To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Battle of the Long Night (10)

Shield City / Outside West District Area

"Dammit, Sylvia!"

Jade running as fast as she could to the east. Followed by several of her men, Archers and Priests. Their destination is the Saint Arcane Cathedral.

They had to run around the outer wall of the city, because they couldn't get through from the East District.

The reason is, for unknown reason, Sylvia Shield closed the access gates to the East District. 

The access gate is always closed during the night. But Jade couldn't stop thinking, why did Sylvia close the gate when all these things are happening to her city.

At that time, the cathedral being attacked by the Black Hunters group. The worse thing is, no aid has yet been deployed. 

Jade is going to help, she will help, "But why?! Why did you make things worse?!"

She didn't understand what the major was thinking.

Well, most importantly, she needs to reach the cathedral as fast as she can.


William startled. The battle is the second time for him. He managed to get rid of the first terrifying experienced in the dungeon. 

But, all those things too shocking for him. The battle, the plot, the scale, the enemy power. He couldn't get used to it when the battles got bigger like that.

The sky barrier is constantly being attacked, it doesn't matter because the barrier won't be destroyed. The problem is, the Harpies also bombarded the grounds around the cathedral.

If it lasts longer, it is inevitable that the cathedral will fall.

William can use his strength to attacks the Harpies. But the Harpies are very high above. He doesn't have a good eye for making good shots. 

If only the Sword Disciple, Kane, were there, they could carry out another combined attack to attack the Harpies.

But unfortunately, he with his two partners fell down because of the bomb just now. 

Just when he thought they lost all hope, a large combined attack was issued to attack the Harpies.

The attack was a combination of Wind Blast and Flame Elemental Arts. 

The attack was successful in killing several Harpies and messing up the others.

There are only two people who could muster that much power. The Deputy Administrator and the Flame Sword Disciples. 

The two of them are still outside to fight the Right Hand of the Demon King Commander. 

After that attack, they became silent for a moment for some reason. While being attacked by the lizardmen caster from the right and the left.

"What are they doing?"

William didn't understand why they were standing in the middle of the battlefield after exposing their position.

After taking some damage, they finally making a move. The Deputy Administrator destroyed the surrounding ground, creating ashes that protected them from enemy sight.

After they managed to get out of the middle of the battlefield, they moved to the south side, to the foot of the hill where there are many lizardmen waiting for them.

"Why are they going downstairs?"

William did not understand what they were thinking. One thing he knows, he has to help them.

"You guys, let's go to the south wall!"

William took the Supporters with him and went to the southern cathedral wall.


Aiden dashed forwards without hesitation. He creates a few copies of Flemish, then made them became his shield, or rather an arrow to hit the dark mana ball that thrown at them. 

"[Sword Copying – Five Sword]! [Sword Castering – Automatic Satellite Arrow]!"

Liliana follows him behind. She charges her skill while running, then when they finally close to the lizardmen herd, she releases the charge attack to nuke them.

"[Cyclone Arts – Air Nuke]!"

They didn't discuss a plan, but the plan is, not to be in the middle, then combing out the enemy troops on one side, then try to go up again to attack the Harpies.

They cannot get rid of the Harpies before sweeping the lizardmen who surrounds the stairs that are once the Stairs of Serenity.

Even though it is said to be easy, it is not that easy to do. 

They could take care of the lizardmen fighters, but the lizardmen casters are beyond Aiden's range. They seemed to know how far Aiden's attack could reach. 

Aiden could do nothing but defend. It made them fall into a difficult situation once again.

When the young man had run out of ideas, the experienced female knight did the unthinkable.


Liliana swung her axesword violently. Sending wind blows to the lizardmen casters.

The attack did not hit even one of them, but it made them scatter and had to stop their attack for a moment.

Even if that is temporary, it gave them time to breathe.

"Don't hesitate, young man! Just attack them with all you have! You're too young to doubt yourself!"

Those words give Aiden confident. His confident smile returned once more and ready to challenge the battle again. 

"Don't forget!" "About us!"

Suddenly, two voices were calling out to them. The voices came from slightly above them.

Not far from their position, there are two Arts fort. From the side of the fort, two heads appeared from two people Aiden knew very well.

"Harry! Henry!"

That is two of his colleagues who had previously fallen in the blast. 

"You are saved!"

"Yeah, somehow!" "Don't worry about us!" "Just focus on the lizardmen fighters!" "We will get rid of the casters!"

Aiden confused at first, what could the two Tanks do to overcome the lizardmen casters? Then he realized, that there is a Sniper behind them.

The Sword Disciple, Sniper specialty, pointed his sword to his target. After his target fell silent, he fired a single bullet and one shot'd the target.

Aiden felt very satisfied at the sight. The hard training they did yielding very good results.

"Then focus on our surrounding, Aiden!"

"Yes, mam!"

With that, they began to sweep the southern herd lizardmen. 

At first it seemed impossible. Because who would want to jump into the midst of the enemy army with the intention of eliminating them all?

Only crazy people would do that. The funny thing is, they are those crazy people. 

"Aiden!" "You two went too deep!" "What the-!"

Even so, what they hoped for didn't go as smooth as they thought.

"No, we didn't go deep, they all started to surround and outnumbered us!"

Uncounted just how many swords Aiden had launched. Uncounted just how many swings Liliana did. But that's still not enough to finish off the army of darkness.

"Just die already!"

It was either there are too many of them or those who should have been dead could regenerate and return to fighting.

They cannot confirm that because they are too busy to survive.

Just as Aiden thought the situation couldn't get any worse than that, he suddenly felt the temperature rising. For some reason, it happened over their heads.

"What the?"

He got shocked, because there is a fireball formed above their heads, and in a short time it would explode.

Aiden immediately grasp the Deputy Administrator and pulled her to his hand. 

"I'm sorry, Mistress!"

"A-aiden, what do you want in this- ?!"

"[Three Swords – Triangle Scale]!"

The fireballs above their heads exploded. Launched many small fireballs that bombarded the lizardmen fighters.

"[High Fire Arts – Tiny Replica of the Sun]!"

The caster of the fireball is none other than William. He is far above the south wall of the cathedral. Looking at his comrades below.


"Wasn't that too much?!"

That seemed too much to them. "But that necessary. The lizardmen couldn't be killed unless the Devil Seeds in their bodies are destroyed. And the attack just now was the most powerful attack I could do."

Even so, there are still some of the lizardmen fighters who escape and regenerate.


Just when they thought they had made progress, a very surprising thing occurred.

Cathedral began to waver. The surrounding soil successfully thinned, causing the balance to waver.

Everyone in the cathedral fell in fear. They hold whatever they can hold.

The situation is getting worse. 



-A Knight's Wish-

Aiden fell in fear too. Even though they haven't done the second plan; started attacking the Harpies, but the cathedral has already fallen in a very bad condition.


There, his senior knight called him.

For some reason, the senior knight's expression is calm, but full in determination. 

"I know this is so sudden. But, could you hear my wish?"

Aiden didn't know why, but he sensed something bad is about to happen once again.

"Anything I could do within my strength, Mistress."

At Aiden's honest and innocent demeanor, Liliana smiled.

"Thank you. Honestly, it is so selfish of me. Being a grown up woman made me arrogant and thought I would end up living alone."josei

At her words, Liliana started walking towards the ground that is burning for some reason.

"Mistress, what are you doing?!"

That will not kill her, but it's still dangerous.

At Aiden's concern, Liliana smiled, indirectly saying it was okay.

"My wish."

Aiden startled. In such a cruel situation, he felt that time is moving very slowly.

"Would you love me?"

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