To Love You Again

Chapter 138 - Step 3 (II)

Chapter 138 - Step 3 (II)

Chapter 138 - Step 3 (II)

Si Giovanni grew up in China since he was ten years old. He was a bastard child of a CEO in one of the big companies in Italy. His mother was from a Chinese family that owns a business here in China. However, even though his mother's family was well-off, it could not compare to his father's business and family heritage in Italy.

His father's official wife came from one of the top 10 companies in Italy. That woman has a lot of connections that's why his biological father could not divorce her. Choosing that woman over his mother and him. So the young Giovanni and his mother had no choice but to come back to China and live their life there.

Since his mother's side has a business, Si Giovanni took care of it when he turned twenty. He started handling business earlier than his peers. He turned the business to a higher level and become one of the big investors in China.

Until his biological father, who was in deathbed contacted him and gave him a chance to inherit the company.

His father and 'that woman' did not have any children. The problem was clearly from the woman's side. Since they don't have any heir, the official wife planned to let her family took over his father's company. And his father doesn't want that. His father prefers to let one of his bloodline to continue his company that he worked hard to build. And since his father heard about his achievements in China, he chose to let Giovanni took over it.

However, the woman and her maiden's family, strongly disagreed. They influenced the shareholders to not let Giovanni inherit the company. But since they were still loyal people among his father's people, the shareholders decided to give him a chance by challenging him.

Si Giovanni needs to convince the shareholders that he was a reliable CEO by taking his roots in the business industry in Italy without any help from his father.

They knew that Giovanni has an investment company in China. And the company that Giovanni has already gained fame and a good reputation in China.

The shareholders wanted Giovanni to have the same reputation and fame here in Italy.

It would be an easy feat for Giovanni if that was only the case. However, the official's wife's family was using all their connections to not let Giovanni invest in any company in Italy no matter how good his proposal was.

So now, Giovanni had no choice but to target the lower company, by investing half and owning half of the project. But no companies are willing to take the risk with him. Even he adjusted the proposal to their advantage they did not take it nor take a look at it. He was sure that the official wife's family was doing their best to hindrance him from expanding his company to Italy.

This was giving him a massive headache.

And now, a girl in her teens was telling him that she knows a person that he was looking for.

He might laugh at her while telling how she thinks the world so small. But Si Giovanni could not.

First, the girl knew exactly what kind of situation he was in. She might not know the whole story behind it. But she knew he was looking for someone to collaborate with to expand his business in Italy.

That kind of information was not in the news. It might be in the little discussion of those person he talked too. But it was not the scandal of the century that even a random girl knew what was going on with Si Giovanni's life.

So he was sure. This girl or the person behind her was investigating him.

Si Giovanni turned sharp. His slackened expression was now gone.

Seeing the suspicious look of Giovanni, Xiong Zhi knew he was now listening seriously to her and they could now understand each other.

"I have some doc.u.mentation here to ease your suspicion." Xiong Zhi raised her left hand in the air. She was like waiting for something to appear out of nowhere.

Si Giovanni was suspicious of her identity.

'Was she sent by that woman?'

Si Giovanni thought that 'that woman' sent this girl after the consecutive rejections he experienced from the various CEO's. That woman might think he was in desperation and would take this bait that was sent to him.

But no matter what, he was not easy prey.

He'd like to see what kind of bait 'that woman' sent to him.

'She's even using a teenage girl to me. Does she think I'm into young girls?'

A muscled man appears behind the girl with an envelope and a tablet. He placed it to her hand that was raised.

Si Giovanni just raised his eyebrow to that man.

Then he looked at the girl who was typing on the tablet. Then after a while, the girl looked up to him and said.

"Mr. Giovanni,? the person I'm introducing to you is now on the other line. She would like to talk to you." josei

The girl faced the tablet to him.

A woman in her early thirties was facing him. She was a beautiful woman with a keen eye. She was wearing an office attire. She looked like she was in the office.

