To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: The Last Day (1)

The lacking facilities of the Medical Academy were replaced with the orphanage and the estates of nearby fallen nobility.

Thanks to this, it was possible to accommodate all the overflowing new students, and the bloodline of the hero could also be safely transferred to the facility.

What was fortunate was that those who came from the Western Continent showed interest in medicine.

Such as how to deal with injuries usually or prevention of diseases.

Thinking about it, there were quite a few practical benefits, so it wouldn’t hurt to learn.

They were quiet, so there wasn’t much talk among the nobles either.

The problem started afterwards.

When the Medical Academy was safely on track and about to expand abroad.

The word that the Saint was leaving the Holy Kingdom gave the local nobles a chance to band together.

They wouldn’t necessarily start a rebellion, but this situation led the central nobles, led by the Pope, to start checking each other a bit.

As the covert struggle between the two noble factions began, it was the ordinary estate residents who suffered.

Estates that had become estranged from each other stopped their mutual trade, leading to residents taking up arms and becoming bandits due to shortages of goods and grains.

While the country’s finances were more prosperous than ever, the people became more impoverished.

As such, theft and robbery became rampant.

It’s as if this place has become the demon world rather than the Holy Kingdom.

The Pope Eclair, realizing the problem too late, dispatched a person of Healer rank to try to prevent the situation, but it was impossible to turn back the hearts of the people who had already changed.

Voices blaming the Holy Kingdom began to arise, and public sentiment started to shake.

In response, Pope Eclair called for a meeting with the nobles to discuss measures.

At the head of the long table.

There, Eclair looked around at the surrounding nobles and spoke.

“The people cannot overcome their poverty and have retreated into the hills to become bandits. How can this be called the Holy Kingdom?”

His voice carried a rebuke for neglecting the estate residents while being preoccupied with scrutinizing each other.

The nobles coughed awkwardly.

“Ahem… We regret to say, but the people’s poverty stems from their cessation of trade. By halting trade in areas lacking grains, they had no choice but to turn to banditry since they could no longer venture out to purchase grains.”

Are you suggesting the knowledgeable ones fought among themselves?

Eclair shot a sharp glance, causing them to shrink back as if swallowing their throats.

After surveying the assembly once, she slammed her fist on the table.


“Don’t make excuses! The actions you all took under the guise of scrutinizing each other were the cause of the people’s poverty! Now that we cannot easily reverse public sentiment, what shall we do?”



Among them, a rather young-looking noble stepped forward.

“If there’s no other way, we must suppress them with fear, right?”


“Deploy the Heresy Inquisitors to capture all the bandits in the vicinity. If we make an example by punishing them severely, they won’t dare turn to banditry so easily.”

“Though they are called bandits, they are merely people who, out of desperation, fled their homes. They are not threatening enough to warrant the deployment of Heresy Inquisitors. Besides, how will we win back the hearts of the people who have turned their backs on us then?”

“If we restore the halted trade and completely eliminate the bandits’ dens, then the ordinary estate residents can live in peace. Moreover, if the Holy Kingdom takes a forceful approach, people will be hesitant to oppose it recklessly.”

Smiling as he spoke, it was a rather plausible opinion.

This way, the bandits would quickly vanish, and the restoration of trade routes would also lead to active exchanges between estates.

If the finances are managed and public order rises to the standard, it would surely return to the former glory of the Holy Kingdom.

The only problem would be the treatment of those who became bandits.

Well, if you do wrong, you should expect to face punishment.

Having robbed ordinary people by becoming bandits, they deservedly need punishment.

After much thought, Eclair nodded.

“Good. Let’s try your suggestion.”

“It’s an honor.”

As he politely stepped back, she asked,

“What is your name?”

In response to her question, the young noble emitted a charming smile.

“I am Spia Klein, newly made a viscount by recommendation.”

His manners were perfect, neither excessive nor lacking.josei

Eclair nodded, as if impressed, and said,

“I’ll remember that.”

Heresy inquisitors were dispatched throughout the Holy Kingdom.

Usually, they would cause havoc in villages, so their quietness was initially surprising.

But it was natural for them, having developed a trauma after previously crossing paths with Ray.

Having been severely reprimanded by Ray before, they were extremely cautious in their words and actions.

However, this did not apply to bandits.

In front of a bandit outpost, a group of soldiers spread out around the area.

They held torches in their hands and had luxurious swords hanging at their waists.

It was clear at a glance that these were no ordinary troops.

A heresy inquisitor with long hair reaching down to her waist issued a cold command.

“Burn it all.”

