Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 63 - Falling While Bungee-Jumping (Part 1)

Chapter 63 - Falling While Bungee-Jumping (Part 1)

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Falling While Bungee-Jumping (Part 1)

“Sian, are you going to bungee jump?” Jia asked as she jumped up and down. She looked so excited. You really can’t judge a book by its cover. A lot of times, the person you’d think would freak out at this sort of thing might actually love it.

“Nope. He is,” I said, gesturing towards Jun-jin.

Jun-jin shook his head, immediately voicing his protests.

“No way! I never said that!”

“You should!” Jia said, clinging onto Jun-jin’s arm and shaking her cute little ass. No way could Jun-jin resist that. He then began to blush.

‘You’re so...’ I mentally tsked as I watched Jun-jin.

“You’ll do it, right?” Jia said with a bright smile.

“Uh…y-yeah…I’ll do it…”

In the end, Jun-jin agreed and we all headed over to get in line.

We signed a waiver and went up to the bungee jump zone. It felt great to be up there.

“What’s so great about this…” Jun-jin said, visibly shaking with fear. I’ve never seen his face like that before.

“I like it.”

I calmly looked down over the railing. The employees quickly tried to stop me.

“You can’t goof around up here.”

“Can I goof around after I have the harness on?”

“Uh, no…that’s…” the park employee stammered.

“Okay, so who’s first?” another park employee asked. He looked to be in his middle ages and was kind of creepy-looking. I could already tell that he was an asshole.

“This person,” I said.

“This guy,” Jia said at the same time.

Jun-jin looked like he was about to throw up. But is that really a face a person makes when they’re sick? Well anyways, the park employee began to tie the harness around Jun-jin, who passed the camera to me. This is probably the first time a VJ has done something like this. Then again, this is nothing. There are tons of VJs who have done even more dangerous stunts. There was once a show called Law of the Jungle where a group of VJs almost got killed while facing off a group of indigenous people.

Soon, Jun-jin was clipped to the harness as he stood on the board. Unfortunately, he gripped onto the handrails, refusing to let go.

“You can do it, Jun-jin!” Jia shouted. I guess that made Jun-jin happy because he looked back at Jia with a smile.

“You go, Jun-jin,” I said, but the asshole didn’t look at me. I would’ve knocked his head off for that, but I didn’t. Jun-jin walked to the edge. Now he just has to jump.

“Hey, Jun-jin. Is there anyone you like?” the park employee asked.

“There is!” Jun-jin shouted.

“Great. Then when you jump, I want you to shout the name of the person you love.”

“Okay!” Jun-jin shouted again.

“Alright, then. One! Two! Three!” the employee shouted.

But at the last second, Jun-jin fell back onto his feet.


“Coward,” I spat out without thinking.

Jun-jin glared at me.

“What’s wrong with you, Sian? It’s totally understandable. Jun-jin, you can do it!” Jia called out to Jun-jin again. That gave Jun-jin the courage to get back up again. Can love give you strength? Yeah, right. Anyways, Jun-jin walked up to the edge again and took a deep breath.

“Whoooo~ Haaa…”

He stood up straight, the determination clear on his face. The employee began to count again.






“Jia! I love you!” Jun-jin shouted. Unfortunately, he froze again. So, I walked forward and gave him a kick to his rear end.


And with that, he began to fall forward and off the board. Finally.

“Aaaaah! Aaah! Argh! Aaaahhhhhh…..Aaaaaah! Aaaaah! Aaaaah!!! Aah! Ah! Aaah!”

The guy’s cries were so loud, I bet everyone in the amusement could hear him.


“Wow! That looks like fun!”

We said after watching Jun-jin. After a while, Jun-jin finally stopped moving long enough for an employee down there to get him onto the boat to take him back to land. Now, it was Jia’s turn. She became even more excited as the employee began to put the harness on her. Did she just like it that much?

“Jia, aren’t you scared?”


“Yeah, I can tell,” I said, ruffling Jia’s hair. How can one person be so adorable? Seriously, if I were a guy, I wouldn’t let Jia leave my side for one second. Of course, I think that way even right now. But…but if Jia ever gets a boyfriend…I’ll fucking kill…no, let’s not do that.

Anyways, Jia hurried to the edge.

“Go, Jia!” I cheered.

“Thanks!” Jia said.

“Jia, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Hmph! No. Not yet!” Jia shouted.

“Then do you have a guy you like?”

“No!” Jia shouted again. But that made me a little sad. How nice would it be if Jia were to say she liked me? Does she? But I…fuck, I’m a girl. Ugh, the more I think about it, the angrier I become.

“Then, do you have a person you love?”

“I do!”

“Then I want you to shout that person’s name as you jump, okay?”


“Then let’s go! One!”

“One!” Jia repeated.




“Three! Sian, I love you!”

