To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Battle of Her Voices

DKC stopped right in front of Elizabeth with his demonic hand nearly slash the girl. 

The girl in other hand, did not flinch when faced with the demon in front of her. She neither blinked nor felt scared. She only looked at the man in front of her firmly. 

It made everyone that watching feel their heartbeat stop. They wanted to rush in to saved the girl, but that would be so dangerous and would most likely endanger the girl.

"Arthur, you are there, right?"

Elizabeth tried to speak to the demon. The demon seems doesn't hear her voice. 


But he does aware of her singular existence.

At that awareness, Elisa started shedding tears.

"It's been a long time."

DKC – Arthur lowered his right demonic hand and turns to raise his left hand. 


'Kill her.'


Elisa's appearance calm him down, but, just for a moment. 


Until he growled and raised his right demonic hand again.


Elisa didn't know what happened. But she could hear someone's voice just now. a cruel voice that brought back Arthur's hatred.


"Arthur! Please, wake up, it's me-!"

Elisa not given the opportunity to speak. Arthur slashed his demonic hand at her position viciously.


Sylvia stopped because of what just happened. Whereas previously she was still walking to get closer, but she is too late.


Then suddenly she could hear Elisa's voice again. 

"You can't talk with him."

"But, before!"

Ars saves Elisa by teleporting. It was very unexpected but Ars able to save the girl in the last second.

"There is something stuck on him. Until you get rid of that 'something', he won't be able to control his own body."

At what Ars told, Elisa tries to look at Arthur for more detail, and she finds something that Ars said.

"That is, a cloud of mana? Somebody?"

Behind Arthur's back, there is a cloud of Arts that formed a human body. That cloud of mana stuck to Arthur's body like a second-form of life.

"He is being possessed?"

Elisa could say that because the cloud of mana had a consciousness of its own that connected directly to Arthur's head.

"I've been trying to attack that 'thing' before. But direct hits don't work on it, unless you deal with the host."

"Isn't that the same as killing Arthur-?!"

When Elisa is angry, Arthur attacks them. The attack did not inflict any injury on them, but it still felt scary.

"Please, don't do that!"

"Then, what should I do?"


'Kill her.'


"That voice again."

Elisa could once again hear the faint voice from Arthur's direction, but it sounded like a female voice, and did not come directly from Arthur's mouth, but from behind him.


Arthur spun around and immediately fired several dark fire balls.


The attack didn't work on Ars' barrier.

After that attack, Arthur launched one more attack when he is close enough to them. Attacks that rely on his right demonic hand. A claw of wind that sent out claws of black flames.



In that attack, Ars evaded by teleporting. He left the dragon barrier to try to hold Arthur's claw. Arthur's claw scorched the dragon barrier in its tracks.

"Did he get stronger than before?"

The scorched dragon barrier was indeed low level. But Ars still got a little surprised because Arthur - DKC boy is able to continue to increase his strength regardless his body is about to be broke.

"Hey, Greedy guy, don't slack!"

Veora shouted something to the slacker Ars.


He got shot by several dark fire balls from the right. But the dragon barrier is there to block the shot.

"Hey, let me go!"

Ars forgot that he still held Elisa.

"Oh, ok."

"W-wait, kyaaa!"

Ars throws Elisa at Veora.

Veora steadily caught Elisa.

"You okay, girl?"

"Thank you, Lady Ve - !"

Veora raised her shield to withstand two dark fire balls. That is very surprising. Since Ars previously playing with Arthur, she thought the demon man was after Ars.

"He changed his target?!"

Without Veora's need to think any further, just seeing Arthur darting towards them, she could immediately tell, that the demon man is after Elisa.

"This problem is even more serious!"

She got up and carried Elisa, then spurred her feet to run fast.

However, Veora's speed is very slow for Arthur.

At that, the Supporters get out of their cover to shoot Arthur. But all their shots didn't work on Arthur's steel wings. All those attacks couldn't even slow Arthur down.

Veora got terrified at the scene behind.