“But… they are also citizens of the Holy Kingdom. They became bandits because they couldn’t bear hunger. Isn’t this treatment too harsh…?”

A mid-ranking priest asked cautiously, but she shook her head.

“Committing crimes because of hunger or poverty is no excuse. Then what about those who have lived honestly and abided by the law unlike them?”

Chilled by her cold gaze, the priest shrank back.

She issued her command once more.

“Burn the buildings. Gather all the remaining bandits and throw them into the dungeon.”



Her knights and soldiers responded and began their operation.

Bandits who were dozing off in front of the outpost woke up to the commotion.

“What’s going on!”

“Blow the horn! Run away!”

Ordinary bandits might think to fight back.

But these bandits, formed from desperate estate residents, were a disorganized bunch with only thoughts of escape.

However, escaping was not easy with soldiers positioned around them like a net.

Except for a few lucky ones, many bandits faced the soldiers.

The heresy inquisitor ordered once more to the frightened bandits.

“Tie them up. If they resist, it’s okay to cut their throats. Give pain to those who lived by preying on others and breaking the law like trash.”

With her words, the bandits gave up any thought of resistance.

It seemed there was no way to escape, even with knights among them.

They were tied up like salted fish and had no choice but to be taken to the dungeon.

As heresy inquisitors became rampant in all areas of the Holy Kingdom, the people were in despair.

It was frustrating enough to use all facilities for free, but there were also cases of being imprisoned for baseless accusations.

But what could they do?

The powerless commoners couldn’t dare to resist.

A single wrong word could lead to execution on the spot.

The leadership either didn’t know about these facts or chose not to issue any orders, and since no one cared, the heresy inquisitors felt at ease.

At this rate, finding a heresy inquisitor who wasn’t abusing their power was not just rare; it was as if they didn’t exist at all.

Moreover, they don’t know what happened, but the Saint is now leaving the Holy Kingdom.

Without him, the act of heresy inquisition becomes quite a delightful activity.

Harassing women on the streets and engaging in prostitution in bars have become commonplace.

By this point, the people were driven into a corner.

A cornered mouse will bite a cat if it has to.

Driven by the will to survive, they began searching for the Saint, who had been their spiritual pillar until now.

Though their voices were not loud, they gathered voluntarily, calling for the Saint as if engaging in an independence movement.

Each time, the heresy inquisitors, fearing the aftermath, imposed severe punishments, but that alone was insufficient to stop the people.

The endlessly shouting voices eventually reached the ears of the Saint, who was about to leave.

Euclid reported.

“It seems the people are caught in the crossfire of the nobles’ power struggles. Lords who cut off exchanges did not offer any solutions, making it difficult to access grains despite a year of good harvest. It looks like the Holy Kingdom is dispatching heresy inquisitors to deal with the people who became bandits to survive, but if this continues, the public sentiment won’t hold.”

“That’s to be expected. A kingdom that loses the heart of its people is bound to fall… We’ve made a misstep this time.”

“What do you plan to do?”

Looking silently at her, Ray grabs his head and mutters.

“What’s all this before leaving?”

“They seem not to have come to their senses yet. If you leave it to me, I’ll handle it cleanly.”

He waits with his head bowed, expecting an order.

After a moment of thought, he shook his head.

“This could be considered my last job too, I suppose. Might as well do some proper work as the Saint, why not.”

“You intend to step in personally?”

“Yes. I can’t just sit by while crimes are rampant in the streets and these so-called heresy inquisitors are committing atrocities as the Saint.”


“Request an audience with the Pope. We need to find out what’s going on.”


Eclair, having granted the audience, said with a troubled expression.

“It’s not easy. If we leave the people who became bandits, there will surely be victims, but removing them stirs public sentiment.”

“It’s because you’ve been raising those useless bastards as heresy inquisitors. The soldiers are emptying their pockets to engage in prostitution, and the so-called heresy inquisitors are harassing women. Who would think of this place as the Holy Kingdom?”


“If I were a god, I would have ended this kind of kingdom with a single bolt of lightning.”

At his sharp words, Eclair’s expression darkened.

“Alright. I’ll issue a recall order for the heresy inquisitors.”

“It’s too late now. Even if a tyrant dies, the resentment won’t disappear.”

“Sigh… There’s no talent that can be properly utilized. I asked them to catch bandits, and they go around acting like beasts.”

After a deep sigh, Ray said.

“This will be my last task in the Holy Kingdom. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry.”

“If you would do that, I’d be grateful… But what do you plan to do?”

At her question, he smiled broadly.

“We’ll have to completely smash the lords’ trade routes.”

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