And with that, Jia jumped off. My heart stopped. To be honest, I thought she’d shout her parent’s name or something. But contrary to my expectationz, she shouted mine! I could feel myself falling for her even more now. Wow, this girl. I looked over the railing to watch her beautiful body falling gracefully through the air. She looked like an angel. How can a mere mortal look so graceful while bungee jumping? It was enough to make my heart burst.

Jia had both arms out to the side as she made a perfect arc in the air. Soon, the rope ended and she bounced a few more times, up and down. But even though she was so far down, I could see her perfect body. That’s how strong my eyes are. And with those strong eyes, I saw that the rope about to snap!


Before anyone could react, I immediately threw myself over the edge and jumped.

“Hey!” the employee shouted.

But it was too late. I forced my body down faster and faster as Jia’s rope stopped recoiling. And just as I expected, the rope broke in half.


I heard Jia scream.


The people watching from below began to scream as well. Actually, they’ve been screaming since I jumped. Anyways, Jia began to fall and I quickly caught her.

“Jia!” I shouted, grabbing one of her legs. Then her che….no, her arm. Soon, I had her safely in my arms and almost immediately, we hit the water.


We must have hit the water hard because it went over both sides while everyone screamed.


Glub glub glub…

‘Fuck, we’re going down so fast.’

But I couldn’t swim back up before I got my body’s buoyancy to kick in.

‘Oh! My inner power!’

I totally forgot about that. I immediately began to pull together the inner force within me, but we had already reached the bottom of the pool. That was probably a good thing. I could kick off the surface to give myself momentum. I looked at Jia. She was holding onto me tightly as she kept her eyes closed and breath in. She looked terrified. The sight of it made me even more determined to save her and I vowed, once more, to protect her.

‘Just hold on a bit longer, Jia.’

My foot touched the bottom of the pool. Then, like a scene in a drama, I leaned down and gave Jia a kiss. Jia’s eyes opened wide and she stared at me. With a big smile, I kicked off the pool floor. And within ten seconds, we were breaking through the surface of the water.


Jia began to cough and sputter as she soon as the air hit her lungs and I also spit water out of my mouth.

“Jia, are you okay?”

Jia was still sputtering.

“Ugh, this girl.”

“Sniff sniff…!” josei

Now, Jia had tears running down her face and I quickly pulled her close. As soon her face hit my shoulder, she began to sob.

“I..I was so scared…Sian…aah….sniff sniff!”

“That’s it. There, there.”

I patted her comfortingly on the back. I could only imagine how scared she must have been.



“You lived, didn’t you? So what’s the big deal?” the middle-aged man snapped.

“I said the rope snapped, you bastard,” I shouted.

“But no one got hurt, did they? You even signed a waiver,” the employee said with no remorse. I was seriously considering murder at this point.

“Go ahead and report us.”


This guy was really something else.

“But while we’re at it, let’s talk about your attitude. How old are you? Did no one teach you manners? This is why no one likes you,” the man shouted at me. I can honestly say I’ve never met a man as rude and shameless as this one.

“So you’re saying you did nothing wrong?”

“So go ahead and report me!” he shouted.

Okay, fine. I’ll just report it then. But I already knew that it’s hard to penalize or charge someone with negligence. In addition, bungee jumping did not run on a permit system but on a report system, so it’d be hard to get a place shut down. That meant one thing. I was going to have to fight fire with fire.

“Fine. I’ll see you later then.”

With that, I walked out of the office and walked towards Jun-jin who had been waiting for me outside.

“What did he say?” Jun-jin asked.

“First, let’s file a report. How’s Jia?”

“She’s calmed down and she’s with the other members now. I’ve already filed a report for you, just so you know.”

“That’s good.”

I began to stretch out my shoulders.

“Hey, Jun-jin,” I said. “Could you get me a black mask?”

“What? A mask? What for…?”

“Just get me one, please.”

“Oh, okay…”

And then, I began to wait patiently for nightfall.

Evening came. Things really do come to those who are patient. During that time, the police had come to get our statements, but no charges were filed. We asked the police about our options and they said that while we were traumatized by the incident, it would be difficult for us to receive damages because our physical injuries were so minor.

So I asked them what else we could do, but the police had no answer.

[Right now, it’s hard to tell. We’ll have to monitor the situation more.]


Typical. They say that it’s hard to actually punish someone under the country’s current law system. Which was why I was more determined to carry out my task. I was going to give the man a taste of his own medicine. I was going to have to take justice into my own hands, since I had the skills to do so. Not to mention that I had a legitimate reason for doing so. I was going to get revenge on the man who had hurt my sweet, lovely Jia. The most important thing is to not get caught. Oh, I don’t mean I’m going to hurt him or anything. I’m just going to make him feel what Jia felt earlier.

“Here Sian, I have your mask…”

Jun-jin brought the mask over to me.


“But why do you…”

“You don’t have to know,” I replied with a vicious smirk. It’s been a while since I had that expression on.

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