To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Battle of Catastrophe

"Where is that come from!?"

Veora saw it, the black fireball that just killed the Deadly Vulture came from within the East District. The fireball penetrated the East District's barrier and bore a hole in it.

"Veora, that was from the south!"


South side of the district.

Whoever shot the black fireball is definitely a very strong enemy. 

Then finally Veora realized something so unexpected. josei

"Wait, don't go in there yet!"

That was too late. Several dozen of the Women Hunter of the East District confidently ran to the source location where their enemy is.

There are about 500 of Women Hunters of the East District who stay to guard their home. The remaining residents have been evacuated to the West District.

Even though their number seems a lot, it seems that number alone will not be able to make them win from the intruders.

Veora worried about those who rushed in. But she believes they can take care of themselves. So she went to meet their leader.


Just like before, Sylvia is in the highest place of the city, above the parapet. Keeping an eye on the battlefield. 

When Veora finally reach the place, she immediately asked one thing:

"Hey, did you see that?!"

Without asking, Veora should have known. Because at that moment Sylvia is facing south. Her helmet-covered eyes looked to a certain point in the place, looking for something.

"Do you think he is the Demon King Commander that madman is referring to?"

"Most likely, yes."

Sylvia without doubt accepted the fact that there is a really strong intruder in their city. 

"Most likely he was the one trying to catch Elisa back then in the west district."

Veora got a goosebump hearing that possibility.

He remembers that a few days ago, Elisa and the twins being chased by a very suspicious creepy man in the west district.

The creepy man dressed strangely all in black and was easily passed by in the crowd. 

Veora at the time did not believe the story because it makes no sense. 

The West District is an area that is under the direct protection of the Guild. Even Saint Staff strengthens its security by implementing a more advanced security system.

"But, to thing that there is a Demon who can get inside without being noticed, he is definitely no ordinary demon."

"In Cyber City, the Bounty Hunter Guild finds an information of a certain scientific is trying to create a Pure Birth Demon. The research is still in its infancy, but it is likely to be successful.. Even though this one is not related with that, but at least this one is Pure Alteration."

Veora gaped, surprised that her leader had an intel with such information.

"Trying to creates a Pure Birth Demon tantamount to trying to create a new Demon King."

It's still an experiment, so they can rest assure for now.

"But, are you sure that the one we are against is a Pure Alteration?"

The Demon King Commander who is hiding in the southern area of the East District.

Sylvia did not immediately answer Veora's question. Is it because she also still has doubts about that possibility, or is she waiting for the information that comes to them?


One Woman Hunter came to the two of them with some news.

"Is it in the former Infection Treatment Center building?" asked Sylvia. 

The news bringer surprised at Sylvia's guess. 

"Yes! The building is also surrounded by one meter high dark flames. The women who were there couldn't get close because the fire burning hot." 

"That is really him." 

Even though the facts are right in front of their eyes, Veora still couldn't believe that one of the big bosses of the Black Hunter group is actually inside their house.

"What steps are we going to take, Sylvia?"

By then they are all trapped in their own homes, the East District. All gates connected to the outside are locked. All the gates are also enveloped in dark flames which they couldn't extinguish.

All those things must be the work of the Demon King Commander himself.

They don't know how the Demon King Commander is? What is the motive for that person attacking their city?

"He seek for a revenge."

But they already felt very annoyed with him.

"Revenge?" Veora startled at Sylvia's guessing. "If he really seek for a revenge, then he must has something to do with the incident a year and a half ago?"

One and a half years ago, there was an incident that destroyed the Infection Treatment Center run by a Black Hunter.

They cannot catch the perpetrator and do not understand the motive for the perpetrator to commit the crime. Since then, however, Sylvia closed the building and moved the Infection Treatment Center to the West District.

Veora is afraid that the Demon King Commander they are facing now is the same person who committed the crime.

"But don't focus too much on him now," said Sylvia. "Look at your Hunter Bracelet." 

Intrigued, Veora immediately looked at her Hunter Bracelet and thought what is strange.

[Status debuff: Catastrophe Omen]

Veora trembled, goosebumps seeing the status debuff she had somehow obtained. Then she immediately realized one thing. 

"The death of the Deadly Vulture just now triggered it?!"

No one answered her. Although she is not seeking for answer because she already knows the answer herself. She still cannot believe on that fact. 

Actually, she realized that if the three big boss monsters were killed, they would get the debuff. But she had forgotten that possibility because of the situation that trapped them now.

"What do we do, Sylvia?!"

"Calm yourself. You've been relaxing too much. This is not like the first time we have faced a situation like this."

That is true. Ever since they started leading Shield City, the work Veora does is only being Sylvia's right-hand man who had never faced big battles again. Whereas she used to be the warrior protecting Sylvia up front. She still now, but not in physical combat.

There suddenly, Sylvia looked up at the sky. Veora follows to look at the strange sky. 


[The Gates of Hell's Judgment]

[This gate is directly connected to the hell that opens up in the sky. This gate appears to send a Hell Beast summoned by Catastrophe Omen.]


"That is so beautiful."

Jared fascinated with the sky view at the time he glared at it with his head tilted upwards in a strange posture.


"Is that a hell?" 

"Is it your first time seeing it?"

"Yeah. But rather than hell, it looks more like a butt hole."



Everyone looks up to the sky. Looking up at a giant fiery red hole that pierced the sky.

All over the walls of the hole there are millions of burnt dots that some of them flew here and there. 


Monster Name: Hell Imp

Difficulty: Unknown

Type: Hell Monster

Monster Info: 

- Little monsters that live in hell. They can be seen when [The Gate of Hell's Judgment] opens. They appear with the gates of hell to deliver the Hell Beasts to Abyssal Terra. After that they will disappear along with the gates of hell.

Existence: Hell.


A few moments after the gates of hell opened, something floated down from within.

That something being picked up by thousands of Hell Imp so as not to fall down.

That something is like a dog, a big wolf.

"Fenrir?" muttered Veora.

The big wolf slowly but surely lowered to the surface. It is likely that it will be dropped off in the northern area of the city.


"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Everyone, run!"

Tyler realized this and immediately ordered all the Hunters to run.

Of course not all of them run away. The few tens of Platinum are just running slowly. Make sure that the Gold and Silver outside get a chance to enter the city.

"What the hell happened to this night?!"

He ran as he questioning the shitty situation they had to face.


"Where do you want to go, girl?!"

Jade stopped a young Priest girl who wanted to run outside.

"Please let me through! The people in the East District need me!"

"What are you thinking?! Can't you see the hell gate is opened now?! That means a bigger fight will drown this land?!"

The Priest girl takes Jade's screams to her heart and begins to sob. She had blocked the Priest girl's desire.

"I am sorry. But I can't let a young girl like you come out into that big battlefield."

The Priest girl listened to her words. Even though she looked like she wanted to cry because Jade was hard on her.

"That is why, I will go. So you don't have to worry too much about East District women."

Jade raised the Green Sky Shield and walked out of the gate. All of her men followed behind.

However, before they really left, Jade pointed to two of her men.

"You two, stay and guard this gate. Don't let any of these young people waste their lives."

The two men appointed without hesitation listened to Jade's words.

A battle phase bigger than before will continue to tremble the Land of Honor in the Holy Night.

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