To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 630 - Isnt This Your Handiwork

Chapter 630 - Isnt This Your Handiwork

Chapter 630: Isn’t This Your Handiwork

When Su Qingsang entered the department, she was carrying a bag in her hand. It was the dessert that Xiang Caiping had prepared for her.

“Qingsang.” Ling Fei touched her arm and clicked her tongue. “After you’ve become, it feels as if I’ve become pregnant as well. Just this week, I’ve gained two pounds already.”

Su Qingsang brought those snacks to the hospital every day. It would be fine if she brought less, but the problem was that Xiang Caiping knew that Su Qingsang was at work, so she couldn’t let her bring just a little. She had to make a lot of them every time before she was allowed to bring them to the hospital.

In addition, Huo Jinyao had sent over all sorts of seasonal fruits, so Su Qingsang could eat them whenever she wanted. There was now a cabinet in the hospital that had become a special place for Su Qingsang’s snacks, and it could barely fit everything.

It was impossible for Su Qingsang to eat so many snacks and fruits, so she successfully became of benefactor of other colleagues in the department.

It wasn’t just their department. Everyone in the Department of Pediatrics downstairs knew that the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology upstairs had the most snacks. Sometimes, some doctors upstairs would come over to look for snacks when they had nothing to do.

“That’s right,” Yang Lu added, “I’ve gained three pounds.”

As she spoke, she even pinched her own belly. Her face was filled with grief. She didn’t want to eat them, but she couldn’t help it. If she ate them, she would gain weight. She felt really conflicted.

Su Qingsang looked at them and wanted to laugh.

“It’s not that dramatic, is it?”

“It is that dramatic.” Ling Fei looked at the small cake that Su Qingsang brought over today and felt a little helpless. “Qingsang, if I continue eating like this, I’ll probably become like a pig.”

Su Qingsang had a faint smile on her face. She didn’t weigh herself, but she could feel that her face had gained a little more flesh, and her clothes were a little tighter.

Recently, she had started to change into sportswear.

Seriously speaking, Xiang Caiping’s cooking skills could only be considered average. However, she was very attentive, and she often had some creative ideas when it came to making desserts.

Recently, she had learned to bake some dim sum pastries, and she made a lot of them. When she was done, she asked Su Qingsang to bring them to the hospital and share them with her colleagues.


Su Qingsang was in good spirits today. When she woke up in the morning, her appetite was huge. Not only did she eat two bowls of porridge, but she also ate a bowl of wontons.

Xiang Caiping had made some wontons before last time, and the wontons she made were different from the ones on the streets. She always had some creative tricks.

For example, she added Shiitake mushroom powder into the filling of the wontons. She bought dried shiitake mushrooms, turned them into powder, and then mixed them into the wontons. The filling of the wontons had the fragrance of shiitake mushrooms, but it didn’t make people feel nauseated.

In addition, the taste of the soup she stewed was especially delicious. Ever since Xiang Caiping came to take care of her food and living, her culinary skills had also improved drastically.

Later, she found out that Su Qingsang liked to eat the wontons she made herself, so she simply made more and put them in the freezer. Su Qingsang could cook them anytime she wanted.

When Su Qingsang was about to go to work after eating, Xiang Caiping stopped her.

“The mid-autumn festival is next week. I was thinking of making some moon cakes myself.”

“Making moon cakes yourself?”

When Su Qingsang thought of moon cakes, she remembered. That’s right, the mid-autumn festival was coming up. She was already four months pregnant. The fetus was slowly stabilizing and was being nurtured well. It was in good condition in all aspects.

“Auntie.” Su Qingsang looked at Xiang Caiping. She had taken good care of her during the past month and she had become slightly more plump. “It’s too troublesome. Why don’t we buy some to eat?”

“I asked Jinyao to look it up on the internet. He said it’s not troublesome. It’s very simple. As long as there’s a mould, it’ll be fine. I was thinking, isn’t tomorrow the weekend? If you’re free, come with me to buy some raw ingredients”

Xiang Caiping glanced at Su Qingsang’s stomach and said, “Now that your fetus is stable, you need to move around from time to time.”

