To Kiss An Idol

Chapter 174 - 174 The Challenge

Chapter 174 - 174 The Challenge

174 The Challenge

“What? Who is it?” asked Nivritti after she saw the shocked expression of Jae-Hwa. If it would have been Jae-Geun, that was not the expression she would give.

Like a zombie, Jae-Hwa just opened the door. Her jaw was almost to the floor. Nivritti kept her eyes on the door as she too wanted to know who arrived this early. Her throat jammed at the sight of two men who entered her house. She started coughing. Kyung-Soo and Young-Chul were standing before her.

Kyung-Soo almost ran to her after he saw her coughing. Whereas Nivritti instantly stood up in shock. She was not expecting any member of ASD in the morning, again. But the moment she placed her foot on the ground, she closed her eyes and flinched in pain.

“You fool! Who told you to stand up abruptly? Sit down,” shouted Kyung-Soo.

“Why are you here so early? You gave me a shock,” scolded Nivritti and looked at him. Kyung-Soo grabbed her shoulders and pushed her onto the couch. He took her foot in his palms and held it tightly to ease her pain.

Kyung-Soo gulped as he saw her calves. She had pretty legs. He knew as he had noticed that before. Softly he moved one of his hands up and with his middle and ring finger caressed her calf. He thought Nivritti might stop him, but she was too stunned to speak.

As she said nothing, he gained more courage. He wrapped his palm around her calf and applied a little pressure. Her skirt softly landed on his palm. The red skirt against her skin was making her wheatish complexion shine even more.

“Are you okay?” he asked. He lifted his head up and looked at her. She was so close to him. If he would just move a few inches, he could touch her lips.

Nivritti kept staring at Kyung-Soo. She never imagined that Kyung-Soo would try to touch her like that in front of everyone. He was caressing her calf making her feel things. His touch almost fried her brain. Her brain recognised that Kyung-Soo had asked a question but was unable to use words and form sentences.


“Are you still in pain?” asked Young-Chul. Ultimately his voice brought her back. Kyung-Soo too realised that he was in presence of people. He removed his hand from her smooth calf but kept the pressure on her toe.

“You better take the medicine that Oppa brought for you,” suggested Jae-Hwa.

“First, tell me, what are you guys doing here?” asked Nivritti. She touched Kyung-Soo’s hands and removed them from her toe. “It’s okay now,” she assured him.

“We came to pick you up,” replied Young-Chul.

“What?” shouted Jae-Hwa.

Young-Chul smiled at her reaction and replied, “I thought she would need a drive, so I dragged Kyungsoona Hyung with me. I am not allowed to drive for the time being.”

“Woah! Are you in love with her?” asked Jae-Hwa, surprised.

“Excuse me!” shouted Nivritti but Young-Chul and Kyung-Soo started laughing out loud. “Why are you guys laughing?” she asked. She then looked at Jae-Hwa and scolded her, “Hey, unfiltered mouth! When will you think and talk? Why do you keep asking whatever things that come to your mind?”

“Sorry!” Jae-Hwa lowered her head.

“No, Jae. I am not in love with her,” smiled Young-Chul. “Just helping out a friend.”

“Okay, both of you finish your breakfast and we will leave,” said Kyung-Soo.

“Wait! If we go with you, don’t you think people will talk?” asked Nivritti.

“We are not going to the office. We are directly going to the practice room,” replied Kyung-Soo.

“But are you allowed to dance? Don’t you need more rest?” Nivritti asked Young-Chul.

“I will take it slow. I have been instructed to take rest every half an hour,” he replied.

“What about Seong-ssi?” asked Jae-Hwa.

“Oh, he will meet with us in the practice room. We have asked him to bring the daily script with him,” answered Young-Chul.

“Have you lost your mind?” yelled Nivritti.

“What?” asked Young-Chul.

“You were just discharged yesterday and today you are doing dance and are ready to shoot daily videos. Have you gone crazy?” scolded Nivritti.

“Calm down! I said I will take it easy. Also, we have not given any content to our fans for a week. We need to shoot a video today at any cost,” replied Young-Chul. Nivritti squinted her eyes in anger. “Don’t worry, we will announce that till Rencontre is done, we will shoot weekly videos, not daily videos. Happy now?”

“I really want to say Hindi curse words now,” Nivritti gritted her teeth.

“Ohh! Teach me!” Young-Chul’s eyes twinkled with excitement.

“Huh?” exclaimed Nivritti.