"Hey, don't just look, help us!"

At Veora's request, Ars appeared right in front of Arthur with swinging Hinayan Warhammer.

Then boom. Hinayan Warhammer hits Arthur. But unexpectedly, Arthur withstood the blow from the super heavy hammer.

"Don't you feel pain?" asked Ars, confusedly curious.

Arthur flapped his wings hard in response to the question.


Boom. Boom. Boom. Ars fired several dragon missiles to silence Arthur.

But once again, the demon man withstand such explosive attack just to dashed forward. 

"Hell no!"

Veora put Elisa to the surface, then raised her shield, to face the Demon King Commander.


Veora is ready to use her body to become a meat shield. 

Suddenly Sylvia appeared in front of her who will face DKC. 

"Don't you dare hurt her!"

Regardless of her understanding of the anti-Arts dark flame, Sylvia is going to face DKC even though she would lose the Blue Sky Sword.

But unfortunately, DKC fold his right wing, then flapped away Sylvia and Veora together.

Arthur is right in front of his target, the little priest girl.

"Arthur, stop!"

However, the little priest girl not afraid of his power.

"Ok, I'm done with you."

The greedy man suddenly appeared right in front of him with hundreds of sword floating above his head, 

"Imma kill you right now."

"No, Ars!"

Regardless of the conflicts that occurred with the greedy man and the little priest girl, Arthur raised the right demonic hand.


Suddenly, the Catastrophe Beast howled so loudly it was hurt to the ears.

Elisa prepared her heart for what the Catastrophe Beast is going to drop into the east district. But no attacks came. What heard is the voice of someone who is in pain instead.


After the Catastrophe Beast's howl, Arthur clutched his head, in pain.

Elisa stood up and immediately rushed over to see Arthur's state. However, there is a barrier preventing her from doing that.


Ars ignored her protests.

The sound of a sword slashing at something was heard and made Elisa immediately turn her head. Sylvia had just slashed Arthur before her eyes. At that moment, Elisa could do nothing but be silent.

After slashing DKC for the third time, Sylvia dropped the Blue Sky Sword and fell backwards. She got caught by Veora when she fell. She completely exhausted.

At the time, Arthur bowing his head, silent. 

"He is not dead."

"He is not?"

"Yeah, he's been like that three times, no, four times if my previous attacks counted. Only two things can kill him. One, hellfire. Two, have him kill himself with hellfire. Or you can pay me 100k to kill him. Wait, is that three?"

Even though Arthur didn't die, Elisa still felt a pain in her heart. 

"Wait, did he just, moved his finger?" asked Veora. 

Elisa immediately looked at Arthur's finger to make sure. And yes, Arthur slowly moving his fingers again.

"Wait, he got up faster than before!"

In the first and second slashes of Blue Clarity, it took Arthur a long time to get back up. But at the time, he got up no less in a minute.

"My attack just now only intended to stop him for a moment. Elisa, do what you want to do."

Sylvia sacrificed her strength to give Elisa a chance. That's why Elisa didn't want to throw it away.

"Hey, wait."

Just when she wants to start talking, Ars stopped her. 

"What again?!"

"Try hitting him with your staff. Maybe that will work."


Elisa did not understand what Ars just said.

"What are you saying? My staff is not to hurt people."

"But he is a demon and didn't you just hit me before?"

"Well, that's true, but – "

When Elisa was still unsure of her choice, Arthur awoke.


He lifted his head and flapped his wings.

"Rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh - !"

He woke up and immediately made a scene. But six sword directly stabbed him in his wings, hands, and body. 

That Ars' swords. The six swords are burning within the Arts with extremely high heat. That stopped Arthur from making a scene, but not his rampage.


Unable to make a scene, he shouted loudly enough to hurt his ears.

"Hit him, now!"

The order was given to Elisa.

The order to hit Arthur with the Staff of Hope is ridiculous. But Elisa didn't have many choices.

"I am sorry, Arthur!"


"Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." "Arthur!" "Arthur." 

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