“I know.” Su Qingsang was a doctor herself, so she was very careful about these things.


When the plane landed in Rong City, Li Qianxue’s expression was really unsightly.

She didn’t expect that when she wanted to visit her daughter in Rong City on a whim, she would run into Su Chenghui on the plane.

She couldn’t be in a good mood anymore after she saw Su Chenghui. Coincidentally, Su Chenghui’s seat was right next to hers.

She wanted to change her seat, but she didn’t want Su Chenghui to think that she was afraid of him. Therefore, she simply slept all the way to Rong City.

However, she couldn’t pretend to be asleep anymore when the plane landed. She got up and went to get her luggage. Just as she raised her hand, Su Chenghui had already helped her get her luggage down.


When he came here just now, he saw her putting the luggage away so he knew that this was hers.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Li Qianxue took the luggage from his hand and looked very upset.

“You’re here to see Qingsang?”

Su Chenghui was also here to see Su Qingsang. It just so happened that the previous collaboration had some follow-up to go on, so he thought of coming by himself. He didn’t expect to encounter Li Qianxue.

This was really a pleasant surprise. Since the last time he heard that a man had appeared in Li Qianxue’s office, it wasn’t that Su Chenghui wasn’t anxious, nor was he indifferent.

Instead, he looked for her a few times, but Li Qianxue ignored him. She didn’t pick up the phone, nor did she agree to meet him. She didn’t reply to his text messages.

Her attitude was too firm. Su Chenghui was distressed, but he didn’t dare to be too rash. He didn’t expect that they would meet on the same flight. It really was fate.

Li Qianxue didn’t intend to respond to Su Chenghui’s words, but he didn’t give up. He followed behind her after she left.

Su Chenghui’s footsteps were less than five steps behind Li Qianxue, and then it became three steps.

Li Qianxue saw him following her from the corner of her eyes and suddenly turned around. Her sharp gaze swept across Su Chenghui’s face.

“Why are you following me?” josei

“I’m not following you. Isn’t this the only way out of the airport?”

“Is that so?” Li Qianxue took a step to the side. “Then you can leave first.”

“No need. I’m not in a hurry.”

Li Qianxue naturally wasn’t in a hurry either. She stood there without moving and glared at Su Chenghui, as if waiting for him to give in first.

However, Su Chenghui was very patient. At this moment, there was no sign of him wanting to leave first. There were other people behind her. Sensing the gazes around her, Li Qianxue was very angry. She nodded her head hatefully.

“Good, very good.”

She didn’t believe that after she left the airport, he could still follow her.

The VIP passage wasn’t long to begin with. When Li Qianxue left the airport, the car that she had arranged earlier had already come to pick her up.

The driver put her luggage into the car and Li Qianxue got into the car. Su Chenghui, who was next to her, also got into the car.

“Su Chenghui, what are you doing?”

“Qingsang should already be pregnant for a few months now. I’m going to visit her too.” Su Chenghui said calmly, “You’re going to visit Qingsang too, right? You don’t mind if I hitch a ride with you, right?”

“I mind.”

Li Qianxue didn’t give Su Chenghui any face. “Get out of the car. I mind. I don’t want to see you in my car.”

“Then I’m really sorry.” Su Chenghui was rarely such a scoundrel. “The car I called didn’t come, so I’ll have to trouble you.”

“Su Chenghui.”L i Qianxue looked at the driver in front of her. Without thinking, she raised the partition in the middle and turned to glare at Su Chenghui. Her low voice carried some anger.

“What do you want? I’ve said it, I don’t want to see you.”

“Qianxue.” Su Chenghui knew that Li Qianxue wouldn’t forgive him easily, but he had no other choice. If he could make Li Qianxue change her mind, then he didn’t mind doing the things that he hated doing the most in the past or doing the things that he didn’t want to do the most in the past.

“Qingsang is your daughter and also my daughter. She’s pregnant now. Isn’t it normal for me to go see her?”

Li Qianxue pursed her lips into a straight line. She couldn’t accept Su Chenghui’s words at all.