“He loves curse words,” smiled Kyung-Soo. Nivritti shook her head in disbelief and grabbed her cup of tea.

The boys waited while the girls finished their breakfast. Jae-Hwa took all the plates and cups and placed them in the sink. She started washing them when Nivritti shouted, “leave it. You don’t have to do that.”

“I am not coming back in the evening. Let me do this now,” replied Jae-Hwa.

“What?” asked Nivritti.

“Yeah, if I stay another day, my uhmma will come to stay at your house. And you don’t want that,” informed Jae-Hwa.

“That’s true,” nodded Nivritti. “But will you leave me alone when I am injured?” Nivritti pouted her lips and kept blinking cutely at Jae-Hwa.

Kyung-Soo laughed out loud at her naughtiness. “Cute!” he mumbled to himself.

“I can come to stay with you,” suggested Young-Chul.

“Huh! What??” shouted everyone at once.

“I am kidding. I can’t even kid?” said Young-Chul.

“Ha-ha, ha-ha, shut up!” scolded Nivritti after laughing sarcastically.

Jae-Hwa cleaned the kitchen and went to the bedroom to get her bags.

“Do you need to take everything now? You can come back with me and then leave with your luggage. You can call Jae-Geun,” suggested Nivritti.

Kyung-Soo immediately stared at Nivritti. Why did she want Jae-Geun to come to her house? Jae-Hwa was fine with leaving now. There was no need for that man to enter her house. josei

Nivritti felt a pair of eyes on her. She glanced at Young-Chul, but he was busy on his phone. She then turned towards Kyung-Soo. He was angrily staring at her. She couldn’t understand why he was looking at her like that.

“What?” she asked. Kyung-Soo just squinted his eyes with anger and jealousy.

“No, you never know when he would be free and when he would be busy. I don’t want to disturb him. I will be fine,” replied Jae-Hwa the moment she came out of the bedroom.

“But you don’t have your car,” said Nivritti.

“I will get a cab, relax,” replied Jae-Hwa.

“Fine!” sulked Nivritti.

“Let’s go,” announced Kyung-Soo. “Jae! Give me your bags.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” she replied.

Yong-Chul simply walked up to her and grabbed her bag from her hand. “You carry your laptop bag, I will take care of it.”

“Youngie! Give it to me,” said Kyung-Soo.

“No, you have to carry her,” said Young-Chul casually and pointed at Nivritti.

“Excuse me!” shouted Kyung-Soo and Nivritti simultaneously.

“What? You are going to walk down all those stairs with that foot?” asked Young-Chul.

“Yes, I can,” Nivritti’s voice climbed a notch up.

“I would very much love to see that. Get up and walk till the door,” challenged Young-Chul.

“You think I can’t do that? Watch me!” she accepted his challenge. Slowly she stood up, avoiding pressure on her toe and wore her coat that was kept behind her on the couch. “See!” she taunted Young-Chul.

“You just stood up, you have to walk to the door,” Young-Chul raised his eyebrows. Nivritti rolled her eyes at him.

Limping she moved forward and after whole ten minutes reached the door. She raised her arms above her head in victory and shouted happily, “see I told you, I can walk.”

“I will carry her,” said Kyung-Soo.

“I will get her laptop bag,” said Jae-Hwa.

“What? Guys? What?” Nivritti threw her arms in the air in frustration. All rolled their eyes at her and started moving out of the door. Nivritti chose a pair of sandals as it would be difficult to wear closed shoes.

Jae-Hwa and Young-Chul moved out first and both boys placed their masks in their hands. Nivritti was standing near the door slowly placing her foot inside her sandal. She felt Kyung-Soo’s breath on her neck and turned immediately. She gasped as she saw him close to herself, smiling.

“What are you doing?” she pushed him away as her heartbeat started racing.

“Hmm… waiting for you to wear your footwear so that I can lift you in my arms,” winked Kyung-Soo.

“N… um… oh… NK! You… don’t have to do that,” stammered Nivritti.

Kyung-Soo smiled at her and kept staring at her face for a few seconds. With a crooked smile, he started leaning towards her. In reaction to that, she started pulling away, but the door blocked her path. She thought he was leaning in for another kiss, but he moved his lips near her ears and whispered seductively, “you have no idea how much I want to do that.”

Without waiting for her answer, he placed his hands on her back and instructed, “get your feet in the shoes, or I will lift you up and take you out of the house barefoot. Then for the whole day, I will carry you around. Do you want that?”

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