TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: A Unilateral Slaughter

"Interesting" Liu Yang spoke animatedly. He didn't know what time he had appeared in the kingdom, so he had no idea about the time at the place.

Not even the village had anything like that to mark the hours. The only thing that marked the time was the sound of the bell.

"I will go back to get the sword" Liu Yang walked back to his hut. He had left the sword in there.

"Old man, what do you think of that? Is he someone from the other world or not? " Another old man asked. He was looking forward to seeing Liu Yang suffer.

"I am ninety percent sure about this. But if he can really survive the night, I will have to rethink it. All the other world travelers we know were only between levels 10 and 15, their power would be considered weak, but this young man gives me a different feeling. He seems to be someone too powerful to be a traveler from another world "

"This may be some kind of skill, travelers from another world can't be so strong, at least those who show up here. Here it would be considered an area where only the weak appear. The most powerful travelers from another world are in the capitals of the kingdom "Another commented. They had seen many other travelers from the other world before. But they were very powerful and did not travel through weak areas.

"We will wait and see. It's been a few weeks since we met a traveler from another world. "

"Hehe… If he is strong enough, we will have a great show. Otherwise, he will be just another idiot screaming in despair in the middle of the night. "

The residents had anticipation looks on their faces to see Liu Yang suffer among the night creatures. They hated travelers from other worlds, as they were arrogant and did many bad things in the village. Because of this, they killed any traveler from another world that appears.

"Sir, are you really going out for the night?" Callie was startled when she saw Liu Yang take the giant sword and place it on his back. He also took an ordinary sword and tied it around his waist.

On one side there was the sword he received from Misalova Lida and on the other side the old Herman's steel sword.

"Yes. I need to warm up a little bit "Liu Yang spoke casually.

"Sir ..." Before she could speak, Callie was interrupted by Liu Yang.

"If you want to say something, you can wait until tomorrow" Liu Yang had given time to her until tomorrow to think about it.

The scene of Liu Yang carrying the heavy giant sword on his back surprised people in the village, they knew the giant sword forged by old Herman. So far, no one has managed to wield it, much less carry it on their backs. So that scene was surprising to everyone.

"Dear guest, you can wait outside the village. The nocturnal creatures will come to you and we need to make some preparations for the arrival of the night "The village chief went to Liu Yang and commented.


Liu Yang walked outside the village. He looked at the sky and saw that it was already getting dark.

The sun was already setting on the horizon. And the sky has gone completely dark, there are no stars or moon in the sky tonight. A sense of death hung over the plains.

All the wild beasts that live on the plains were hidden in their dens and fear to leave at that time.

Suddenly, a cold, penetrating wind began to blow across the plains.

(This sensation ... This sensation is the same as that of the initial area of ​​the Dark Continent. It seems that the only thing that has changed is the weather during the day, as the sensation of the night is the same, dangerous and deadly.) Liu Yang thought. He still remembers the deadly sensation at night in the initial village.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

Thousands of roaring sounds were heard on the horizon.

Crack !!! Crack !!! Crack !!!

Cracking sounds were heard behind Liu Yang, when he looked back, he was surprised by what he saw. A layer of land covered the village like a bubble.

Some holes can be seen in the barrier, and some faces have been shown. They were the locals wanting to see Liu Yang suffer in the crowd of nocturnal creatures.

(It seems that the village has some defensive methods to avoid attacks by the night creatures. This is interesting) Liu Yang understood a few things.

If the nocturnal creatures appear every night, if the village had no defense, the village would have been destroyed and massacred long ago.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

The roars came closer at every moment. The sounds of thousands of heavy steps were also heard.

Liu Yang looked towards the sounds and saw a great horde of hideous creatures.

These creatures looked like wolves, but their bodies were larger in parts. Unlike gray wolves, these wolves had black fur, their hind legs were slightly lower than their front legs. Thus, they were slightly tilted downwards, the front part of the body was high and went down to the tail.

These wolves' eyes were bright as two stars on a starry day. The mouth was a little big with two rows of big, sharp teeth like knives, the four fangs in the front were scary, two in the top row, and two in the bottom row.

The four legs were as thick as an elephant's feet. Each finger had a nail as sharp as a high-quality dagger. The bodies of these strange wolves were muscular and as big as a small car.

"What would these strange wolves be considered? Beasts? Or mutant beasts? They don't look like demons. "Liu Yang was wondering about these creatures. For he wanted to see the effects of his titles working.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

When the wolves smelled fresh meat from Liu Yang, they carried on like a horde hungry for food.

Pang !!!

"Let's see how strong you guys are" Liu Yang also charged towards the horde of wolves.josei

His steps were heavy because of the giant sword.

Roar !!! Roar !!! Roar !!!

The dark wolves charged ferociously towards Liu Yang when they saw him running towards them.

Pang !!!

Liu Yang punched the head of the first wolf.

Roar !!! Booom !!

The wolf didn't even have a chance to scream in pain when its head was destroyed by the punch. Liu Yang was strong enough to do this against a rank 2 beast. He was already at level 30 with twenty points in the strength attribute and adding with a weakened about thirty percent because of the effects of the title and the power of the Conqueror.

The wolf became very easy for him to kill.

Hot energy entered his body after the wolf was killed. The title's effects regained its spent energy.

Roar !!!! Roar !!!! Roar !!!!

Several wolves scratched Liu Yang's body with their sharp claws, but none of them managed to injure his resistance body. More than forty vitality points were no joke.

"Killing these wolves will be a piece of cake" Liu Yang kicked and punched the wolves directly on their heads. They were all killed instantly.

Pang !!! Pang !!! Pang !!!

With each punch and kick, a wolf was killed without a chance to roar. It was instant death.

The villagers looked at the scene with fear. They saw Liu Yang kill dozens of wolves using only his hands and feet. This was an insane thing to see.

"No… No... This is not possible !!! Who is this young man ??? Is he really someone from another world ?? " The villagers began to question this.

No other world traveler they've seen before has been able to do what Liu Yang was doing at the time.

Callie had bright eyes when she saw this scene. She knew she had met someone very powerful, this was a once in a lifetime chance. If she doesn't enjoy it, she will regret it all her life.

"Ahh !!!" Liu Yang held the giant sword in both hands and spun a few times.

Like Garen in League of Legends, Liu Yang cut several dozens of wolves in a few seconds. He looked like a tireless slaughtering machine.

"Using this sword is very tiring. At least I can recover all my energy after killing these wolves."

"Congratulations on reaching level 31. You have received an attribute point"

"The experience I gain must be much better than the rank 1 creatures. But it is a pity that these creatures do not drop anything ... What is that?" Before Liu Yang could finish his thought, he saw that there was something shiny on the floor.

"Is this the drop of the wolf? But why didn't I receive anything during the day? Or is it because the items can only be dropped at night? " Liu Yang immediately thought about that possibility.

"If this is true. This is a good time to earn some profits. I will need money when I go to a city"

"I will get these things later. First, I will defeat all of you and level out "Liu Yang was excited after discovering this information.

Slash!!! Slash!!! Slash!!!

Liu Yang kept spinning and turning like a wheel while holding the sword. Hundreds of wolves were killed within seconds. This was a one-sided massacre.

"I shouldn't be doing this often. I'm already dizzy from spinning. " Liu Yang Liu Yang's vision became a little blurred after spinning so many times.

The bodies of the dark wolves disappeared after a few seconds, which remained in place were several items.

Suddenly, a loud and powerful howl was heard.

Auuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!

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