“Su Chenghui, I really don’t know when you start to treated Su Qingsang as your daughter. Don’t tell me you have ulterior motives, do you?”

“Qianxue?” Su Chenghui knew that he no longer had any credibility in Li Qianxue’s heart. However, when he heard her accusation, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Qianxue didn’t care about him. The car continued to move forward. She turned her face away and didn’t look at Su Chenghui.

She didn’t chase him away anymore, and that made Su Chenghui feel relieved. Looking at Li Qianxue’s beautiful side profile, his heart fluttered.

He was a normal man. In the past, because of his self-righteous hatred for Li Qianxue, even if he had sexual desires, he would rather solve it with his own hands.

But after he realized his true feelings one day, he couldn’t continue like this anymore.

He often thought of Li Qianxue, and of the twenty years that she slept beside him.

In fact, many times, he would wake up in the middle of the night and look at Li Qianxue’s sleeping face. It was just that at that time, he needed to constantly tell himself that he hated this woman, so he wouldn’t be interested in her.

But now, he didn’t need to hypnotize himself anymore. He often thought of Li Qianxue.

Now that she was right in front of him, Su Chenghui instinctively raised his hand and drew the profile of Li Qianxue’s face across space.

His gaze was too passionate, and his hand unconsciously stretched forward a lot. Feeling that she was being watched, Li Qianxue suddenly turned her face around, and her lips unexpectedly bumped into his finger.

Li Qianxue suddenly stepped back a little. “Su Chenghui, don’t go too far.”

“Sorry.” The soft touch on his fingertips disappeared, and Su Chenghui lamented in his heart. It was a pity. How long had it been since he touched her lips?

“Stay away from me.” She didn’t need his apology. She just wanted this man to stay away from her.

“I can’t do it.” Su Chenghui leaned forward slightly and saw the anger in Li Qianxue’s eyes. He lamented in his heart, “Qianxue, I can’t help myself when it comes to you.”

Li Qianxue didn’t believe his nonsense at all. She pushed him hard. “Su Chenghui, either you stay away from me, or I’ll tell you to get out of the car now. Choose one.”

After saying this, she moved her body a little closer to the car window. She wanted to stay away from Su Chenghui.

An hour later, Li Qianxue’s car stopped in front of Su Qingsang’s apartment. Just as she was about to get out of the car, she suddenly saw a shocking scene.


Su Qingsang had heard from Xiang Caiping yesterday that she wanted to buy ingredients to make moon cakes, so she went shopping with her today.

She didn’t have much interest in moon cakes, and thought that buying some moon cakes during the mid-autumn festival was enough.

However, Xiang Caiping was obviously very serious. The two of them woke up early in the morning, picked out the ingredients, then went together.

Huo Jinyao had something to do at the company today, so he didn’t go with them. After they finished buying the ingredients, Su Qingsang got the driver to send the two of them home. The driver was carrying the things down from the car one by one at the moment.

“Young Madam, do you want me to help you carry them up?”

“No need. We can do it ourselves.” It wasn’t too heavy, and there was an elevator as well.

Xiang Caiping wasn’t that fragile, and she was used to it. Su Qingsang also felt that it wasn’t a big deal to carry some things.

Two people carried three bags, two for Xiang Caiping and one for Su Qingsang.

She saw Xiang Caiping take the initiative to carry the heavy bags and reached out to her. “Auntie, can I carry one?”

“No need.” Xiang Caiping glanced at her stomach. “These two bags are heavier. I’ll carry them. You can carry the lighter one. It’s only two steps. Don’t fight with me over this.”

“Alright. Then I won’t argue.” Su Qingsang smiled. Over the past month, the two of them seemed to have restored their previous relationship when in Lin City.

They tacitly didn’t mention anything else. The atmosphere was surprisingly good.

“The mouldthat Jinyao bought looks very good to me. I went to look at it on the street today and realized that it’s more expensive than online.”

Recently, Xiang Caiping had also started to learn how to be modern. She began to learn how to use some online software and payment tools.

“Then why didn’t you ask Jinyao to buy the ingredients online?”

“That would be different.” Xiang Caiping smiled. “The mould can be of any size. However, I have to personally see and pick out the ingredients for myself before I can rest assured.”