"Mr. Si?? " The voice of the woman was hard and cold. The tone she was using was the tone of the superior talking to his subordinate.

However, because she exudes an overbearing aura Si Giovanni sweated a little by her presence and mighty tone.

"Y-yes. It's me. May I ask who am I speaking with?" Si Giovanni was very polite.

"It's just me. Xiong Mai from EU Corp."

"...!!!!!" Si Giovanni almost stands up from his seat.

Xiong Mai!! From EU Corp!! The legendary businesswoman who single-handedly dominated the EU Corp.

EU Corp or the European Union Corporation was a corporation of top and big companies in Europe.

Every country has its own top 10 companies that donated their own territory. When it comes to expansion to other countries, the company that would like to expand its territory would face tremendous pressure from other companies in that country. Forcing them to back off so they could monopolize their own country's industries.

Because of this, the countries in Europe had always been in an economic war and impacted the companies growth. Thus, affecting the economic growth of the countries as well. It was only recently, almost a decade ago, that a figure suggested creating EU Corp. No one would like to join the EU Corp since everything aside from themselves are treated as rivals. However, the figure who created the EU Corp pulled the big companies one by one. It might be because of business proposals, investments, rights, or a threat. No matter what means it was, its a big feat to let the big companies join the EU Corp.

When the EU Corp builds its own power, when ten big companies from different countries joined hand in hand, the other big companies were threatened as well. They were against the EU Corp. However, as time passed by, and as companies keep pouring in the EU Corp. The big companies felt like they would be against the whole world if they didn't join. So albeit reluctantly, they joined EU Corp.

It becomes the greatest organization in Europe. No one could match them.

And behind this EU Corp was the female Fatale, Xiong Mai.

Si Giovanni felt all his blood would burst. He doesn't know what to do. To breathe first or to talk first or to bow first.

Just meeting her, the legendary Xiong Mai, was like a dream come true. He grew up in China, and he heard her name from time to time. But he has Italian blood on him, so he took notice of the news in Europe, and he knew how great Xiong Mai was. His father, a former CEO of a big conglomerate in Italy would rarely have a chance to meet Xiong Mai. But he! He could meet her. Even not face to face but on video. Privately! Personally!

"Oh.My.God." Regardless of what he planned to do. He only uttered these words.

Xiong Mai just raised her brow.

"It seems like you can recognize me. I'm not known in China but my influence here in Europe is enough to help you."

'That's a lie!' Si Giovanni wanted to tell to his idol that her name resounded to every corner of the world. However, what Xiong Mai was saying was somehow true. Her influence was not that great in China. But if someone wants to have a business in Europe, having a connection with her was hitting a jackpot.

Si Giovanni composed himself. He really wanted to show his admiration and reverence to Xiong Mai.

"Y-yes. I have heard a lot about you. I'm your disciple- I am your fan. In what grace your majes-? your excellenc- y-your..oh..Madam have business with me? " Giovanni stuttered. This meeting was really unexpected. If he knew he would meet her, he should prepare a lot of things. Like a fax machine and paper for her signature or a camera to record their whole exchange.

And he should have prepared for his script, with a series of questions and directions of the talk, because he would utter unnecessary things. Like right now.

Xiong Mai ignored his behavior.

"Can you see the girl in front of you? Listen to her. And do what she wants. Don't worry, I will keep my word to help you. What she will offer to you is within my approval. So listen to your heart 's content. I'm a bit busy. So what's your answer?" Xiong Mai was really direct.

In reality, she was in the business meeting and she had just taken a break. Because she received a chat from her niece that she needs her face for something. She gave a five-minute pee break to the directors. Xiong Zhi already discussed to her aunt Xiong Mai about the trial her grandfather gave her. And Xiong Mai was willing to help. It was only a small favor. Helping an investor to take roots in Italy.

Since she had a name in Europe it's no big deal to use it.

"Ah? Yes. Yes! I will listen! Your wish is my command!"

Xiong Zhi and Xiong Mai just raised their brow to this excessive answer.

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