Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 253 - Introduction to the Awards Ceremony

Chapter 253 - Introduction to the Awards Ceremony

Chapter 253: Introduction to the Awards Ceremony

Director Liu laughed and said, “As for all the other matters, such as the impact on the film, etc.,… you don’t have to worry about that. I personally want you to go. As the center of the film, there’s no reason for you not to show yourself. This type of awards ceremony has an unspoken rule…they only give out awards to those who attend the ceremony.

“Even if they had already chosen you, but you decided not to show up because you had something else to do, then the award would be given to someone else who was present at the ceremony,” Director Liu explained. “So I hope that you can be there. If you aren’t there, then there’s no way you will get the award. If you are there, you will have the opportunity.

“Once you get this award, no matter who you write a script for in the future, as long as your name is identified with the script, there will be lines of actors willing to read your script. Otherwise, if no one knows who you are, your scripts may not even reach the hands of any actors, and even if some actors receive your scripts, they may not be willing to look at them. Of course, I’m talking about well-known actors who already have generated a certain amount of publicity.

“Smalltime and rookie actors just want any film to be cast in. I’m not saying that they are necessarily bad. It’s just that there are so many ways actors can attract a lot of publicity, and it may not always be because they are good at acting. We’re not interested in publicity; we are just looking for those actors who are actually good at acting. Actors like Zhang Kangwang: he is very picky about which scripts he chooses, and he only acts in the best.

“Before he looks at the script, he will first look at the name of the director and the scriptwriter.”

“I get what you mean.” Tan Mo understood what Director Liu wanted to say to her.

Once she received the award and received more publicity, she would establish a reputation as a good scriptwriter.

Then, in the future, if Tan Jinqi wants to film a tv series and puts her in charge of the script… Those established actors like Zhang Kangwang might not have a lot of confidence in Tan Jinqi because he is a novice director, but once they see that Tan Mo is the scriptwriter, they will give the work a chance.

“If it won’t have a negative impact on the viewership of our film, then I will attend the ceremony,” Tan Mo said.

“Great.” Director Liu nodded and continued, “The location of the awards ceremony is in B city, but the exact address has not been set yet. They will let us know a month prior the ceremony. Also the hotels will be arranged by the ceremony hosts. When they inform me of all the details, I will send them to you. But if you want to have your hair and makeup done, you’ll have to find someone to do that for you yourself.”

Tan Mo poked at her cheeks…she was only 16 years old. She had never put on makeup before.

And her skin was milky white and clean, not a single pore could be seen, and her brows had a naturally nice shape and were dark. She had no need of a makeover.

Her lips were a healthy light pink. They always seemed like she had put on a natural-look lipstick.

On her way home that day, Tan Mo went over her schedule in her mind. Her semester finals was also in January.

She wondered if there would be a conflict in the timing. On second thought, she decided it would be fine because the awards ceremony was held at night.

She recalled that these ceremonies were typically held in the early evening, somewhere around 5:00 or 6:00 pm.

At that time, she would have finished her finals already.

Tan Mo told her family the news in the family group chat.

Tan Jinqi was excited.

Finally, Tan Mo wasn’t going to hide backstage. She was going to appear in front of the public.

She had had to stay hidden before for the sake of “Legend of Wei and Jin”. She didn’t want to bring trouble to herself or to the crew, so she hadn’t appeared previously. But Tan Jinqi didn’t like that.

It was true that Tan Mo was young and talented, but what was wrong with that? Most people were ordinary and untalented, so they couldn’t believe that there were talents like Tan Mo. Thus, Tan Mo had been forced to stay hidden.

That wasn’t fair.

Those people had bad characters. Now, finally, she doesn’t have to stay hidden any longer.

With the thought that the public would finally get to know who was the scriptwriter of “Legend of Wei and Jin”… Tan Jinqi’s heart was filled with pride.

Xu Mingzhen was also happy that Tan Mo would be coming back home for the weekend. She wanted to take Tan Mo shopping and find her a dress for the awards ceremony.

Whether she would get the award or not, Tan Mo must be dressed prettily.

Once he received the awards ceremony’s location, time, hotel, car pickup schedule, and the other information, Director Liu sent an invitation to their home.

He also took care to send invitations to everyone else in Tan Mo’s family, so they could go to the awards ceremony.

They would definitely want to see Tan Mo get the award themselves.

Xu Mignzhen held the invitation, noticing that their seats were toward the front.

“When Director Liu asked for invitations, he mentioned to the ceremony hosts that the Tan Yue Group was one of the main investors of ‘Legend of Wei and Jin’. So they sent us some of the best seats they have,” Tan Jinqi explained to her.

Typically, the front rows were reserved for those who were up for an award since it was easier to walk on stage from the front rows.

Otherwise it would be extremely inconvenient for nominees to receive their award if they had to squeeze through the crowd.

The front rows were also reserved for those who were considered the top of the industry.

The first row was where all the high-caliber actors, investors, and the ceremony hosts sat.

It wasn’t only for actors.

Same for the following rows…

Xu Mingzhen took a close look at the invitation and saw that she and Tan Wenci were seated in the second row.

Tan Jinsheng and Tan Jinyi were seated in the fourth row.

“Mo Mo, where are you sitting?” Tan Jinshen asked.

“I’m sitting with brother in the third row, seats 12 and 13.” Tan Mo had already memorized all the key information, so she didn’t have to look at her invitation card again. josei

Tan Jinsheng and Tan Jinyi were very jealous.

Tan Jinsheng said, “When I finish school, I’m going to write the music for all the films that Mo Mo writes a script for. Then, I’ll also be able to sit with Mo Mo.” He wanted to become famous, so he could tell the ceremony hosts that he didn’t want to be seated anywhere but by Mo Mo.

If they gave him any other seat, he wouldn’t even take it.

Just because of that, he wanted to become famous.

Tan Jinyi pondered this and that… However, the occupation that he had chosen seemed to…seemed to have nothing to do with what Tan Mo was doing.

Even if he was creating characters, like those in cartoons… It seemed to have nothing to do with his focus in school.

Tan Jinyi felt a bit worried…

“Worry about the future when the future comes,” Xu Mingzhen said. “Who knows what kind of opportunity will come up? It’s hard to predict the future now, since anything can happen.”

Tan Jinyi nodded his head.

He agreed with Mom.

“We don’t even know if Mo Mo will receive the award,” Tan Wenci said with a big smile on his face. “But Zhiqian is keeping an eye out, so no one will be able to do any shady dealings against Mo Mo. Mo Mo will get what she deserves if she was actually chosen.”

So, if Tan Mo wasn’t chosen this time, there could be many other reasons.

Like maybe she is too young and inexperienced, and many may question why she received the award.

Like perhaps there were some inadequacies in the script.

Lots of things have to be taken into consideration. However, they knew that if she wasn’t chosen, it wasn’t because of any shady dealings.

Xu Mingzhen had a good eye for fashion.

She had dressed Tan Mo up since she had been little, and Tan Mo had always looked like a cute little doll.

Xu Mingzhen decided to take Tan Mo shopping on Saturday to purchase a gown for the awards ceremony.

On Friday night she was chatting with Xiao Menghan over WeChat, and she mentioned going shopping with Tan Mo.

Xiao Menghan asked excitedly, “Oh, I have time tomorrow. May I go with you guys?”

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