To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Battle of the Long Night (7)

Shield City / East District 


Kane ran back to the Stairs of Serenity with a Gold Hunter Party from the Shield Family with him.

Previously, Kane had no trouble asking for that help. The Major seemed to have thought about the possibility that Cathedral would be attacked and immediately sent the party he had prepared to leave.

However, when they arrived in front of the gate to the Stairs of Serenity, a large natural phenomenon occurred.

A great whirlwind swept through the Stairs of Serenity. 

That doesn't look like a natural phenomenon, because the whirlwind aims to get rid of the AOE debuff from Deadly Vulture.

The great whirlwind gathered all the poison winds coming from the AOE debuff. After all the poison winds had been absorbed, the great whirlwind started flying upwards. When its reach the very top of altitude, the great whirlwind began to dissipate and spread in the sky.

That great whirlwind eliminated all the poison winds from falling in the Stairs of Serenity.


Aiden had just seen the Deputy Administrator's true strength.

Maybe it wasn't her true strength, but it was still amazing of how a female knight used her strength to get rid of an impossible problem.

"How do you like that, huh!?"

Liliana let out a cry of victory.

She had indeed solved a problem that might be troublesome for them. But they are missing one thing that might be costly for them.

"You feel great, but can't you see your boy right there had lost his two swords?!"

Due to Jared's massive attack, Aiden lost two of his swords to protect them both.

Even so, Aiden did not lose his confidence. "You know what? Being a Sword Caster isn't just using all the swords you have?"

"What is that sword caster?! Is that some kind of bullshit?! Because you can't combines sword and magic into one medium!"

"Well, you will know right away."

Just as Aiden was about to show his strength, a voice called out from above.


The call came as something got thrown at Aiden.

That something swirled in the air, aiming at a point that eventually fell and stuck right in front of Aiden.

A one-handed sword, which is quite large. Reddish color that ignites a fire in the element.

Aiden took the sword and held it in both hands. 

"This is the reason why we are being called Sword Casters."

Aiden will show his true strength.

However, there is someone who didn't like seeing him act arrogantly.

"That bullshit is nonsense!"

Jared creates two dark mana balls in two hands. Then throw the two magic projectiles forward.

The two dark mana balls exploded violently right in front of the target.josei

"[Sword Copying]!"

However, when the two strikes were supposed to injure the target, there are four swords acting as shields protected the target. 

Aiden created four copies of the Flemish and protected himself just as the madman launched an attack.

Previously Liliana was ready to fend off the madman's attack. But she wanted to believe in the Sword Disciple and the results were not disappointed.

"What an impressive skill, young man."

"Thank you, Mam. But defense alone can't make us win."

"Then let's use all the strength we have to beat them up."

At Liliana's words, the twins jumped behind them.

"That was great, Aiden!" "That was so cool too!"

The twins arrive as assistance with their twin swords. A one-eyed great sword that have earth element. Named [Earthian]. One sword of the same rarity as Flemish, only forged to match the user needs.

It wasn't just the two of them who came from the Cathedral. A Support group who are all Cathedral disciples stepped out a few steps from the Cathedral barrier to support them.

"It is not just all Support."

William, holding two elemental staffs, stood at the very front of the disciples.

"I will eradicate all evil that is treading on this holy land."

It doesn't stop there.


From the west, to be precise under the Stairs of Serenity, Kane brought a party of all women as reinforcements.

With all the strength at their disposal, Liliana came forward with a high level of confidence.

"How you like this situation, Mr. Black Hunter guy?! No matter how big a thread you bring onto this holy land, we will eradicate them as representatives of light!"

At Liliana's question, Jared shook in a rage.

"Can't you see all the dark forces I bring to terminate you!? They will trample you to death and you can't stop it!"

"Yeah, bring it on!"

Liliana is completely unafraid of all the threats.

That made Jared go berserk. "THEN DIE TO YOUR CONFIDENCE!"

Jared aimed his right hand upwards, creating a sizable dark mana ball, then fired it high into the sky.

The dark mana ball burst in the sky like firecrackers. The big firecracker signaled the entire army of darkness to start moving.

A war is about to break out. 

It took a long time for the troops of darkness, the lizardmen, to climb the high ground to the Stairs of Serenity.

In that short period of time, Liliana gave all the power they had a role in the battle. 

"You girls are Sylvia's men, right? Then can I entrust you to our south side?"

The leader of the party agreed and immediately directed the group to the south side.

Liliana then returned to Sword Disciples. "Then, our part is..."


Before Liliana could finish speaking, the leader of the Sword Disciples seems want to say something.

"What is it, Aiden? Do you have a plan?"


At Aiden's confident answer, he turned to his two comrades, the twins.

"Harry, Henry, looks like this is the right time for you two to show off."

At Aiden's request, the twins shivered with excitement.

"Oh, yeah! "This is what we have been waiting for!"

Liliana didn't know what the boys would do. But seen from their enthusiasm and confidence, it looks like an interesting thing is going to happen.

At the bottom point of the Stairs of Serenity, Jared is waiting for his troops to ascend. He allowed the hunters to discuss their strategy. After all, if the only power they had is all that available now, they wouldn't survive the army of darkness he had.

Plus, there is one individual still hiding within the Cathedral. Individuals who have the same strength as Sylvia Shield, or probably stronger than her.

He wanted to avoid meeting that individual as much as possible before the main event began. However, the individual also seemed to be holding back from coming out, most likely waiting for the Demon King Commander to show up first. 

Just when he thought all will according to plan, something happened in the hunter's position, or could say, in the Stairs of Serenity. 

A two meter high stone wall suddenly appeared at a point in the Stairs of Serenity heading up. The high stone wall covers both sides of the Stairs of Serenity. Protected the people inside of it. 

[Sword Copying – Ten Swords] [Earth Arts - Wall Construction]

The wall is the work of the twins, Harry and Henry. After making the wall, they fell to the ground, exhausted.

"This is a high-class Arts."

Liliana amazed once again at the ability of the Sword Disciples. Not just her, the Gold Party of Sylvia Shield also startled at the scene just now. Meanwhile, all the Priest and Caster fell in love at the Arts just now. 

"This wall is strong enough to hold enemies' attack. Harry and Henry used all of their strength and took half an hour to recover. However, it would be better if this wall given enhancement from the Supports to strengthen its durability. Because we don't know how much force the enemy's fire will launch."

Aiden's strategy is great and makes people who hear him amazed. 

Even those who knew him seemed to see someone else from within him.

Since that strategy is the best they could do, Liliana immediately approved and issued the order.

"Supporter! Come down here and strengthen this wall!"

When the Hunters reinforced their strategy, Jared got irritated. They did something Jared couldn't think of.

"It's those kids!"

Those are the boys who thought they are sword masters.

Even more surprising, when Jared thought the wall is only functioning as a fortress, several ranged Arts attacks launched and attacked his troops.

It was the work of their casters and archers. They attacked from a gap like windows on the wall. They continued to launch attacks on the lizardmen.

When the lizardmen casters struck back, the Arts wall completely protected them and difficult to break.

Despite its high resistance and durability, it had a very big drawback. The wall protecting their right and left sides. When their front, back, and guardless.

Jared took the opportunity and jumped into the sky with two dark mana ball preparing to launch.

However, just as Jared was about to launch an attack, several flame swords launched at him.

Jared used two of his dark mana balls to destroy the flame swords.

The explosion from the two strikes knocked Jared down. 

Before falling, he fixed his position and landed safely. But in front of him stood the two hunters he hated.

"Now, we will be your opponents!"

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