia.

As Iriel left the battlefield, four Sword Masters appeared before Zik.

“Quite the trick, sending off the Holy Maiden knowing we’d come.”

“Kekeke. His face is the spitting image of the young sage.”

“I think I was a bit more handsome, though? Hohoho.”

Despite the impending battle, their relaxed demeanor elicited a wry smile from Zik.

‘Sword Masters… and at least two of them are high-level users. This is an unwinnable fight.’

He had crossed swords with them once before.

A tremendous sword strike, powerful enough to push back even Iriel with her immense holy power, had come at him.

Zik had barely managed to block it with all his strength.

Duke Harold and his knights stood by his side.

“I will contribute my meager strength, Zik.”

“It’s an honor to stand beside you.”

At their words, Zik chuckled.

“The honor is mine. To fight alongside heroes willing to sacrifice their lives for the country.”

As he finished speaking, the youngest-looking Sword Master among them charged at Zik.

Unfazed by the sudden attack, Zik deflected the sword strike.

Though definitely weaker than the elders, it was still a formidable force.

His own sword struggled to maintain balance while deflecting the attack.

The middle-aged man looked on with slight admiration.

“Truly worthy of being the youngest Sword Master on the continent, as I’ve heard.”

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