To Love You Again

Chapter 524 - Disagreement

Chapter 524 - Disagreement

Chapter 524 - Disagreement

Mistress Tang shook her head.

"No. That family declined ever since you brought them down. I can't find any traces, like someone deliberately erased their whole existence. The only head start I have is that woman which you…"

Mistress Tang glanced at Old Lu and did not continue the rest. She asked instead, "Are you sure there isn't any more to investigate?"

"It has been too long. I don't have much impression of the Qian family before I pushed them away." josei

He tried to think hard.

For many years, Old Lu tried to forget and ignore, especially the bad times when he was young and ruthless, and so there were a lot of things he found hard to remember.

Then his old eyes lit up.

"Oh, I remember, I had visited one of their private mansion before."

"Where is it?"

"At that time, I traveled through the Qian's helicopter. But I am sure that the mansion was isolated in the mountains."

Mistress Tang scoffed. "Do you think that mansion still exist? If it was in an isolated mountain, it must have been destroyed by passing storms or some wild animals."

"No, they have sturdy walls. Besides, the Qian family was one step away from becoming a family like us. They are very wealthy back then. Their mansion doesn't fall far behind ours."

Mistress Tang nodded.

"You are right."

She sighed. Her eyes seemed to look far away.

"Fine, I will try to look into what you said..."


In the indoor patio...

"That's outrageous!"

Lu Yin Ze said with a hard tone.

Seduce Xiong Zhi?

How many times did it cross his mind in the past but failed to do so? He could never think of such schemes against Xiong Zhi.

At best, he would do his utmost and sincere efforts to make her love him. But not like what this woman was saying...

Tang Yin shrugged.

"I am not telling you to drug her with aphrodisiac then spend a night with her like in the drama. I am just advising you to use what you have in your advantage. Which woman would be able to resist your angelic face?"

"There's one. She can."

"Have you tried?" Tang Yin asked with doubt.

This Lu Yin Ze was really blessed with an angelic face coupled with his unique hair and eyes. She believed if it was Lu Yin Ze...then maybe that Xiong Zhi would be shaken...

"I..." Lu Yin Ze looked away.

"I did." He had kissed her once. And he got his punishment immediately after that.

Lu Yin Zhe continued to shake his head. "Zhi'er will never like it. What you are suggesting is impossible. Doing that... seducing her... it will only make her hate me." He then looked at her guardedly. "Unless that's what you are trying to do?"

Tang Yin shook her head vigorously and even raised her hand.

"Of course not. As I told you, my heart belongs to someone else entirely."

Lu Yin Ze continued to look at her doubtfully.

Tang Yin sighed again. Considering that she already knew the woman in this man's heart, it was only fair that she make her side known to him as well. Besides, the love of their lives were deeply connected to each other.

"Fine, I will tell you." Tang Yin coughed and blushed a little. "I am secretly... in love with my senior brother... Linfeng."

Lu Yin Ze: '…..'

A long silence.

Lu Yin Ze narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure you're not saying that just to escape my suspicions? Really, among other men, does it have to be Linfeng?"

This woman was not making this up to upset him, right? He was rather insecure when compared to Linfeng.

Tang Yin patted her chest.

"No. Why will I make such a lie? My senior brother is so cool and handsome. He is charismatic, has a magnetic smile and dark peach blossom eyes that can pull you in. He is insanely strong and can stop my demonic sister from rampaging," Tang Yin described Linfeng with bright eyes, before shooting him a glance.

"So there's no question why I will not fall in love with such an amazing man!"

Lu Yin Ze: "..."'

His heart suddenly felt bitter. There was no competition, but he felt that he lost against Linfeng once more.

"You can verify with my sister if I am telling the truth. That woman can't lie properly without blinking her eyes. "

Lu Yin Ze looked at her with discerning eyes. If it came from Tang Xinyang's mouth, then he had no choice but to believe. He knows Tang Xinyang as well. That woman was so straightforward and a hopeless case whenever she lied.

"…Alright. I will believe you again. But if I find out that you are lying again..."

"And I did not, so go ahead and threaten me as you wish. My conscience is clean."

Lu Yin Ze was silent.

He spoke slowly. "If you like Linfeng so much, why don't you seduce him? You have this kind of idea, you might as well use it for yourself."

Tang Yin shook her head dispiritedly. "You don't understand. I know him since we were young. Linfeng is very sharp. He will know what I am planning just by watching my actions. He will avoid me if I really did that."

"You haven't even tried yet. How will you know if he will react like that?"

Lu Yin Ze was still pushing the temptation back to Tang Yin.

If Tang Yin managed to seduce that man, then it just proved that Linfeng did not deserve Xiong Zhi.

He would then do his best to stay at Xiong Zhi's side and heal her broken heart. He would help her to forget that unfaithful man, like the sweet story of his grandfather making his grandmother forget Master Xiong.

Tang Yin bitterly smiled.

"Linfeng is very stubborn... I believe he is not a person who will fall to my seduction unless his partner is the first one to move away from their relationship."

"So you are trying to use me to steal Xiong Zhi? Did anyone tell you how heartless you are?"

Tang Yin looked at Lu Yin Ze with stubborn eyes.

"I never said I am a good person. Besides, if it is for Linfeng, then I will gladly be a bad person. Linfeng is someone I treasure so much. He deserves better, not some young miss who have many responsibilities and never relieved Linfeng from these burdens!"

"Don't talk about Xiong Zhi like that. If it's about responsibilities, isn't it Linfeng who left Xiong Zhi during those times when Xiong Zhi needed him the most? He left her for more than two years! And I stayed by her side all the time!"

Tang Yin took a step forward and did not back down. Since her pretense was already seen through, there was no need to be polite anymore.

When it came to Linfeng, her respected and beloved senior brother, who cared about benefactors? Her senior brother mattered the most!

"Linfeng left the country and worked hard day and night without even getting enough rest. It was so that he could go back after making a name for himself after only two years, and then commit the rest of his life serving her! It is Xiong Zhi who is heartless and cruel!"

Lu Yin Ze's bright eyes were angry.

No one could talk about Xiong Zhi like that in front of him!

"You…! Xiong Zhi is heartless and cruel? Don't you know what she did for Linfeng? She broke her own image as a young miss and lowered herself to be intimate with him, a butler!"

Lu Yin Ze stepped closer as well and said the next words very hard.

"It isn't a choice for him. It is a responsibility forced onto him since he was born to serve her. So who is the irresponsible and cruel one?"

The two began to argue without noticing how close their faces were. Their eyes stared at each other with flaming anger.

Whenever the subject was their loved ones, they would not back down no matter who the other party was.

Tang Yin's face was red from anger.

'Linfeng was not like that!'

Lu Yin Ze's face was also red while trying to control his anger.

'Xiong Zhi, was definitely not like that.'


There was a faint sound of the door opening.

Tang Xinyang peeked in discreetly, but her eyes widened seeing their 'about to kiss' pose.

"Oh! You two are getting close, hehe."

The two halted their staring confrontation and simultaneously glanced at Tang Xinyang.

The woman just grinned at them.

"Continue, just continue. Don't mind me. I will tell grandma and my future grandpa that you two are still taking your time."


The door was locked again.

A short silence.

"Sister! Come back!"

"Tang Xinyang! Open the door!"

The two ran to the door simultaneously while calling for Tang Xinyang to come back.

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