As she spoke, she glanced at Su Qingsang’s stomach and said, “Now that you’re no longer your usual self, of course you have to pay as much attention as possible.”

Su Qingsang was a little touched. She couldn’t help but reach out her hand that wasn’t holding anything and put it around Xiang Caiping’s shoulder.

“Auntie, thank you.”

“Let’s go.”T here was no need for her to thank her. Su Peizhen had done something wrong. It was her fault for not raising her well.

She helped Su Qingsang as atonement for Su Peizhen. Moreover, even without that excuse, she really liked Su Qingsang and really wanted to be close to her.

Su Qingsang nodded and followed Xiang Caiping into the apartment.

Li Qianxue sat in the car and watched the scene through the car window. She felt her body turn cold.

It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over her head, and her entire body was about to freeze. Su Qingsang, she and Xiang Caiping, they..

Looking at the way they were so intimate with each other, they must have been like this for a long time, right? At least, it wasn’t just for the past few days.

This realization made her feel like she had been betrayed. That feeling was even worse than when she found out that Su Chenghui had replaced her child.


How long had they been like this? During this period of time, she was worried that Su Qingsang wouldn’t take good care of herself when she was pregnant. She had video-chatted with her every day and repeatedly reminded her.

But she actually didn’t reveal a single word about that? She actually hid it that well?

What did she mean by that? Living with Xiang Caiping? Treating Xiang Caiping as her Mother? Or did Xiang Caiping used some dirty trick to get close to her?

Li Qianxue’s mind was in turmoil for a moment. No matter which one it was, she didn’t like what she saw now.

“Qianxue?” Su Chenghui looked at Li Qianxue and said in a worried voice.

Of course, he saw it too, although he didn’t quite understand. They were supposed to be enemies. The fact that Su Peizhen was imprisoned had something to do with Huo Jinyao and Su Qingsang. However, Xiang Caiping and Su Qingsang seemed to be on good terms with each other now. Anyone would believe that they were mother and daughter.

His voice made Li Qianxue turn around abruptly. Her cold eyes sharp and full of hatred, she glared at Su Chenghui.

“Is that why you’re here?”


“You’re here to see that woman?”

“No.” Before today, he didn’t even know that Xiang Caiping was with Su Qingsang.

“No?” Li Qianxue smiled, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “You’re not here to see her? Do you think I’ll believe you?”

She sat up straight and clenched her fists on her knees.

“Su Chenghui, is this your doing? Not only did you swap my child, but you also want my child to be intimate with another woman?”

“Qianxue, I didn’t –”

“Su Chenghui.” Li Qianxue didn’t believe a word of it. “You’re amazing, you’re really amazing. You clearly know what I don’t like, but you just had to let it happen, right?”

“Qianxue, calm down.” She was so agitated that Su Chenghui was worried sick. He wanted to hug her to comfort her, but Li Qianxue was on the verge of an outburst.

“How can I calm down?”

Li Qianxue pushed his hand away. “How can I calm down? You saw it yourself. Qingsang is my daughter, but now she’s going to become someone else’s daughter.”

And the culprit who caused all this was him. It was him, Su Qingsang.

“No, that’s not right. She has already become someone else’s daughter.”

Li Qianxue felt uncomfortable, and her heart felt like it was being pricked by needles. She stroked her chest and felt extremely anguished.

Seeing Li Qianxue like this made Su Chenghui’s heart ache. He reached out and clasped her shoulder. “Qianxue, calm down. Qingsang is your daughter. No one can take her away.”

“No one can take her away?”

Li Qianxue waved his hand away. She wanted to step back, but there was a car door behind her. She lowered her head and shook her head gently.

“How could she not be able to take her away? That person isn’t someone else, but Xiang Caiping. For Xiang Caiping’s sake, Qingsang would rather not acknowledge me. Do you know that?”

“Qianxue, Qingsang has acknowledged you already, hasn’t she? Don’t overthink it.”

Li Qianxue’s mood obviously wasn’t right. She didn’t listen to Su Chenghui at all.

