To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Battle of Catastrophe (7)

They got beaten up. DKC doesn't have a big destruction power like the one in Blackish Mountain incident. But the complexity of his dark flame sure made them overwhelmed. Plus, if they do just one single mistake, those dark flames will surely take their life.

"Try to restore your strength, Sylvia. We will give you time."

Sylvia is the one who got beaten up the most. She lost her helmet. Several parts of her armor damaged and there are several scratch marks.

She is currently being defended by Veora and healed by few Priest nor far from her position. 

All the Knight Lady is there to face the Demon King Commander. They also have to do it quick so they could face the Catastrophe Beast next. 

However, in that moment, DKC is sitting hunched over, frozen in place. He became like that after receiving Blue Clarity for the second time. 

"I know he is a Pure Alteration Demon. But, just how strong he could become?"

At that moment, the dark mana that was overflowing from DKC's body is getting bigger, stronger than before.

Dark Mana comes from the darkness that envelops Black Hunter. The deeper a Black Hunter enters the darkness of their hearts, the stronger they will become. DKC is in the process.

Why don't they keep attacking him at a time like that?

"Take this!"

One Archer shot her arrow without Arts strongly. But the arrow shattered immediately when it hit DKC's skin.

DKC skin has became an iron. 

What if using Arts?

DKC's anti-Arts dark flames covering him. Any arts that touch the flames will immediately vanish, no matter how big the Arts are performed.

Attacking him in close range is not even an option. 

So their only option is to wait for DKC to open his eyes once more. When that happens, they will face a bigger fight than before.


Suddenly, they heard a girl's voice coming over. 

All of them immediately look to the source of the calling, then got startled of who is coming. 


That is Elizabeth. She innocently ran towards them from the south. Got a little trouble running because of her intricate clothes and Staff of Hope being longer than her.

"Veora! Stop her!"

Sylvia orders Veora to go to Elizabeth and let go of her protection. 

Veora is the strongest defender in their party. But the little girl is the priority. So she without doubting herself immediately runs toward the little girl. 

The little girl expected Veora's intention. So she stopped her feet, standing vigorously, then shouted:

"I want to help!"

At that strong purpose, Veora stopped her feet right in front of the little girl, then talked:

"Elizabeth, girl, this is not a place you supposed to be right now. There is a really strong villain guy back there, and you are not ready to be in here."

Another logical sentiment reason from another adult to stop her. But Elisa is ready to face it with her own reason. 

"I want to help. There is a person I really want to meet."

"A person?"

Veora did not ask it directly to the girl: 'Is that Sylvia?'

The big sister of the little girl. However, the big sister now is really busy dealing with a villain guy. 


That shout was a warning to everyone. The warning came along with the chills Veora felt coming from behind.

She quickly rushed to take the little girl to her protection, then she face her shield to behind. 

An explosion of dark flame occurs and sent out an extremely powerful shock wave. So strong that it swept away the ruins of the surrounding buildings.

Strangely, Veora didn't feel the effect of resisting the shock wave. 

She opens her eyes and found out there is a light yellow barrier that protects them – an Arts. 

"Wait, but how about the anti-Arts dark flames?"

That is the reason Veora didn't put a protection Arts before. Because the previous shock wave is a dark flame wave. 

However, the little girl, without earnestly knowing the fact, she protects them with her Arts.


The little girl vigorously looks at the front, where the villain guy is, without feeling afraid.

"Lady Veora, please, I want to talk with shem."

Veora frowned. Because suddenly there is a rumble in front. She didn't hear Elisa's request very well. If she not mistaken, the little girl said 'she', so she really wanted to talk with Sylvia.

"Okay." Veora allows her. "But wait until the situation calmer."

If they want the situation to become calm, they have to defeat DKC or at least put him into sleep again. 


Sylvia being left to protect herself. Meanwhile, the other defender except Veora protects the Priest. The Archers run far from the place to avoid the shock wave.

From the source of the previous black shock wave, stood DKC. After awakening from sleep, he has evolved. His demonic armor has spread to right shoulder and chest, and also half of his face. 

"That's quite cool. Not bad-not bad."

He also grows two demonic wings on his back. Demonic wings that are twice as large as his body.

However, he can't move those wings too much. He even overloaded to the two wings on his back. Make him have to bend down. But that only made him look even more sinister.josei

"So, you have awakened once more?" asked Sylvia.

At the time, he might could not be able to answer Sylvia's question. But his gaze of hatred for Sylvia answered that question. 

Just when they think the battle will continue, violent rumbles could be heard from outside.

Fortunately, they didn't have to go close to the wall to see the source of the violent rumbles. Because the violent rumbles are coming from a three tornado that circles the city. 


Regardless of what happened outside, DKC dashed forward.


Barrier Control Center / 

All the officers panicked because of the sudden tornado.

"Holy shit!"

"What are we gonna do?!"

"If those three tornadoes hit the barrier together, we will be over!"

"Isn't there anything we can do else?!"

"No, without Guild Protection, there is nothing else we can do!"

Guild Protection is absolute. But the current barrier is a product of hunter's science and has it limits. If they broke, then nothing else.

"We are dead!"

Actually, the barrier is not the only thing that could protect them. Abyssal Hunters, those who are strong, the Administrators that protect the city, Sylvia Shield family to be precise. 

"Where are they?! Why haven't they defeated that Catastrophe Beast yet?!"

"They currently faced the Demon King Commander in the east district!"

One wall guard answers the question. 

But that answer didn't really answered the question. 

"That makes it quick or we are going to die!"


With that burden on her head, Sylvia couldn't really focus on the battle.


"[Wind Arts: Blow Force]!"

Sylvia got blown away by the Casters' Arts to avoid DKC's attack. She is not in a fit state of dodging alone. If Arts didn't give effect to DKC, then Casters just need to utilize their ability to help their leader in any way. 

"You are a stubborn one, you know that."

Even though Sylvia had knocked him down twice, DKC seemed unwilling and wouldn't give up.

"No, at this state, me too am a stubborn. Even though with just my death will stop you. Even though it will bring even greater danger to the city I guard."

The three tornadoes are getting closer to the city. Soon, they will hit the barrier, and if they are unlucky, the barrier will immediately be destroyed and the city will be hit by three deadly tornadoes.

"I know this is shame, but, at this time, I wish he is here. To save the people."

Sylvia, in vague intentions, lowered the Blue Sky Sword, closed her eyes, then stood still. She did that as DKC dashed forward by pulling his demonic hand.


Veora is still far from the scene and nor the other defender to reach her. 


In a speed of wind, she bent down and is about to slash forward.

But suddenly, DKC got thrown away far to the east. Then crashed to the ground hard. 

"Damn! Those wings are heavy af!"

Suddenly, someone shouted something. The person is right in front of Sylvia. He just saved her from the gamble she bet.

"If you wish for that shorty, don't even try to expect. He is nowhere to be found."

The person turned his back to Sylvia. But Sylvia is quite familiar with his voice. Even though somehow his hair got cut and he wears a mantle which has a red dragon head symbol on its back, Sylvia wouldn't have recognized that man wrong.

"Major of Shield City, let's make a contract."


Veora finally got to Sylvia. But by the time she got there, the person that saved Sylvia is already gone. 

"Sylvia, isn't that the Greedy Young Master?"

Veora was only watching from afar, but she couldn't wrong seeing the man who is known to be very greedy.

Especially before he had saved the cathedral.

Being taken care by Elizabeth, Sylvia did not give an answer. 

Instead of Sylvia, Elizabeth looks at Veora convincingly. 

"Don't worry, he is on our side and he will save the city."

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