She didn’t like herself like this, and she didn’t like the situation. She had a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she was used to making everything go according to her own wishes.

But in this life, the biggest failure she had ever experienced was from Su Chenghui.

He wouldn’t cooperate with her at all, and it was impossible for him to follow her wishes. And now? Her daughter was actually the same.

Su Qingsang and Xiang Caiping were talking and laughing like real mother and daughter. Even though she and Su Qingsang were video-chatting every day, she had never seen Su Qingsang so relaxed.

She didn’t want to think about it, but in fact, it was very likely to be true. That was because in Su Qingsang’s heart, Xiang Caiping had a more important position.

Just like Su Chenghui —


She really didn’t look good, and Su Chenghui was very worried. However, just as he tried to approach her, he was glared at by Li Qianxue’s dark and cold eyes, so he didn’t dare to move forward anymore.

“Qianxue, do you want to find a hotel to rest first?”

Xiang Caiping was upstairs. With Li Qianxue’s personality, she probably wouldn’t be willing to go up, right?

“Find a hotel?” Li Qianxue seemed to have just snapped back to reality from his words. She looked at Su Chenghui and the corners of her mouth raised into a mocking smile.

“Why should I stay in a hotel? This is my daughter and son-in-law’s house. So what if I want to go up?”

“Qianxue?” In her current state, was it really good for her to go up like this?

“What? Are you afraid of me going up?”

At this time, Li Qianxue had returned to how she was when Su Chenghui had a falling out with her a long time ago.

She was cold, harsh, and always had a mocking look on her face.

“Su Chenghui, are you afraid? Are you afraid that I will go up and harass your old lover?”

Seeing Su Chenghui frown, Li Qianxue’s tone also became colder. “Su Chenghui, I really will go. I want to see how you plan to stop me today.”

“Qianxue, calm down. Even if you want to go up, you have to figure out the situation first. Maybe it’s not what you think?”

“If it’s not what I think, then what is it?”

Li Qianxue didn’t want to see Su Chenghui. She really wanted to go upstairs and ask Xiang Caiping whether Su Qingsang was her daughter or her, Xiang Caiping’s.

Where did she get the right to show up at Su Qingsang and Huo Jinyao’s home like this?

She had never been so harsh in the past. However, to her, Xiang Caiping’s existence was a thorn in her heart.

Every time she saw her, she would feel conflicted and upset.

She thought that this thorn had been removed and that it was far away from her life now.

But unexpectedly, that thorn was still there. It actually appeared by her daughter’s side just like that?

What did Xiang Caiping want to do? She didn’t want to judge a gentleman through the lenses of a villain, but some things were obvious.

Her feud with Su Chenghui and recognizing the wrong daughter aside, the reason Su Peizhen went to prison was mostly because of Huo Jinyao and Su Qingsang.

Wouldn’t Xiang Caiping want revenge? Su Qingsang was pregnant now, and they were twins.

Who could guarantee Xiang Caiping wouldn’t do something to Su Qingsang?

She couldn’t watch that happen. She was going to go up now to chase Xiang Caiping away from Su Qingsang.

Her hand touched the car door, but Su Chenghui pulled her back.

“Qianxue, calm down. There’s no benefit in you going up now.”

Su Chenghui wasn’t worried about Xiang Caiping. He was just worried about Su Qingsang.

She was pregnant, and it was a critical period of time. Li Qianxue was obviously very agitated, and Xiang Caiping wasn’t a pushover either.

If the two of them got into a conflict, Su Qingsang would be the one who suffers.

“I don’t need any benefits.” Li Qianxue grabbed his hand. “I only know that I won’t allow such a woman to appear by my daughter’s side.”

“Qianxue, can you just ask first?” His voice was a little anxious. “Maybe, maybe there’s something else going on?”

“Su Chenghui, you’re really protective of your old lover.”

“Qianxue, the person I’m protecting is Qingsang. If you go up and clash with Xiang Caiping, the anger from the two of you will affect Qingsang.”

“What a lofty excuse. Do you think I’ll believe it?”

Li qianxue slapped away Su Chenghui’s hand, pushed the car door open, and got out of the car.

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